2014-12-07 65 views



#include <iostream> 
#include "vectorHeader.h" 

using namespace std; 

int main() 
const char START = 'A'; 
const int MAX = 12; 

// create a vector of doubles 
myVector<char> vectD; 

// push some values into the vector 
for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) 
    vectD.push_back(START + i); 

// remove the last element 

// add another value 

// test memory management 
myVector<char> vectD2 = vectD; 
// display the contents 
cout << "\n["; 
for (int i = 0; i < vectD2.size() - 1; i++) 
    cout << vectD2[i] << ", "; 

cout << "..., " << vectD2.last() << "]\n"; 

return 0; 



#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 
#include <string> 
#include <vector> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <stdexcept> 
#include <array> 

//Declaring constant 
const int VECTOR_CAP = 2; 

template <class T> 
class myVector 
    //Setting data members 
    T* vectorData; 
    int cap; 
    int numElements; 

    //Default constructor 
    //Purpose: Creates a vector 
    //Parameters: None 
    //Returns: None 

    //Parameterized constructor 
    //Purpose: Creates a vector capacity of n 
    //Parameters: None 
    //Returns: None 
    myVector(const T&); 

//Copy Constructor 
//Purpose: Copy data into vector 
//Parameters: myVector object 
//Returns: None 
myVector(const myVector& copy) 
    numElements = copy.numElements; 
    vectorData = new T [numElements]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) 
     this->vectorData[i] = copy.vectorData[i]; 

//Purpose:Deletes any dynamically allocated storage 
//Parameters: None 
//Returns: None 

//Size function 
//Purpose: returns the size of your vector 
//Parameters: None 
//Returns: The size of your vector as an integer 
int size() const; 

//Capacity function 
//Purpose: Returns the capacity of the vector 
//Parameters: None 
//Returns: Maximum value that your vector can hold 
int capacity() const; 

//Clear function 
//Purpose: Deletes all of the elements from the vector and resets its size to 
// zero and its capacity to two; thus becoming empty 
//Parameters: None 
//Returns: None 
void clear(); 

//push_back function 
//Purpose: Adds the integer value n to the end of the vector 
//Parameters: Takes a integer to be placed in the vector 
//Returns: None 
void push_back(const T& n) 
    //If statement to handle if array is full 
    if (numElements == cap) 
     //Doubling the capacity 
     cap = cap * VECTOR_CAP; 
     //Allocating new array 
     T* newVectorData = new T[cap]; 
     //Copying data 
     for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) newVectorData[i] = vectorData[i]; 
     //Deleting previous data 
     delete[] vectorData; 
     //Pointing to new data 
     vectorData = newVectorData; 
    //Storing data 
    vectorData[numElements++] = n; 

//at function 
//Purpose: Returns the value of the element at position n in the vector 
//Parameters: None 
//Returns: Returns your current place with the vector 
T& at(std::size_t); 

//Purpose: Overload the = operator 
//Parameters: The two myVector objects we want to assign 
    //Returns: The assignment 
    myVector operator=(const myVector&); 

    void pop_back(); 

    int last(); 

    T& operator[](std::size_t); 


//Independant Functions 

template <typename T> 
    //Setting the cap 
    cap = VECTOR_CAP; 
    //Creating the array 
    vectorData = new T[cap]; 
    //Initializing the value 
    numElements = 0; 

template <typename T> 
    cap = 0; 
    //Delete array elements 
    delete[] vectorData; 
    //Allocate vectorData 
    vectorData = NULL; 

template <typename T> 
int myVector<T>::size() const 
    return numElements; 

template <typename T> 
void myVector<T>::pop_back() 

template <typename T> 
int myVector<T>::last() 
    return cap; 

template <typename T> 
int myVector<T>::capacity() const 
    return cap; 

template <typename T> 
T& myVector<T>::at(std::size_t n) 
    return vectorData[n]; 

template <typename T> 
T& myVector<T>::operator[](std::size_t n) 
    return vectorData[n]; 

template <typename T> 
myVector<T> myVector<T>::operator=(const myVector& rho) 
    //Test for assingment 
    if (this == &rho) 
     return *this; 

    //Delete lho 
    delete[] this->vectorData; 

    //Creating new array to fit rho data 
    cap = rho.cap; 
    this->vectorData = new int[cap]; 

    //Copying data 
    for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) 
     this->vectorData[i] = rho.vectorData[i]; 

    //Returning myVector object 
    return *this; 

template <typename T> 
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const myVector<T>& rho) 
    for (int n = 0; n < rho.size(); n++) 
     out << rho.at(n); 
    return out; 

um ...''return vectorData [numElements - 1];' ... – bolov 2014-12-07 19:21:32


如果我是你的助理老師,你會很難讓我相信你能夠改變你的矢量容量(處理2個指針:初始化,複製,交換),你不會知道如何返回數組中的最後一個元素。 – bolov 2014-12-07 19:26:16


這仍然沒有給我正確的輸出。它應該是'Z',但是這是'90' – DEnumber50 2014-12-07 19:27:51




template <typename T> 
T myVector<T>::last() 
    return vectorData[numElements - 1]; 

從向量返回元素應該有返回類型的函數向量元素的類型,即在您的ca中的T SE。



cout << 'Z' << endl; 
cout << (char) 'Z' << endl; // tautological cast as 'Z' is char 
cout << (int) 'Z' << endl; 
cout << 90 << endl; 
cout << (int) 90 << endl; // tautological cast as 90 is int 
cout << (char) 90 << endl; 


if (numElements > 0) 

