2017-03-16 111 views

我正在使用Alamofire下載數據並使用JSON進行解析。我知道爲了宣佈數據可用,我們應該使用閉包並且不使用通知中心。我不明白關閉。一旦請求完成,我將如何使用閉包來重新加載表視圖? 這是代碼。如何知道異步請求何時使用閉包完成?

func downloadEvents() { 
    let coreDataObject = CoreDataMethods() 
     .responseJSON { response in 
      switch response.result { 
      case .success: 
       // we create the model object 
       let downloadedEvent = EventModel() 
       /* we have new data remove old data from core data*/ 
       coreDataObject.deleteData(entityArgument: "Event") 
       events.removeAll() // remove the data from array this is no longer needed FIX 
       for JSONData in response.result.value as! [Dictionary<String, Any>] { 
        /* get the data from JSON and store in the event model*/ 
        downloadedEvent.eTitle = JSONData[downloadedEvent.titleString] as? String 
        downloadedEvent.eDate = JSONData[downloadedEvent.dateString] as? String 
        downloadedEvent.eDescription = JSONData[downloadedEvent.descriptionString] as? String 
        downloadedEvent.eLocation = JSONData[downloadedEvent.locationline1String] as? String 
        downloadedEvent.eLocation2 = JSONData[downloadedEvent.locationline2String] as? String 
        /* if the event has an image save the url*/ 
        if let image = JSONData[downloadedEvent.imageString] as? String { 
         downloadedEvent.eImageURL = image 
        } else { 
         /* else we save the default image url */ 
         downloadedEvent.eImageURL = downloadedEvent.defaultImageURL 
        coreDataObject.save(eventParam: downloadedEvent) 
       /* post notification to reload table view FIX */ 
       NotificationCenter.default.post(name: RELOAD_NOTIFICATION, object: nil) 
      case .failure(let error): 
       print("ALAMO REQUEST FIALED: \(error)") 

你需要什麼在'case .success:'< - 你只會在*完成後纔會到達這裏,成功......如果你的請求不成功,那麼你會回到'case .failure(let error)' – Honey




func downloadEvents(completion: @escaping (Bool, String?)-> Void) { 
    let coreDataObject = CoreDataMethods() 
     .responseJSON { response in 

      switch response.result { 
      case .success: 
       // we create the model object 
       let downloadedEvent = EventModel() 
       /* we have new data remove old data from core data*/ 
       coreDataObject.deleteData(entityArgument: "Event") 
       events.removeAll() // remove the data from array this is no longer needed FIX 
       for JSONData in response.result.value as! [Dictionary<String, Any>] { 
        /* get the data from JSON and store in the event model*/ 
        downloadedEvent.eTitle = JSONData[downloadedEvent.titleString] as? String 
        downloadedEvent.eDate = JSONData[downloadedEvent.dateString] as? String 
        downloadedEvent.eDescription = JSONData[downloadedEvent.descriptionString] as? String 
        downloadedEvent.eLocation = JSONData[downloadedEvent.locationline1String] as? String 
        downloadedEvent.eLocation2 = JSONData[downloadedEvent.locationline2String] as? String 
        /* if the event has an image save the url*/ 
        if let image = JSONData[downloadedEvent.imageString] as? String { 
         downloadedEvent.eImageURL = image 
        } else { 
         /* else we save the default image url */ 
         downloadedEvent.eImageURL = downloadedEvent.defaultImageURL 
        coreDataObject.save(eventParam: downloadedEvent) 

       completion(true, nil) 

       /* post notification to reload table view FIX */ 
       //NotificationCenter.default.post(name: RELOAD_NOTIFICATION, object: nil) 
      case .failure(let error): 
       print("ALAMO REQUEST FIALED: \(error)") 
       completion(false, "ALAMO REQUEST FIALED: \(error)") 


func reloadTable(){ 

    downloadEvents { (success, errMsg) in 
     if success{ 
      DispatchQueue.main.async { 
      let alertMessage: String 
      if let err = errMsg{ 
       alertMessage = err 
       alertMessage = "An unknown error occurred." 
      let alert = UIAlertController.init(title: "Request Failed", message: alertMessage, preferredStyle: .alert) 
      alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: UIAlertActionStyle.cancel, handler: nil)) 
      DispatchQueue.main.async { 
       self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil) 