2015-11-02 72 views


      void BST::deleteNode(int el) 
      Input: An integer that is to be deleted from the tree 
      Output: Nothing 
      Side Effect: Single node deleted and tree reordered 
      void BST::deleteNode(int el) 
       BSTNode *temp; 
       BSTNode *prev; 
       BSTNode *node = Root; 

       while (node -> nodeContent != el && node != NULL) // start the search 
       // if the search is less than 
       if(el < node -> nodeContent) 
        node = node -> leftChild; 
       else if (el > node -> nodeContent) 
        node = node -> rightChild; 

       if (node == NULL) 
        std::cout << "That item cannot be deleted, " 
           "because it doesn't exist" << std::endl; 
       // ok, so we found the node 

       // this is if node has two children 
       if (node -> leftChild != NULL && node -> rightChild != NULL) 
       // first, set temp to rightmost node in left subtree 
       temp = node -> leftChild; 
       while (temp -> rightChild != NULL) 
        // set prev to the node above node (bad name resolution, I know..) 
        prev = temp; 
        temp = temp -> rightChild; 
       // now we have our node, temp, and prev set. 
       // time to do some copying 
       // first step: set prev's rightChild to NULL 
       prev -> rightChild = NULL; 
       // ok. now we need to check if temp has a left child 
       if (temp -> leftChild != NULL) 
        //if it does, set it to prev's rightChild 
        prev -> rightChild = temp -> leftChild; 
       // done. Now set nodes content to temps content 
       node -> nodeContent = temp -> nodeContent; 
       // good work. now delete temp 
       delete temp; 
       temp = NULL; 
       // this one is for deleting a node without a right child 
       if (node -> rightChild == NULL && node -> leftChild != NULL) 
       // using temp this time as the leftChild of the node to be deleted 
       temp = node -> leftChild; 
       // copy the content from child to node's content 
       node -> nodeContent = temp -> nodeContent; 
       // george r.r. martin the heck out of temp, for his watch has ended 
       delete temp; 
       temp = NULL; 
       // now, if (soon-to-be) deleted node only has a right child 
       if (node -> leftChild == NULL && node -> rightChild != NULL) 
       // set temp to be nodes rightChild 
       temp = node -> rightChild; 
       // copy content from temp to to node 
       node -> nodeContent = temp -> nodeContent; 
       // delete temp 
       delete temp; 
       temp = NULL; 
       // the last one should be the easiest, if the node has no children 
       if (node -> leftChild == NULL && node -> rightChild == NULL) 
       delete node; 

你在調試器中看到了什麼運行你的代碼?你是否偶然刪除節點兩次?您是否正確實施了複製和分配操作? –


[最小完整示例](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)會很有幫助,但我注意到的第一件事是'while(node - > nodeContent!= el && node!= NULL)'can導致未定義的行爲。 – Beta





我希望這會引導你回答。 另外,要找到發生分段故障的位置正好爲GDB。如果你使用C++進行編碼,它是一個重要的工具。


好點..我很尷尬,我錯過了!感謝您的幫助! – tonysamurai


這是否解決了問題? – Aiyoyo


我只有第二次在課堂開始前檢查它,但我加了回來;在刪除命令後希望它會修復它..但沒有運氣不幸的是..我將不得不繼續搞亂它,但這是一個很好的開始,我認爲 – tonysamurai