2013-07-30 38 views


  • grayAndFlipLeftToRight - 該方法將圖像轉換成灰度值的2D陣列,然後將其翻轉左到右。也就是說,面向左的對象現在將面向右。最左列的元素將與最右列的元素交換,依此類推。

  • grayAndRotate90 - 此方法將圖像轉換爲二維灰度值數組,然後順時針旋轉90度(將其放置在右側)。


public class PictureUtil 
    * Gets a version of the given Picture in gray scale and flipped left to right 
    * @param pic the Picture to convert to gray scale and flip 
    * @return a version of the original Picture in gray scale and flipped 
    * left to right. 
    public static Picture grayAndFlipLeftToRight(Picture pic) 
     int[][] pixels = pic.getGrayLevels(); 

     for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) {    
      for (int fromStart = 0; fromStart < pixels[0].length; fromStart++) { 
       int fromEnd = pixels[0].length-1; 

       while (fromEnd >= 0) { 
        int saved = pixels[i][fromStart]; 
        pixels[i][fromStart] = pixels[i][fromEnd]; 
        pixels[i][fromEnd] = saved; 


     return new Picture(pixels); 

    * Gets a version of the given Picture in gray scale and rotated 90 degrees clockwise 
    * @param pic the Picture to convert to gray scale and rotate 90 degrees clockwise 
    * @return a version of the original Picture in gray scale and rotated 90 degrees clockwise 
    public static Picture grayAndRotate90(Picture pic) 
     int[][] pixels = pic.getGrayLevels(); 

     int numberOfColums = pixels.length; 
     int numberOfRows = pixels[0].length;   
     int[][] rotate = new int[numberOfRows][numberOfColums]; 

     for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) { 
      int seek = 0; 
      for (int j = 0; j < pixels[0].length; j++) {    
       pixels[i][j] = rotate[seek][numberOfColums - 1]; 

     return new Picture(rotate); 


  • 如何解決這個問題?




public static Picture grayAndFlipLeftToRight(Picture pic) 
    int[][] pixels = pic.getGrayLevels(); 

    for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) { 
     for (int curr = 0; curr < (pixels[0].length + 1)/2; curr++) { 

      int saved = pixels[i][curr]; 
      pixels[i][curr] = pixels[i][pixels[0].length - 1 - curr]; 
      pixels[i][pixels[0].length - 1 - curr] = saved; 

    return new Picture(pixels); 

public static Picture grayAndRotate90(Picture pic) 
    int[][] pixels = pic.getGrayLevels(); 

    int[][] rotate = new int[pixels[0].length][pixels.length]; 

    for (int i = 0; i < pixels[0].length; i++) { 
     for (int j = 0; j < pixels.length; j++) { 
      rotate[i][pixels.length - 1 - j] = pixels[j][i]; 
    return new Picture(rotate); 


pixels[i][j] = rotate[seek][numberOfColums - 1]; 




public static Picture grayAndRotate90CC(Picture pic) 
    int[][] pixels = pic.getGrayLevels(); 

    int[][] rotateCC = new int[pixels[0].length][pixels.length]; 

    for (int i = 0; i < pixels[0].length; i++) { 
     for (int j = 0; j < pixels.length; j++) { 
      rotateCC[i][j] = pixels[j][i]; //rotates 90 counter-clockwise! 
    return new Picture(rotateCC); 