2016-11-12 87 views


 //Vertex program 
     void main_vp_old(
       float4 pos   : POSITION, 
       float4 normal  : NORMAL, 
       float2 tex   : TEXCOORD0, 

       out float4 oPos  : POSITION, 
       out float fresnel : COLOR, 
       out float3 noiseCoord : TEXCOORD0, 
       out float4 projectionCoord : TEXCOORD1, 

       uniform float4x4 worldViewProjMatrix, 
       uniform float3 eyePosition, // object space 
       uniform float fresnelBias, 
       uniform float fresnelScale, 
       uniform float fresnelPower, 
       uniform float timeVal, 
       uniform float scale, // the amount to scale the noise texture by 
       uniform float scroll, // the amount by which to scroll the noise 
       uniform float noise // the noise perturb as a factor of the time 
      oPos = mul(worldViewProjMatrix, pos); 
      // Noise map coords 
      noiseCoord.xy = (tex + (timeVal * scroll)) * scale; 
      noiseCoord.z = noise * timeVal; 

// Fragment program for distorting a texture using a 3D noise texture 
    void main_fp(
      float3 noiseCoord   : TEXCOORD0, 
      float4 projectionCoord  : TEXCOORD1, 
      float3 eyeDir    : TEXCOORD2, 
      float3 normal    : TEXCOORD3, 

      out float4 col  : COLOR, 

      uniform float4 tintColour, 
      uniform float noiseScale, 
      uniform float fresnelBias, 
      uniform float fresnelScale, 
      uniform float fresnelPower, 
      uniform sampler2D noiseMap : register(s0), 
      uniform sampler2D reflectMap : register(s1), 
      uniform sampler2D refractMap : register(s2) 
     // Do the tex projection manually so we can distort _after_ 
     float2 final = projectionCoord.xy/projectionCoord.w; 

     // just here, why was divided by such 5 instead of others? 
     float3 noiseNormal = (tex2D(noiseMap, (noiseCoord.xy/5)).rgb - 0.5).rbg * noiseScale; 

     final += noiseNormal.xz; 

     // Fresnel 
     //normal = normalize(normal + noiseNormal.xz); 
     float fresnel = fresnelBias + fresnelScale * pow(1 + dot(eyeDir, normal), fresnelPower); 

     // Reflection/refraction 
     float4 reflectionColour = tex2D(reflectMap, final); 
     float4 refractionColour = tex2D(refractMap, final) + tintColour; 

     // Final colour 
     col = lerp(refractionColour, reflectionColour, fresnel); 




