2012-10-22 49 views

我正在OpenCL中編寫一個程序,它接收兩個點的數組,並計算每個點的最近鄰居。OpenCL內存優化 - 最近的鄰居



kernel void BruteForce(
    global read_only float4* m, 
    global float4* y, 
    global write_only ushort* i, 
    read_only uint mx) 
    int index = get_global_id(0); 
    float4 curY = y[index]; 

    float minDist = MAXFLOAT; 
    ushort minIdx = -1; 
    int x = 0; 
    int mmx = mx; 
    for(x = 0; x < mmx; x++) 
     float dist = fast_distance(curY, m[x]); 
     if (dist < minDist) 
      minDist = dist; 
      minIdx = x; 
    i[index] = minIdx; 
    y[index] = minDist; 


kernel void BruteForce(
    global read_only float8* m, 
    global float8* y, 
    global write_only ushort* i, 
    read_only uint mx) 
    int index = get_global_id(0); 
    float8 curY = y[index]; 

    float minDist = MAXFLOAT; 
    ushort minIdx = -1; 
    int x = 0; 
    int mmx = mx; 
    for(x = 0; x < mmx; x++) 
     float8 mx = m[x]; 
     float d0 = mx.s0 - curY.s0; 
     float d1 = mx.s1 - curY.s1; 
     float d2 = mx.s2 - curY.s2; 
     float d3 = mx.s3 - curY.s3; 
     float d4 = mx.s4 - curY.s4; 
     float d5 = mx.s5 - curY.s5; 

     float dist = sqrt(d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2 + d3 * d3 + d4 * d4 + d5 * d5); 
     if (dist < minDist) 
      minDist = dist; 
      minIdx = index; 
    i[index] = minIdx; 
    y[index] = minDist; 


kernel void BruteForce(
    global read_only float4* m, 
    global float4* y, 
    global write_only ushort* i, 
    __local float4 * shared) 
    int index = get_global_id(0); 
    int lsize = get_local_size(0); 
    int lid = get_local_id(0); 

    float4 curY = y[index]; 

    float minDist = MAXFLOAT; 
    ushort minIdx = 64000; 
    int x = 0; 
    for(x = 0; x < {0}; x += lsize) 
     if((x+lsize) > {0}) 
      lsize = {0} - x; 
     if ((x + lid) < {0}) 
      shared[lid] = m[x + lid]; 

     for (int x1 = 0; x1 < lsize; x1++) 
      float dist = distance(curY, shared[x1]); 

      if (dist < minDist) 
       minDist = dist; 
       minIdx = x + x1; 
    i[index] = minIdx; 
    y[index] = minDist; 


非常感謝您 Cauê


你的數組通常有多大?對於6d版本,你介意最後兩個元素是完全使用還是完全刪除? – mfa


感謝您的回答!我的數組非常大(每個都有〜400000個點)。我不介意完全放棄最後兩個元素。我只是添加了它們,因爲在我的測試中,一個非對齊的版本(使用float *而不是float8 *)拋出「資源不足」錯誤 – Waneck


也是4D,我實際上只使用3個維度,所以這可能是也適用於此版本。 – Waneck





computeBlockSize is the size of the blocks to read from global and crunch. 
this value should be a multiple of your work group size. I like 64 as a WG 
size; it tends to perform well on most platforms. will be 
allocating 2 * float4 * computeBlockSize + uint * computeBlockSize of shared memory. 
(max value for ocl 1.0 ~448, ocl 1.1 ~896) 
#define computeBlockSize = 256 

__local float4[computeBlockSize] blockA; 
__local float4[computeBlockSize] blockB; 
__local uint[computeBlockSize] blockAnearestIndex; 

now blockA gets computed against all blockB combinations. this is the job of a single work group. 
*important*: only blockA ever gets written to. blockB is stored in local memory, but never changed or copied back to global 

load blockA into local memory with async_work_group_copy 
blockA is located at get_group_id(0) * computeBlockSize in the global vector 
optional: set all blockA 'w' values to MAXFLOAT 
optional: load blockAnearestIndex into local memory with async_work_group_copy if needed 

need to compute blockA against itself first, then go into the blockB's 
be careful to only write to blockA[j], NOT blockA[k]. j is exclusive to this work item 
for(j=get_local_id(0); j<computeBlockSize;j++) 
    for(k=0;k<computeBlockSize; k++) 
    if(j==k) continue; //no self-comparison 
    calculate distance of blockA[j] vs blockA[k] 
    store min distance in blockA[j].w 
    store global index (= i*computeBlockSize +k) of nearest in blockAnearestIndex[j] 

for (i=0;i<get_num_groups(0);i++) 
    if (i==get_group_id(0)) continue; 
    load blockB into local memory: async_work_group_copy(...) 
    for(j=get_local_id(0); j<computeBlockSize;j++) 
    for(k=0;k<computeBlockSize; k++) 
     calculate distance of blockA[j] vs blockB[k] 
     store min distance in blockA[j].w 
     store global index (= i*computeBlockSize +k) of nearest in blockAnearestIndex[j] 

write blockA and blockAnearestIndex to global memory using two async_work_group_copy 

應該有在讀blockB沒有問題的,而另一個工作組寫入相同的塊(作爲自己BLOCKa中),因爲只有在W值可能已經改變。如果碰巧遇到這個問題 - 或者如果你確實需要兩個不同的矢量點,你可以使用兩個像上面那樣的全局矢量,一個用A(可寫),另一個用B(只讀)。

當您的全局數據大小爲computeBlockSize的倍數時,此算法效果最佳。爲了處理邊緣,想到兩種解決方案。我建議爲非方形邊緣塊編寫第二個內核,其方式與上面類似。新內核可以在第一個之後執行,並且可以保存第二個pci-e傳輸。或者,您可以使用-1的距離來表示兩個元素(即blockA [j] .w == -1或blockB [k] .w == -1,continue)的比較中的跳過。這第二個解決方案會導致內核中更多的分支,這就是爲什麼我建議編寫一個新內核的原因。您的數據點中的很小一部分實際上會落在邊緣塊中。


非常感謝您的回答。當另一個項目出現時,我花了很長時間來回答它,而我沒有時間去檢查它。對於那個很抱歉! – Waneck