2017-04-10 101 views

在Java中表示圖形的最佳方式是什麼?我這樣做:如何表示一個無權有向圖並找到最短路徑? Java

public class Node<T> { 
public T data; 
public LinkedList<Node> children; 
public Node(T data) { 
    this.data = data; 
    this.children = new LinkedList<Node>(); //here there are the connected nodes of the node 

public T getData() { 
    return this.data; 
public void addArch(Node n) { 

public class Graph <T> { 
private Node<T> source = new Node(null); 
private Node<T> target = new Node(null); 
private ArrayList<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); 

public Graph() {} 
public void addNode(T v) { 
    boolean visto = false; 
    for (Node n: nodes) { 
     if (n.getData().equals(v)) { 
      visto = true; 
    if (visto == false) { 
     nodes.add(new Node(v)); 
public void addEdge(T p, T a) throws NoSuchNodeException { 
    boolean visto = false; 
    boolean visto_secondo = false; 
    for (Node n: nodes) { 
     if (n.getData().equals(p)) { 
      visto = true; 
    for (Node n: nodes) { 
     if (n.getData().equals(a)) { 
      visto_secondo = true; 
    if (visto == false || visto_secondo == false) { 
     throw new NoSuchNodeException(); 
    else { 
     for (Node n : nodes) { 
      if (p.equals(n.getData())) { 

       n.addArch(new Node(a)); 




我不這麼認爲,因爲我不知道如何做一個探索兒童的遞歸函數,看起來就像是拱門沒有添加。我必須在Node類中實現它,但是當我執行source.recursivefunction()時,它不會探索任何內容。 – HKing



查找到目標節點的最短路徑的最佳算法是Iterative Deepening A*



node    current node 
g     the cost to reach current node 
f     estimated cost of the cheapest path (root..node..goal) 
h(node)   estimated cost of the cheapest path (node..goal) 
cost(node, succ) step cost function 
is_goal(node)  goal test 
successors(node) node expanding function, expand nodes ordered by g + h(node) 

procedure ida_star(root) 
    bound := h(root) 
    t := search(root, 0, bound) 
    if t = FOUND then return bound 
    if t = ∞ then return NOT_FOUND 
    bound := t 
    end loop 
end procedure 

function search(node, g, bound) 
    f := g + h(node) 
    if f > bound then return f 
    if is_goal(node) then return FOUND 
    min := ∞ 
    for succ in successors(node) do 
    t := search(succ, g + cost(node, succ), bound) 
    if t = FOUND then return FOUND 
    if t < min then min := t 
    end for 
    return min 
end function 

的g表示的移動的數目以獲得當前的狀態和h表示的估計數目的移動到達目標狀態。 f := g + h(node)。啓發式值越接近實際的移動次數,算法越快


感謝您的回覆,但我使用了與我的問題相同的代碼,但已修復:https://bitbucket.org/Klinda/network/src – HKing