2016-07-25 121 views


Anywayyysss ....這裏是我的代碼

import random 

def get_number(level):     #selects a random number in range depending on difficulty selected 
    if level == "e": 
     number = random.randint(1,20) 
    if level == "m": 
     number = random.randint(1,100) 
    if level == "h": 
     number = random.randint(1,1000) 
    elif level != "e" and level != "m" and level != "h": 
     print ("Invalid input!") 
    return number 

def select_level():     #prompts the user to select a difficulty to play on 
    level = str(input("Would you like to play on easy, medium, or hard? \n" 
         "Type 'e' for easy, 'm' for medium, or 'h' for hard!\n")) 
    return level 

def guess_number(level):  #function that prompts the user to guess within range depending on chosen difficulty 
    if level == "e": 
     guess = int(input("Guess a number between 1 and 20:\n")) 
    if level == "m": 
     guess = int(input("Guess a number between 1 and 100:\n")) 
    if level == "h": 
     guess = int(input("Guess a number between 1 and 1000:\n")) 
    return guess 

def check_guess(guess,number):   #processes the users guess and evaluates if it is too high, too low, or bang on 
    if guess > number: 
     print ("your guess is too high! Try again! \n") 
    if guess < number: 
     print ("your guess is too low! Try again! \n") 
    if guess == number: 
     print("\n{0} was the number!".format(number)) 

def com_num_guesses(level):   #function to get the number of guesses taken by the computer 
    if level == "e": 
     com_guesses = round(random.normalvariate(3.7,1.1)) 
    if level == "m": 
     com_guesses = round(random.normalvariate(5.8,1.319)) 
    if level == "h": 
     com_guesses = round(random.normalvariate(8.99,1.37474)) 
    print("The computer guessed the number in {0} guesses! Can you beat that?".format(com_guesses)) 
    return com_guesses 

def mainloop(): 
    level = select_level() 
    number = get_number(level) 
    com_guesses = com_num_guesses(level) 
    guess = guess_number(level) 
    num_guesses = 1 
    if guess == number:   #tells program what to do if first guess is correct 
     print("You got it in {0} guesses.".format(num_guesses)) 
     if num_guesses == com_guesses: 
      print("It took the computer {0} guesses too!\nIt's a tie!\n".format(com_guesses)) 
     if num_guesses > com_guesses: 
      print("It took the computer {0} guesses.\nThe computer wins!\n".format((com_guesses))) 
     if num_guesses < com_guesses: 
      print("It took the computer {0} guesses.\nYou win!\n".format(com_guesses)) 
     play_again = str(input("To play again type 'yes'. To exit type 'no'. \n")) 
     if play_again == "yes": 
     if play_again == "no": 
      raise SystemExit(0) 
    while True:     #tells program how to handle guesses after the first guess 
     guess2 = guess_number(level) 
     num_guesses += 1 
     if guess2== number: 
      print("You got it in {0} guesses.".format(num_guesses)) 
      if num_guesses == com_guesses: 
       print("It took the computer {0} guesses too!\nIt's a tie!\n".format(com_guesses)) 
      if num_guesses > com_guesses: 
       print("It took the computer {0} guesses.\nThe computer wins!\n".format((com_guesses))) 
      if num_guesses < com_guesses: 
       print("It took the computer {0} guesses.\nYou win!\n".format(com_guesses)) 
      play_again = str(input("To play again type 'yes'. To exit type 'no'. \n")) 
      if play_again == "yes": 
      if play_again == "no": 
       raise SystemExit(0) 


更適合代碼審查 - http://codereview.stackexchange.com/ –


我投票結束這個問題作爲題外話,因爲它屬於[codereview.se] – Sayse




  • elif可以用於第一個畢竟if表達式。這會使執行速度更快,因爲在表達式爲真的情況下,不能評估後面的表達式。 (在guess_number(level)check_guess(guess,number)中相同。)
  • elif可以製成else
  • 什麼是get_number()應該做的?我想你想寫number = get_number(level)或者你可以使用while循環來完成整個語句塊。





感謝您的反饋意見!在做了這篇文章之後,我意識到區分第一次猜測和後續猜測並將代碼改爲不再執行此操作是多餘的。 f while循環允許在沒有答案(數字)改變的情況下進行多次猜測。在本身內部調用mainloop()允許通過在重新進入while循環之前返回號碼選擇過程來爲下一輪遊戲選擇新號碼。我實施了你的建議,把if改成elif's! –