2014-11-08 53 views


import java.util.Scanner; 
public class QuadraticFormula { 

public static void main(String[] args) 
    //Creating scanner and variables 
    Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); 
    System.out.println("Insert value for a: "); 
    double a = Double.parseDouble(s.nextLine()); 
    System.out.println("Insert value for b: "); 
    double b = Double.parseDouble(s.nextLine()); 
    System.out.println("Insert value for c: "); 
    double c = Double.parseDouble(s.nextLine()); 

    //Display format for negatives 
    displayEquation(double a, double b, double c);{ 
    if (b > 0 && c > 0){ 
     System.out.println(a + "x^2 + " + b + "x + " + c + " =0");} 
    if (b < 0 && c > 0){ 
     System.out.println(a + "x^2 " + b + "x + " + c + " =0");} 
    if (b > 0 && c < 0){ 
     System.out.println(a + "x^2 + " + b + "x " + c + " =0");} 
    if (b < 0 && c < 0){ 
     System.out.println(a + "x^2 " + b + "x " + c + " =0");} 
    //The work/formula 
    private static double calculateSolution(double a, double b, double c); 
    double answer1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) - (4 * a * c)))/(2 * a); 
    return answer1; 

    private static double calculateSolution(double a, double b, double c); 
    double answer2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) - (4 * a * c)))/(2 * a); 
    return answer2; 
    //Display results and check if the solution is imaginary (real or not) 
    private static void displaySolutions(double answer1, double answer2); { 
    if (Double.isNaN(answer1) || Double.isNaN(answer2)) 
     System.out.println("Answer contains imaginary numbers"); 
    } else System.out.println("The values are: " + answer1 + ", " + answer2); 





displayEquation(a, b, c); 


public class QuadraticFormula { 

public static void main(String[] args) 
    //Creating scanner and variables 
    Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); 
    System.out.println("Insert value for a: "); 
    double a = Double.parseDouble(s.nextLine()); 
    System.out.println("Insert value for b: "); 
    double b = Double.parseDouble(s.nextLine()); 
    System.out.println("Insert value for c: "); 
    double c = Double.parseDouble(s.nextLine()); 
    //Display format for negatives 
    public static void displayEquation(double a, double b, double c) { 
     if (b > 0 && c > 0){ 
      System.out.println(a + "x^2 + " + b + "x + " + c + " =0");} 
     if (b < 0 && c > 0){ 
      System.out.println(a + "x^2 " + b + "x + " + c + " =0");} 
     if (b > 0 && c < 0){ 
      System.out.println(a + "x^2 + " + b + "x " + c + " =0");} 
     if (b < 0 && c < 0){ 
      System.out.println(a + "x^2 " + b + "x " + c + " =0");} 

    private static double calculateSolution(double a, double b, double c) { 
     double answer2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) - (4 * a * c)))/(2 * a); 
     return answer2; 

    //Display results and check if the solution is imaginary (real or not) 
    private static void displaySolutions(double answer1, double answer2) { 
     if (Double.isNaN(answer1) || Double.isNaN(answer2)) 
      System.out.println("Answer contains imaginary numbers"); 
     else System.out.println("The values are: " + answer1 + ", " + answer2); 

我誠實地嘗試過這一點,但它仍然沒有正確的閱讀。 @dogwin – 2014-11-08 18:06:55


究竟發生了什麼?當我運行代碼時,它工作正常。 – dogwin 2014-11-08 22:14:44