2016-08-19 47 views

由於看起來缺乏像樣的CUDA二維直方圖(我可以找到...指針歡迎),我試圖用pyCUDA自己實現它。CUDA histogram2d不工作


Numpy Histogram


code = ''' 
__global__ void histogram2d(const float *in_x, const float *in_y, const float *in_w, float *out) {{ 
    int start = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; 

    float *block_out = &out[{xres} * {yres} * {num_chans} * blockIdx.x]; 

    for(int i = 0; i < {length}; i++) {{ 
     float x = in_x[start + i]; 
     float y = in_y[start + i]; 
     int w_idx = (start + i) * {num_chans}; 

     int xbin = (int) (((x - {xmin})/{xptp}) * {xres}); 
     int ybin = (int) (((y - {ymin})/{yptp}) * {yres}); 

     if (0 <= xbin && xbin < {xres} && 0 <= ybin && ybin < {yres}) {{ 
      for(int c = 0; c < {num_chans}; c++) {{ 
       atomicAdd(&block_out[(ybin * {xres} + xbin) * {num_chans} + c], in_w[w_idx + c]); 


__global__ void histogram2d(const float *in_x, const float *in_y, const float *in_w, float *out) { 
    int start = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; 

    float *block_out = &out[50 * 50 * 4 * blockIdx.x]; 

    for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { 
     float x = in_x[start + i]; 
     float y = in_y[start + i]; 
     int w_idx = (start + i) * 4; 

     int xbin = (int) (((x - -10.0)/20.0) * 50); 
     int ybin = (int) (((y - -10.0)/20.0) * 50); 

     if (0 <= xbin && xbin < 50 && 0 <= ybin && ybin < 50) { 
      for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { 
       atomicAdd(&block_out[(ybin * 50 + xbin) * 4 + c], in_w[w_idx + c]); 

CUDA histogram


def slow_hist(in_x, in_y, in_w, out, blockx, blockdimx, threadx): 
    start = blockx * blockdimx + threadx 

    block_out_addr = args['xres'] * args['yres'], args['num_chans'] * blockx 

    for i in range(args['length']): 
     x = in_x[start + i] 
     y = in_y[start + i] 
     w_idx = (start + i) * args['num_chans'] 

     xbin = int(((x - args['xmin'])/args['xptp']) * args['xres']) 
     ybin = int(((y - args['ymin'])/args['yptp']) * args['yres']) 

     if 0 <= xbin < args['xres'] and 0 <= ybin < args['yres']: 
      for c in range(args['num_chans']): 
       out[(ybin * args['xres'] + xbin) * args['num_chans'] + c] += in_w[w_idx + c] 

Pure-python histogram

所有的代碼是可見的,包括這些圖像,at the Github page of this notebook(這種細胞是在底部)。



對於n個樣本,in_x和in_y具有形狀(n,)和in_w具有形狀(n,4)。有形狀(num_blocks,yres,xres,4)。我的目標是爲每個CUDA塊分配足夠的空間以便擁有自己的(yres,xres,4)區域來寫入(所以原子添加不會彼此阻塞),然後我對軸0進行求和以獲得最終直方圖 – scnerd




New CUDA histogram
