2017-04-23 141 views



x <- readLines("D:/Rlearning/Mohsin HYDRUS/Mohsin practice/Balance.out") 

## Find all lines with [T] 
a <- grep("[T]", x, value = T) 
### Find all the lines that also say Time in that subset 
b <- grep("Time", a , value = T) 
#### Remove the first 2 lines in b (they didn't have a watbalR associated with it) 
c <- b[-c(1,2)] 
### Find all WatBalR lines 
d <- grep("WatBalR", x, value = T) 
#### Put them together in a dataframe 
data <- data.frame(time =c, watbalr = d) 
#### Still need to filter numbers from each line don't know how to do it off the top of my head should be able to google it though like "pulling numbers from a string in R" or something. 
#### Hopefully this helps 

# Extract the numeric values from the two character vectors 
# Use sub to omit all the characters before the first digit 
times <- sub("^.+?(\\d)", "\\1", c) 
WatBlaR <- sub("^.+?(\\d)", "\\1", d) 

# convert the characters to numbers 
times <- as.numeric(times) 
WatBlaR <- as.numeric(WatBlaR) 

# plot 
plot(x = times, y = WatBlaR) 




請您詳細說明預期輸出是什麼?從問題中不清楚你的意思是什麼*我想爲WatBalR *創造時間和第二列的值。你在尋找方法來聚合這些? – iled


非常感謝K..pradeep。你能否寄給我這些讓我的概念清楚的材料?你太棒了。上週我被困在裏面。我正在研究這個模型的優化。我的第一個任務是R中的簡單優化技術。請向我發送我可以執行的軟件包名稱和材料。非常感謝你非常感謝你。現在我將處理完整的文件。 –


請不要濫用評論系統。如果您想提供更多信息,請編輯您的問題。 – iled




# Extract the numeric values from the two character vectors 
# Use sub to omit all the characters before the first digit 
times <- sub("^.+?(\\d)", "\\1", c) 
WatBlaR <- sub("^.+?(\\d)", "\\1", d) 

# convert the characters to numbers 
times <- as.numeric(times) 
WatBlaR <- as.numeric(WatBlaR) 

# plot 
plot(x = times, y = WatBlaR) 

enter image description here

一個建議:不要使用c作爲變量名。 c是一個將值組合成向量或列表的函數。使用c作爲變量可能會導致問題。