2017-06-04 66 views

在我的OpenGL程序中,我注意到黑色像素出現在正向渲染算法中光線混合在一起的地方。起初,我忽略它,直到我將Window API(SDL轉換爲GLFW)轉換爲視覺上有問題時爲止。爲什麼在向前渲染燈時有Z-格鬥?

當我禁用GL_DEPTH_TEST時,黑色的人工製品消失了,但事物變得對它們後面的燈光透明,所以它不是解決方案。 (這是我如何發現潛在的問題)


圖案閃爍,因爲我移動相機 Rendered scene



// Note: I wrapped OpenGL calls into wrapper functions but the naming convenction is still the same 
gl::Clear(gl::e_ColorBufferBit | gl::e_DepthBufferBit); 

gl::SetBlendFunc(gl::e_One, gl::e_One); // Additive blending 
gl::SetDepthMask(false); // No need to write to depth buffer 
gl::SetDepthFunc(gl::e_Equal); // Only draw fragments of equal depths (ignore fragments behind basically) 
    for (word i = 0; i < m_lights.Length(); ++i) 
     m_active_light = m_lights[i]; 
     mesh->Render(m_active_light->shader); // Shaders use active light 
gl::SetDepthFunc(gl::e_Lequal); // Restore default state 


// Vertex 
void main() 
    // pv_matrix is projection and camera, ml_matrix is model transform 
    gl_Position = pv_matrix * ml_matrix * vec4(pos, 1); 
    f_pos = (ml_matrix * vec4(pos, 1)).xyz; 
    f_nrm = (ml_matrix * vec4(normalize(nrm), 0)).xyz; 
    f_txc = txc; 
// Fragment 
struct Light 
    vec3 color; 
    float intensity; 
struct Attenuation 
    float constant; 
    float linear; 
    float exponent; 
struct PointLight 
    Light light; 
    Attenuation atten; 
    vec3 position; 
    float range; 
struct SpotLight 
    PointLight plight; 
    vec3 direction; 
    float cutoff; 
vec4 CalculateLight(Light light, vec3 direction, vec3 normal) 
    float diffuse_factor = dot(normal, -direction); 
    vec4 diffuse_color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0); 
    vec4 specular_color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0); 

    if (diffuse_factor > 0) 
     diffuse_color = vec4(light.color, 1) * light.intensity * diffuse_factor; 

    vec3 direction_to_eye = normalize(eye_pos - f_pos); // eye_pos is uniform for camera pos, f_pos is (position) attribute sent from vertex shader 
    vec3 reflect_direction = normalize(reflect(direction, normal)); 
    float specular_factor = dot(reflect_direction, direction_to_eye); // specular calculations 
    if (specular_factor > 0) 
     specular_factor = pow(specular_factor, specular_power); 
     specular_color = vec4(light.color, 1) * specular_intensity * specular_factor; 

    return diffuse_color + specular_color; 

vec4 CalculatePointLight(PointLight plight, vec3 normal) 
    vec3 light_direction = f_pos - plight.position; 
    float distance = length(light_direction); 

    if (distance > plight.range) 
     return vec4(0, 0, 0, 0); 

    light_direction = normalize(light_direction); 
    vec4 color = CalculateLight(plight.light, light_direction, normal); 

    float a = plight.atten.constant + (plight.atten.linear * distance) + (plight.atten.exponent * (distance * distance)) + 0.0001; 

    return color/a; 

vec4 CalculateSpotLight(SpotLight slight, vec3 normal) 
    vec3 light_direction = normalize(f_pos - slight.plight.position); 
    float spot_factor = dot(light_direction, slight.direction); 

    vec4 color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0); 
    if (spot_factor > slight.cutoff) 
     color = CalculatePointLight(slight.plight, normal) * (1.0 - ((1.0 - spot_factor)/(1.0 - slight.cutoff))); 

    return color; 

uniform SpotLight spot_light; 

void main() 
    FragColor = CalculateSpotLight(spot_light, f_nrm); // f_nrm is a (normal) attribute sent from vertex shader 

請提供適當的[MCVE](https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)。這仍然是很多未知的事情,尤其是所有與頂點轉換有關的拍打 - 在我看來,這似乎是這個問題最可能出現的地方。 – derhass



您沒有聲明您的gl_Position頂點着色器輸出爲invariant,因此即使您使用的是完全相同的公式,並且在兩次傳遞中都使用了位精確相同的輸入,也不保證着色器達到完全相同的結果。您應該在所有通行證中爲所有着色器添加適當的invariance qualifiers


哇。可能就是這樣。我不是一個嘗試它的家,但我想我學到了一個新的着色器信息。 – Jarann


是的,它解決了它。謝謝! – Jarann