2011-12-15 157 views


您的程序必須產生的完整路由表將有網絡中每臺計算機對[i,j](i!= j),第一臺計算機處於最佳狀態從i到j的路線。如果我和j有直接連接,那麼j將是該路線(對[i,j])的結果(表格條目)。如果從i到j的最佳路線是i→a→b→j,那麼a將是該路線的結果(表格條目)。然後可以通過查看[i,j](= a),然後[a,j](= b),然後[b,j](= j)的值來構建路線。

所以基本上是Dijksta的算法。但是,我不能使用任何處理圖的Java API(所有其他的都是允許的)。到目前爲止,我有

import java.util.ArrayList; 
//import java.util.Stack; 

public class Graph2 { 

    ArrayList<Vertex> vert = new ArrayList<Vertex>(); 
    private static int counter = 0; 
    private int edges; 
    private Edge[] allEdges = new Edge[50]; 

    private class Vertex{ 
     String ip; 
     private int id; 
     ArrayList<Edge> nb = new ArrayList<Edge>(); 
     * Constructor for Vertex 
     * @param String of IP 
     public Vertex(String s){ 
      ip = s; 
      id = counter; 
     * Gets the ID of a vertex 
     * @return unique ID 
     public int getId(){ 
      return id; 
     public boolean isSame(Vertex v){ 
       return true; 
       return false; 
     * Gets the IP of a vertex 
     * @return the IP of the vertex 
     public String getIp(){ 
      return this.ip; 
     * Adds an edge to nb 
     * @param edge to be added 
     public void addList(Edge e){ 
     * Determines if an edge exists 
     * @param edge to be checked 
     * @return true if exists, false if not 
     public boolean exists(Edge e){ 
      if(nb.indexOf(e) != -1){ 
       return true; 
       return false; 
     * Gets the size of an edge 
     * @return size of edge 
     public int edgeSize(){ 
      return nb.size(); 
     * Gets the edges 
     * @return String of edges 
     public String getEdges(){ 
      String all = ""; 
      Edge e; 
      for(int i = 0; i < nb.size(); i++){ 
       e = nb.get(i); 
       int ti = this.getId(); 
       int fin = e.getFinish().getId(); 
       if(ti == fin) 
        all += e.getStart().getId() + " "; 
        all += e.getFinish().getId() + " "; 
      return all; 
     * Overrides toString method 
     * @return ID and IP of vertex 
     public String toString(){ 
      return id + " " + " " + ip; 

    private class Edge{ 

     int weight; 
     Vertex finish; 
     Vertex start; 
     * Constructor of Edge 
     * @param vertex 1, start vertex 
     * @param vertex 2, endpoint vertex 
     * @param weight of edge 
     public Edge(Vertex v, Vertex v2, int w){ 
      start = v; 
      finish = v2; 
      weight = w; 
     * Gets the start of an edge 
     * @return edge start 
     public Vertex getStart(){ 
      return start; 
     * Gets the endpoint of an edge 
     * @return endpoint of edge 
     public Vertex getFinish(){ 
      return finish; 
     * Gets the weight of an edge 
     * @return weight of edge 
     public int getWeight(){ 
      return weight; 
     * Overrides toString 
     * @return start of edge and endpoint of edge 
     public String toString(){ 
      return start + " " + finish; 
    * Adds an edge to 2 verticies 
    * @param s, starting vertex IP 
    * @param t, enpoint vertex IP 
    * @param w, weight of edge 
    public void add(String s, String t, int w){ 
     Vertex v3, v4; 
     v3 = exists(new Vertex(s)); 
     v4 = exists(new Vertex(t)); 
     Edge e; 
     if(v3 == null && v4 == null){ 
      v3 = new Vertex(s); 
      v4 = new Vertex(t); 
      e = new Edge(v3, v4, w); 
     else if(v3 != null && v4 == null){ 
      v4 = new Vertex(t); 
      e = new Edge(v3, v4, w); 
     else if(v3 == null && v4 !=null){ 
      v3 = new Vertex(s); 
      e = new Edge(v3, v4, w); 
      counter -= 2; 
      e = new Edge(v3, v4, w); 
     allEdges[edges] = e; 
    * Determines if an edge already exists 
    * @param vertex to be checked 
    * @return vertex if exists, null if not 
    public Vertex exists(Vertex v){ 
     for(int i = 0; i < vert.size(); i++){ 
       return vert.get(i); 
     return null; 
    * Puts vert ArrayList into an array 
    * @return String array of vert 
    public String[] toArray(){ 
     String[] all = new String[vert.size()]; 
     for(int i = 0; i < vert.size(); i++){ 
      all[i] = vert.get(i).toString(); 
     return all; 
    * Determines if a vertex is adjacent to another vertex 
    * @return String array of adjacent verticies 
    public String[] adjaceny(){ 
     String[] all = new String[vert.size()]; 
     Vertex v1; 
     for(int i = 0; i < vert.size(); i++){ 
      v1 = vert.get(i); 
      all[i] = v1.getEdges(); 
     return all; 
    * Determines which vertex is in which cluster 
    * @return String array of clusters 

    public String[] cluster(){ 
     Vertex[] temp = (Vertex[]) vert.toArray(); 
     Sorter sort = new Sorter(); 

     String[] cluster = new String[vert.size()]; 
     int[] verts = new int[vert.size()]; 
     for(int i = 0; i < vert.size();i++) 
      verts[i] = i; 
     return null; 

    * Gets the max spanning tree of the graph 
    * @return spanning tree of graph 
    public String[] maxTree(){ 
     String[] max = new String[vert.size() -1]; 
     Edge e; 
     for(int i = 0; i < vert.size()-1; i++){ 
      e = allEdges[i]; 
      max[i] = e.getStart().getId() + ", " + e.getFinish().getId() + ", " + e.getWeight(); 
     return max; 
    * Sorts edges by max weight 
    private void sortEdges(){ 
     Sorter sort = new Sorter(); 

    public class Sorter{ 
     * Heapsorts the Object array 
     * @param Object array to be sorted 
     public void heapsort(Object[] a) 
      for(int i = edges/2; i >= 0; i--) /* buildHeap */ 
       percDown(a, i, edges); 
      for(int i = edges - 1; i > 0; i--) 
       swapReferences(a, 0, i);   /* deleteMax */ 
       percDown(a, 0, i); 
     * Performs swapping of elements 
     * @param Object array 
     * @param index1 
     * @param index2 
     public void swapReferences(Object[] a, int index1, int index2) 
      if(a[0] instanceof Edge){ 
       Edge tmp = (Edge)a[index1]; 
       a[index1] = a[index2]; 
       a[index2] = tmp; 
      else if(a[0] instanceof Vertex){ 
       Vertex temp = (Vertex)a[index1]; 
       a[index1] = a[index2]; 
       a[index2] = temp; 

     * Internal method for heapsort. 
     * @param i the index of an item in the heap. 
     * @return the index of the left child. 
     private int leftChild(int i) 
      return 2 * i + 1; 

     * Internal method for heapsort that is used in 
     * deleteMax and buildHeap. 
     * @param a an array of Comparable items. 
     * @int i the position from which to percolate down. 
     * @int n the logical size of the binary heap. 
     private void percDown(Object[] a, int i, int n) 
      int child; 
      if(a[0] instanceof Edge){ 
       Edge tmp; 
       for(tmp = (Edge) a[i]; leftChild(i) < n; i = child) 
        child = leftChild(i); 
        if(child != n - 1 && ((Edge)a[child]).getWeight() - ((Edge)(a[child + 1])).getWeight() > 0) 
        if(tmp.getWeight() - ((Edge)a[child]).getWeight() > 0) 
         a[i] = a[child]; 
       a[i] = tmp; 
      else if(a[0] instanceof Vertex){ 
       Vertex temp; 
       for(temp = (Vertex) a[i]; leftChild(i) < n; i = child){ 
        child = leftChild(i); 
        if(child != n-1 && ((Vertex)a[child]).edgeSize() - ((Vertex)a[child+1]).edgeSize() > 0) 
        if(temp.edgeSize() - ((Vertex)a[child]).edgeSize() > 0) 
         a[i] = a[child]; 
       a[i] = temp; 


import java.util.*; 
import java.io.*; 

public class pg6main { 

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{ 

     String filename; 
     String first, second; 
     int weight; 
     Graph2 graph = new Graph2(); 
     Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in); 
     boolean go = false; 
     Scanner infile = null; 
     PrintWriter outfile = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("results.txt")); 
       System.out.print("Enter a file to read from: "); 
       filename = kb.nextLine(); 
       infile = new Scanner(new FileReader(filename)); 
      }catch(Exception e){ 
       go = true; 
       System.out.println("file doesn't exist"); 

      first = infile.next().trim(); 
      second = infile.next().trim(); 
      weight = Integer.parseInt(infile.nextLine().trim()); 
      graph.add(first, second, weight); 
     outfile.println("IP and their unique IDs: "); 

     String[] a = graph.toArray(); 
     for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) 

     outfile.println("Adjaceny List: "); 

     String[] adj = graph.adjaceny(); 
     for(int j = 0; j < adj.length; j++) 
      outfile.println(j + ": " + adj[j]); 

     outfile.println("Max spanning tree: "); 

     String[] max = graph.maxTree(); 
     for(int k = 0; k < max.length; k++) 
      outfile.println("(" + max[k] + ") "); 
     //Attempting to do clusters based on length of string of neighbors, does not work 
     for(int x = 0; x < adj.length; x++){ 
      if(adj[x].length() > adj[x+1].length()){ 
       outfile.println("WHAT I DID: " + adj[x]); 
      else if(adj[x].length() == adj[x+1].length()){ 
       adj[x] = adj[x+1]; 
       outfile.println("WHAT I DID: " + adj[x]); 
      else if(adj[x].length() < adj[x+1].length()){ 
       adj[x] = adj[x+1]; 
       outfile.println("WHAT I DID: " + adj[x]); 

     /*//Attempted to do neighbors slighly different way 
     String[] cluster = graph.cluster(); 
     for(int x = 0; x < cluster.length; x++){ 
      if(cluster[x] != null) 

    }//end main 

}//end pg6main 



所以你想讓別人檢查你的作業嗎? – PengOne 2011-12-15 23:43:44


不,我很確定我有什麼作品;我只是不知道Dijkstra的使用verticies/edges作爲參數的正確實現 – xgbpackersx 2011-12-15 23:45:28



您應該使用Floyd algorithm來代替它,它會爲您提供完整的最短路線表,完全如您在要求中所述。

從僞代碼中可以看到,它非常簡單,只需創建一個二維數組並用邊進行初始化即可。 (所以基本上它是你的加權鄰接表。)