2014-10-10 145 views

我使用歐拉克羅默方案來計算哈雷彗星的位置和速度。該腳本爲一個範圍內的每個初始速度值嘗試幾個值作爲時間步長(tau)。對於每個tau值,它通過歐拉克羅默慣例,並比較從軌道開始到第一個軌道週期結束的總機械能。如果兩個能量之間的百分比差異小於1%,則將tau的當前(最優)值添加到列表中。經過所有迭代後,tau和初始速度的值用半對數圖上的pyplot繪圖,以便可以解釋哈雷彗星的真實初始速度。然而,我最優的taus列表中的每個元素都是我的tau範圍的第一個元素(當前爲0.1)。腳本似乎比必要的更復雜,也許有點複雜。那就是: 進口matplotlib.pyplot如PLT 進口numpy的爲NPEuler-Cromer ODE Python例程

## Set physical parameters and initial position and velocity of the comet 
GM = 4 * np.pi ** 2    # Grav const. times mass of sun (AU^3/yr^2) 
mass = 1.      # Mass of comet 
r0 = 35       # Initial aphelion position 
v0 = np.arange(0.5, 1.1, 0.1) # Create a range of initial velocities in AU/year 

## Function that takes position and velocity vectors and the initial total energy 
## and outputs the value of tau that provides a less than 1% error in the total energy 
def tau_test(vel): 
    tau = np.arange(.1, .009, -.001) 
    r = [r0, 0] 
    v = vel 
    optimal_tau = 0 
    for t in tau: 
     i = 0 
     i_max = 5 * 76/t 
     r_mag_initial = np.sqrt(r[0] ** 2 + r[1] ** 2)  # initial magnitude of the position vector 
     v_mag_initial = np.sqrt(v[0] ** 2 + v[1] ** 2)  # initial magnitude of the velocity vector 
     KE_initial = 0.5 * mass * v_mag_initial ** 2  # initial kinetic energy 
     PE_initial = -GM * mass/r_mag_initial    # initial potential energy 
     ME_initial = KE_initial + PE_initial    # initial total energy 
     ## Main looping function (using Euler-Cromer method for now) 
     while not i == i_max: 
      r_mag = np.sqrt(r[0] ** 2 + r[1] ** 2)  # magnitude of the position vector 
      v_mag_a = np.sqrt(v[0] ** 2 + v[1] ** 2) # current velocity magnitude 
      a = [-GM * r[0]/r_mag ** 3,    # acceleration vector 
       -GM * r[1]/r_mag ** 3]    # based on the current position 
      v = [v[0] + t * a[0], v[1] + t * a[1]]  # new velocity vector using Euler-Cromer method 
      r = [r[0] + t * v[0], r[1] + t * v[1]]  # new position vector using Euler-Cromer method 
      v_mag_b = np.sqrt(v[0] ** 2 + v[1] ** 2) # new velocity magnitude 
      if i > .75 * 76/t:      # Ensure that the comet is at least past the sun 
       if v_mag_b > v_mag_a:     # Break out of the while loop if the comet is starting 
        break        # to move back toward the sun 
      i += 1 
     v_mag = np.sqrt(v[0] ** 2 + v[1] ** 2)   # final magnitude of the velocity vector 
     r_mag = np.sqrt(r[0] ** 2 + r[1] ** 2)   # final magnitude of the position vector 
     KE = 0.5 * mass * v_mag ** 2     # final kinetic energy 
     PE = -GM * mass/r_mag       # final potential energy 
     ME = KE + PE         # final total energy 
     #print ME 
     if abs(((ME - ME_initial)/ME_initial) * 100) <= 1: # If the percent error between the initial and final 
      optimal_tau = t          # total energies is less than 1%, set t as the optimal 
      break            # tau and break out of the for loop 
    return optimal_tau 

## Loop through each initial velocity and test it against several values of tau 
taus = [] 
for u in v0: 
    v = [0, u] 
    #print ME_initial 

#print taus 
## Plot the values of tau and initial velocity on a semi-log graph 
## so that the true velocity of Halley's comet can be interpreted 
plt.semilogy(v0, taus) 
plt.title('Tau versus Initial Velocities') 




那麼......你的問題是什麼? – DBedrenko 2014-10-10 11:33:19


我的問題是:爲什麼腳本不像我所期望的那樣爲每個初始速度找到τ的最佳值? – 2014-10-10 21:11:00


你自己承認這個腳本太複雜和複雜。爲了更好地回答問題,並將問題和帖子THAT作爲問題;使用調試器來幫助你做到這一點。點擊本頁頂部的「幫助」,查看如何撰寫可能會得到答案的問題。 – DBedrenko 2014-10-11 05:10:19


