2016-09-23 45 views

我已經實現了JQuery sortable,它工作正常。問題是我無法將其新順序的列表傳遞給控制器​​,因此我可以保存它。能夠保存JQuery Sortable(新訂單)到ASP.Net MVC控制器嗎?

如果原始表看起來是 1 - 餅乾 2 - chocalate 3 - 餅乾 4 - 糖果


1 - 巧克力 2 - 餅乾 3 - 糖果 4 - cookies


$('td, a', '#MenuItem').each(function() { 
    var cell = $(this); 
$(document).ready(function() { 
    $('#MenuItem tbody').sortable({ 
     axis: 'y', 
     update: function (event, ui) { 
      var data = $(this).sortable('serialize'); 

      // POST to server using $.post or $.ajax 
       data: data, 
       type: 'POST', 
       url: 'MoveFunction' 


    public ActionResult MoveFunction(Product vm) 

     return View(vm); 

    public class Product 
    public int ProductID { get; set; } 


<fieldset class="fieldset"> 
     <legend class="legend">Products</legend> 

     <table id = "MenuItem" class="promo full-width alternate-rows" style="text-align: center;"> <!-- Cedric Kehi DEMO CHANGE --> 

       <th>Product Code 
       <th>Product Template 
        @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.IndexList[0].Priority) 
        @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.IndexList[0].WindowProduct) 
       <th>Description <!-- JACK EDIT --> 
      @foreach (var item in Model.IndexList) 

        <td class="center-text"> 
         @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.ProductCode) 
         @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.ProductTemplate.Description) 
        @*<td class="center-text"> 
         @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Priority) 
        <td class="center-text"> 
         @Html.Raw(item.WindowProduct ? "Yes" : "No") 
         @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Description) 

    <td class="center-text nowrap"> 
         @Html.ActionLink(" ", "Edit", new { id = item.ProductID }, new { title = "Edit", @class = "anchor-icon-no-text edit" }) 
         @Html.ActionLink(" ", "Details", new { id = item.ProductID }, new { title = "Details", @class = "anchor-icon-no-text details" }) 
         @Html.ActionLink(" ", "Delete", new { id = item.ProductID }, new { title = "Delete", @class = "anchor-icon-no-text delete" }) 




由於某種原因,它不會讓我更新代碼 – user5813072


你能證明你將如何解決這個問題 – user5813072


一個例子,我已經編輯我是新來的,爲什麼我已張貼這一問題在這裏有一些Ajax原因代碼 – user5813072





$('#MenuItem tbody').sortable({ 
     axis: 'y', 
     update: function (event, ui) { 
      var order = 1; 
      var model = []; 

      $("#MenuItem tbody tr").each(function() { 
       //building a new object and pushing in modal array 
       //Here I am setting OrderNo property which is i am using in my db and building my object 
       var objModel = { Id: 1, OrderNo: order }; //This is for example to build your object and push in a modal array. 

      if (model.length > 1) 
        type: "POST",        
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
        url: '@Url.Action("UpdateStatusOrder", "Status")', //This is my url put your url here and pass model as data it is an array of my items 
        data: JSON.stringify({ model : model }), 
        success: function (data) { 
         //do something 
        error: function (e) { 
         //do something 


public ActionResult UpdateStatusOrder(List<StatusModel> model) 
    //Update code to update Orderno  
    foreach (var item in model) 
     var status = DBContext.Status.Where(x => x.Id == item.Id).FirstOrDefault(); 
     if (status != null) 
      status.OrderNo = item.OrderNo; 



謝謝我會跟着你解決方案 – user5813072


var objModel = {Id:$(this).find(「。clsStatusImg」)。data(「 id「),OrderNo:order};對於這一行什麼是clsStatusImg和ID爲你,因爲我無法理解他們對我來說 – user5813072


它不是什麼,只是我動態地爲每一行使用clsStatusImg類名獲取ID。 –