2012-02-20 86 views

任何人都可以幫我解答爲什麼這個PSCX cmdlet的'Write-Zip'太慢了嗎? DotNetZip庫在大約20分鐘內可以壓縮相同的文件夾需要1.5小時。 (DotNetZip庫的問題在於它會淹沒大文件,所以我切換到了PSCX,這是一個完美的,很酷的小進度條,它實際上也工作得非常慢)。Powershell PSCX Write-Zip很慢


$ElapsedTime = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() 

    Write-Host "Script Started at $(get-date)" 

    Import-Module Pscx 
    Import-Module BitsTransfer 

    Write-Host "Just imported the BitsTransfer and Pscx modules" 

    Write-Host "*** Starting backup portion of script ***" 

    foreach($i in $appServers) { 

      if (!(Test-Path -path \\$i\c$\newDeploy)) { 
       New-Item \\$i\c$\newDeploy -type directory 
       Write-Host "Just created newDeploy folder on $i" 
      if (!(Test-Path -path \\$i\c$\newDeploy\backup)) { 
       New-Item \\$i\c$\newDeploy\backup -type directory 
       Write-Host "Just created newDeploy\backup folder on $i" 
      if(!(Test-Path \\$i\c$\newDeploy\zipper.ps1)) { 
       Start-BitsTransfer -Source \\$appDeployServer\c$\newDeploy\zipper.ps1 -Destination \\$i\c$\newDeploy 
       Write-host "Just added zipper.ps1 to $i" 


    foreach($i in $appServers) { 

     $sessionForI = New-PSSession -computername $i 
     Invoke-Command -Session $sessionForI -ArgumentList $aosFolder, $i, $ElapsedTime -ScriptBlock { 
      param ($aosFolder, $i, $ElapsedTime) 

      Import-Module Pscx 
      Write-Host "Just imported Pscx module for $i" 

      if ((Test-Path C:\\newDeploy\\backup\\$aosFolder.zip)) { 
       Remove-Item C:\\newDeploy\\backup\\$aosFolder.zip 
       Write-Host "Just removed newDeploy\backup\$aosFolder.zip on $i" 

      Write-Host "Just started creating new ZIP file backup created on $i" 
      Write-Host " Elapsed Time: $($ElapsedTime.Elapsed.ToString())" 

      cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Folder\$aosFolder" 
      Get-ChildItem "C:\Program Files (x86)\Folder\$aosFolder" -Recurse -Exclude *.e2e | Write-Zip -OutputPath "C:\newDeploy\backup\$aosFolder.zip" -NoClobber -Level 1 

      write-host " Elapsed Time: $($ElapsedTime.Elapsed.ToString())" 
      Write-Host "Just finished creating new ZIP file backup created on $i" 
     remove-PSSession -session $sessionForI 


    Write-Host "Just ran second foreach loop to ZIP all folders to backup on each server" 

    foreach($i in $appServers) { 
     if(!(Test-Path -path C:\newDeploy\backup\$i)) { 
      New-Item C:\newDeploy\backup\$i -type directory 
      Write-Host "Just created DEPLOY SERVER's newDeploy\backup\$i folder for backups" 
     Start-BitsTransfer -Source \\$i\c$\newDeploy\backup\$aosFolder.zip -Destination C:\newDeploy\backup\$i 
     Write-Host "$i backup ZIP transferred to deploy server" 

    Write-Host "Just ran third foreach loop to move all ZIP files to the backup server for each remote server" 

    foreach($i in $appServers) { 
     Remove-Item \\$i\c$\newDeploy\backup\$aosFolder.zip 
     Write-Host "Just removed newDeploy\backup\$aosFolder.zip on $i" 

    Write-Host "Just ran forth foreach loop to delete all backup ZIP files to cleanup" 

    $date = get-date -format "M-d-yyyy" 
    Write-Zip -Path "C:\newDeploy\backup" -OutputPath "C:\newDeploy\backup\$date APPbackup.zip" -NoClobber -Level 1 
    Write-Host "Just ran final ZIP command to put all server's backups into one neat ZIP" 

    foreach($i in $appServers) { 
     if((Test-Path -path C:\newDeploy\backup\$i)) { 
      Remove-Item -Force -Recurse C:\newDeploy\backup\$i 
      Write-Host "Just removed DEPLOY SERVER's newDeploy\backup\$i folder" 
    Write-Host "Just ran fifth foreach loop to delete each server's backup folder on the local server to cleanup" 

    Write-Host "*** Finished with backup portion of script ***" 

    Write-Host "*** Starting deploy preparation portion of script ***" 

    Write-Host "*** Finished with deploy preparation portion of script ***" 

    Write-Host "Script Ended at $(get-date)" 

有關於它的全部源代碼,任何最終的解決方案? – Kiquenet 2013-02-19 15:15:59


我按照唯一的答案建議使用7zip。我會很快發佈代碼。 – user1161625 2013-02-19 22:24:05


cd「D:\ inetpub \ wwwroot」 \t \t \t Get-ChildItem「D:\ inetpub \ wwwroot」-Recurse -Exclude * .e2e | D:\ newDeploy \ 7za.exe a -mx1「D:\ newDeploy \ backup \ sites.zip」$ _。FullName – user1161625 2013-02-19 22:26:22




set-alias sz "$env:C:\7za920\7za.exe" 
sz a -mx9 -tzip -r $FileName $SourceFolder