2017-03-10 73 views

當我輸入TextField 7字符時,光標自動移動到下一個TextField。但在我的代碼中,我的光標沒有進入nextField。 (我知道我不能使用addKeyListener,所以試圖用的DocumentListener此代碼)Java:光標中的錯誤自動從一個TextField移動到其他

lbltext1 = new JLabel("Text1"); 
panel.add(lbltext1, "cell 0 1,alignx trailing"); 
final int maxSize =7 ; 
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { 
    final JTextField txtText1 = new JTextField(); 
    NavigationFilter filter = new NavigationFilter() { 
     public void setDot(FilterBypass fb, int dot, Bias bias) { 
      if (dot >= maxSize) { 
       fb.setDot(0, bias); 
      fb.setDot(dot, bias); 

     public void moveDot(FilterBypass fb, int dot, Bias bias) { 
      if (dot >= maxSize) { 
       fb.setDot(0, bias); 
      fb.moveDot(dot, bias); 
    txtText1.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { 
      public void focusLost(FocusEvent arg0) { 

       if (txtText1.getText().equals("")) { 
       } else { 
        SwingWorker<?, ?> job = new UIQuery(); 
    ((AbstractDocument) txtText1.getDocument()).setDocumentFilter(new DocumentSizeFilter(maxSize)); 
    panel.add(txtText1, "cell 1 1,growx"); 
JLabel lblText2 = new JLabel("Production Date"); 
panel.add(lblText2, "cell 0 2,alignx trailing"); 
txtText2 = new JTextField(); 
panel.add(txtText2, "flowx,cell 1 2,growx"); 
txtText2.addFocusListener(new TextBoxGainedFocusEventSinglePreview()); 
txtText2.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new TextBoxDataChangedEventSinglePreview()); 

請告知我應該如何修改它。 感謝


當字段有7個字符或用戶輸入'7'時,您想要傳送焦點嗎? – MadProgrammer


@MadProgrammer,用戶在textField上輸入7個字符後.. – JavaIssues



所以,這是觀念的一個簡單證明,這將焦點從當前組件移動到下一個時相比,現場的Document長度> 6

import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager; 
import javax.swing.JFrame; 
import javax.swing.JPanel; 
import javax.swing.JTextField; 
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; 
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; 
import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener; 

public class Test { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     new Test(); 

    public Test() { 
     SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { 
      public void run() { 
       JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test"); 
       frame.add(new TestPane()); 

    public class TestPane extends JPanel { 

     public TestPane() { 
      JTextField field1 = new JTextField(7); 
      JTextField field2 = new JTextField(7); 


      field1.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener() { 
       public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { 
        if (e.getDocument().getLength() > 6) { 

       public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { 

       public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { 
        if (e.getDocument().getLength() > 6) { 





感謝您的寶貴意見。 =) 感謝您的幫助。 – JavaIssues


希望它可以幫助;) – MadProgrammer



  1. 有兩臺類,一個限制字符和其他做黏合,或
  2. 有一個類來限制字符和做互聯



import java.awt.Component; 
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager; 
import java.awt.Toolkit; 
import javax.swing.JTextField; 
import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet; 
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; 
import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument; 
import javax.swing.text.Document; 
import javax.swing.text.DocumentFilter; 
import javax.swing.text.DocumentFilter.FilterBypass; 
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent; 

* A DocumentFilter that allows you to control the maximum number of 
* characters that can be added to the Document. When the Document is 
* full you can optionally tab to the next component to speed data entry. 
* This class can also be used as a generic size filter for JTextFields. In 
* this case when a size of 0 is speicifed for the size of the Document the 
* getColumns() method of JTextField will be used to determine the size 
* restriction. 
public class TabDocumentFilter extends DocumentFilter 
    private int size; 
    private boolean autoTab = true; 

    * Generic constructor for use with JTextFields only. The size of the 
    * Document will be determined by the value of the getColumns() method. 
    public TabDocumentFilter() 

    * Constructor to set the size for this filter 
    * @param size maximum number of characters to be added to the Document 
    public TabDocumentFilter(int size) 

    * Get the auto tab property 
    * @return the auto tab property 
    public boolean getAutoTab() 
     return autoTab; 

    * Set the auto tab property 
    * @param autoTab the default is true 
    public void setAutoTab(boolean autoTab) 
     this.autoTab = autoTab; 

    * Get the maximum size for any Document using this filter 
    * @return 
    public int getSize() 
     return size; 

    * Set maximum size for a Document using this filter. Dynamically changing 
    * the size will not affect existing Documents. Characters will not be 
    * removed from any Document. The filter will only be invoked on new 
    * additions to the Document. 
    * @param size the maximum number of character allowed in the Document 
    public void setSize(int size) 
     this.size = size; 

    * Install this filter on the AbstractDocument 
    * @param components the text components that will use this filter 
    public void installFilter(JTextComponent... components) 
     for (JTextComponent component : components) 
      Document doc = component.getDocument(); 

      if (doc instanceof AbstractDocument) 

    * Make sure the insertion of text will not cause the Document to exceed 
    * its size limit. Also, potentially tab to next component when full. 
    public void insertString(FilterBypass fb, int offs, String str, AttributeSet a) 
     throws BadLocationException 
     int possibleSize = fb.getDocument().getLength() + str.length(); 
     int allowedSize = getAllowedSize(fb); 

     if (possibleSize <= allowedSize) 
      super.insertString(fb, offs, str, a); 
      handleAutoTab(possibleSize, allowedSize, fb); 

    * Make sure the replacement of text will not cause the Document to exceed 
    * its size limit. Also, potentially tab to next component when full. 
    public void replace(FilterBypass fb, int offs, int length, String str, AttributeSet a) 
     throws BadLocationException 
     int possibleSize = fb.getDocument().getLength() + str.length() - length; 
     int allowedSize = getAllowedSize(fb); 

     if (possibleSize <= allowedSize) 
      super.replace(fb, offs, length, str, a); 
      handleAutoTab(possibleSize, allowedSize, fb); 

    * When a size isn't specified then we assume the desired size can be 
    * obtained from the associated text field. Otherwise, use the class 
    * size property. 
    private int getAllowedSize(FilterBypass fb) 
     return (size == 0) ? getColumns(fb) : size; 

    * Use the value returnd by invoking the getColumns() method of JTextField 
    private int getColumns(FilterBypass fb) 
     // Find the text field that currently has focus 
     // and make sure it is using the Document that will be updated 

     Component c = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner(); 

     if (c != null && c instanceof JTextField) 
      JTextField textField = (JTextField)c; 
      Document doc = textField.getDocument(); 

      if (doc.equals(fb.getDocument())) 
       return textField.getColumns(); 

     return 0; 

    * When the Document is full tab to the next component. 
    protected void handleAutoTab(int possibleSize, int allowedSize, FilterBypass fb) 
     if (autoTab == false 
     || possibleSize != allowedSize) 

     // Find the text field that currently has focus 
     // and make sure it is using the Document that has been updated 

     Component c = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner(); 

     if (c != null && c instanceof JTextComponent) 
      JTextComponent component = (JTextComponent)c; 
      Document doc = component.getDocument(); 

      if (doc.equals(fb.getDocument())) 


TabDocumentFilter tf = new TabDocumentFilter(); 
tf.installFilter(textField1, textField2); 


上述解決方案基於Text Field Auto Tab中提出的解決方案,該解決方案提供了嵌套DocumentFilter的方法。