2010-09-10 87 views


// Ship's starting position 
    static double positionX = 500.0; 
    static double positionY = 500.0; 
    // Calculate ship heading vectors based on current orientation in Radians 
    static double orientationInRadians; 
    static double xVector = Math.Sin(orientationInRadians); 
    static double yVector = Math.Cos(orientationInRadians); 
    /*Use Left and Right arrows to rotate 
    Once vector is found, 
    calculate position of ship 10 units away from current position along heading vector 
    scale vector to a unit (length of 1) vector*/ 
    static double magnitude = Math.Sqrt(xVector * xVector + yVector * yVector); 
    static double unitVectorX = xVector/magnitude; 
    static double unitVectorY = yVector/magnitude; 
    /*Now that the vector is one unit long 
    but still points in the ships current orientation 
    move ship with positionX and positionY as its current coordinates*/ 
    static double distanceToTravel = 10.0; 
    double newPositionX = positionX + unitVectorX * distanceToTravel; 
    double newPositionY = positionY + unitVectorY * distanceToTravel; 
    /*Remember to track the ship's current position with a double or float 
    and make distanceToTravel non-constant for acceleration instead of "jumps"*/ 



::發牢騷::在小行星船*不*放慢我們你關閉引擎。獲得物理學*正確*是它的魅力之一。然後下車我的草坪! – dmckee 2010-09-11 14:55:42


順便說一句 - 這個問題可能會被視爲「不真實」。或多或少,因爲你沒有**問題,而是整個項目,並不知道從哪裏開始。你應該設定一些小目標,並對它們進行研究。然後當你遇到困難時,在這裏詢問*特定的問題。可能的目標:+在屏幕上打開一個窗口+在船上繪製「船」,並在窗口中居中+在任意位置和方向繪製船舶+清除船舶並在更新位置和方向上重繪+使船跟蹤控件。 .. – dmckee 2010-09-11 15:00:09
