2011-12-23 126 views

來自Java,我正在學習Scala。我對遊戲和虛擬世界的編程感興趣,所以我決定將我的第一個程序作爲一個小遊戲世界模擬器。在我看來,所有遊戲元素通常都處於以下階段:創建,更新,刪除。在Java或其他OOP中,對我來說這絕對是清楚的。現在我來到Scala ......到目前爲止我已經實現的,只是一個應該改變每個週期的許多單元的容器。下面是代碼:Scala - 更新遊戲世界

val rand : Random = new Random 

//mutation variations 
def mutF(f:Int=>Int, v: Int) : Int = {f(v)} 

def mutFA(v:Int) : Int = mutF(x => x, v) 
def mutFB(v:Int) : Int = mutF(x => x + x, v) 
def mutFC(v:Int) : Int = mutF(x => x - x, v) 

    //mutation variance 
val mutFS : List[Int=>Int] = List(mutFA, mutFB, mutFC) 

    //cycle through mutation functions 
def mutFF(f:Int=>Int) : Int=>Int = { 
    val i = mutFS.indexOf(f) 
    if(i < mutFS.length) mutFS(i + 1) 
    else mutFS(0) 

class Cell(value:Int)(f:Int => Int){ //TODO: what will be without currying??? 
    def mutate() : Cell = new Cell(f(value))(f) 
    def output() { 
     print("[" + value + "]") 

//the main class 
class Breed(generation:Int, num:Int, margins:Int, cells: List[Cell]) { 

    def this(num:Int, margins:Int) = this(0, num, margins, build()) //<<<<< 

    //make 1 cell 
    def makeCell() : Cell = { 
     val mutF:Int=>Int = mutFS(rand.nextInt(mutFS.length)) 
     val v = rand.nextInt(margins) 
     println("BREED: making cell " + v) 
     new Cell(v)(mutF) 

    //fill with random cells 
    def build() : List[Cell] = { 
     def addCell(acc:Int, list:List[Cell]) : List[Cell] = { 
      println("BREED: build(), acc= " + acc + " list=" + list) 
      if(acc <= 0) list 
      else addCell(acc - 1, makeCell :: list) 
     addCell(num, List()) 

// val cells : List[Cell] = build() 

    //go several generations ahead, print every generation 
    def mutate(generations:Int) { 
     def mutateF(acc:Int, breed : Breed) : Breed = { 
      if (acc == 0) breed 
      else { 
       print("BREED: mutating, ") 
       mutateF(acc - 1, mutate(breed)) 
     mutateF(generations, this) 

    //mutate this breed 
    def mutate(breed : Breed) : Breed = { 
     def mutateF(l : List[Cell]) : List[Cell] = { 
      l match { 
       case Nil => Nil 
       case y :: yx => y.mutate() :: mutateF(yx) 
     new Breed(generation, num, margins, mutateF(build)) 

    def output() { 
     print("BREED: [" + generation + "] ") 
     for(i <- 0 to num - 1) cells(i).output() 

首先 - 我的問題是 - 如何makу的「版本()」在AUX構造函數的工作?在Java中沒有問題。什麼是Scala解決這個問題的方法?其次,您可以從斯卡拉功能方法的角度評論我的錯誤嗎?



您可能會對這些文章[「純功能Retrogames」](http://prog21.dadgum.com/23.html)感興趣,其中涵蓋了一些更一般的問題。 – Howard 2011-12-23 13:59:27


哇,謝謝!我現在就讀它! – noncom 2011-12-23 14:04:05


更好的代碼審查地點是http://codereview.stackexchange.com/。 – 2011-12-23 14:07:31





好吧,我想,我會重寫這個東西並訪問stackexchange上的codereview! – noncom 2011-12-23 14:51:37