2017-10-19 62 views


print ("You are back in your cell. You saw your bed, broken sink, grotty toilet, cut up jumpsuit") 
    if "comb" and "razor" in inventory: 
     print ("and the table with the empty bottle.") 
    else "comb" not in inventory and "razor" in inventory: 
     print ("and the table with the empty bottle and comb.") 
    else "razor" not in inventory and "comb" in inventory: 
     print ("and the table with the empty bottle and razor") 


else "comb" not in inventory and "razor" in inventory: 



我想你是指'elif',而不是'else'。 – khelwood





    do something 


print ("You are back in your cell. You saw your bed, broken sink, grotty toilet, cut up jumpsuit") 
    if "comb" and "razor" in inventory: 
     print ("and the table with the empty bottle.") 
    elif "comb" not in inventory and "razor" in inventory: 
     print ("and the table with the empty bottle and comb.") 
    elif "razor" not in inventory and "comb" in inventory: 
     print ("and the table with the empty bottle and razor") 


print ("You are back in your cell. You saw your bed, broken sink, grotty toilet, cut up jumpsuit") 
    if "comb" and "razor" in inventory: 
     print ("and the table with the empty bottle.") 
    elif "comb" not in inventory and "razor" in inventory: 
     print ("and the table with the empty bottle and comb.") 
    else: #using the else here 
     print ("and the table with the empty bottle and razor") 


使用if all(x in inventory for x in ['comb','razor'])會正確對待這兩個變量,在inventorycombrazor的存在,並允許以正確的方式來推出的其他條件,如果其他價值的缺失。

inventory = ['comb','razor'] 
#inventory = ['razor',''] 
#inventory = ['comb'] 

print("You are back in your cell. You saw your bed, broken sink, grotty toilet, cut up ju 
if all(x in inventory for x in ['comb','razor']): 
    print ("and the table with the empty bottle.") 
elif ('comb' not in inventory) and ('razor' in inventory): 
    print("and the table with the empty bottle and comb.") 
elif ('razor' not in inventory) and ('comb' in inventory): 
    print("and the table with the empty bottle and razor") 
print ("You are back in your cell. You saw your bed, broken sink, grotty toilet, cut up jumpsuit") 
    if "comb" and "razor" in inventory: 
     print ("and the table with the empty bottle.") 
    elif "comb" not in inventory and "razor" in inventory: 
     print ("and the table with the empty bottle and comb.") 
    elif "razor" not in inventory and "comb" in inventory: 
     print ("and the table with the empty bottle and razor")