2012-07-17 186 views




Function myCubRootSResd(root As Double, rootCubed As Double) As Double 
Dim a As Double 
a = (root * root * root - rootCubed) 
myCubRootSResd = a * a 
End Function 


Function myCubeRootFinder(rootCubed as Double) as Double 


End Function 




我會回過頭來看看我能否在今天晚些時候(當我有一點時間)在求解器的背景下回答這個問題,然而Matlab的fminsearch函數使用Nelder-Mead方法,這實際上很簡單,可能可以由一年級大學(/大學)的學生編碼。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelder%E2%80%93Mead_method – mkingston 2012-07-17 22:40:40


更好:http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/math/bsotu2d.html#bsgpq6p-11 – mkingston 2012-07-17 22:43:02





我以爲最初也是這樣,但我認爲除UDF中公式所在的單元外,不能更改任何單元格。求解器將工作,如果你只想在電子表格上執行一次計算,但我需要這樣在VBA內部,這樣可以將它包含在我的UDF中。我可能會誤解,但是有沒有一種方法可以在沒有單元格引用的情況下使用求解器? – VanDerWaals 2012-07-17 19:11:36


我相信你可以在UDF中使用Solver。試試這個鏈接http://peltiertech.com/Excel/SolverVBA.html – Brad 2012-07-17 19:32:36


我看了這個也許我沒有看到如何使用它。我將嘗試給出一個與我的更復雜和更混亂的問題共享屬性的簡單示例。 – VanDerWaals 2012-07-17 20:36:53




Option Explicit 

Dim output_ As Double 
Dim input_() As Double 

Public Property Get VectArr() As Double() 
    VectArr = input_ 
End Property 

Public Function Vect(i As Integer) 
    Vect = input_(i) 
End Function 

Public Sub SetVect(ByRef newVect() As Double) 
    Dim i As Integer 
    ReDim input_(LBound(newVect) To UBound(newVect)) As Double 
    For i = LBound(newVect) To UBound(newVect) 
     input_(i) = newVect(i) 
    Next i 
End Sub 

Public Property Get Result() As Double 
    Result = output_ 
End Property 

Public Property Let Result(newRes As Double) 
    output_ = newRes 
End Property 


Option Explicit 

Private cube_ As Double 

Public Property Let Cube(newCube As Double) 
    cube_ = newCube 
End Property 

Public Function Eval(ByRef val() As Double) As FuncEval 
    Dim ret As New FuncEval 
    ret.Result = Abs(cube_ - val(0) * val(0) * val(0)) 
    ret.SetVect val 
    Set Eval = ret 
End Function 


Option Explicit 

Function NelderMead(f As Func, _ 
        ByRef guess() As Double) As Double() 

    'Algorithm follows that outlined here: 

    'Used as the perturbation for the initial guess when guess(i) == 0 
    Dim zeroPert As Double 
    zeroPert = 0.00025 
    'The factor each element of guess(i) is multiplied by to obtain the 
    'initial simplex 
    Dim pertFact As Double 
    pertFact = 1.05 
    Dim eps As Double 
    eps = 0.000000000001 

    Dim shrink As Boolean 
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, n As Integer 
    Dim simplex() As Variant 
    Dim origVal As Double, lowest As Double 
    Dim m() As Double, r() As Double, s() As Double, c() As Double, cc() As Double, diff() As Double 
    Dim FE As FuncEval, FR As FuncEval, FS As FuncEval, FC As FuncEval, FCC As FuncEval, newFE As FuncEval 

    n = UBound(guess) - LBound(guess) + 1 
    ReDim m(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double 
    ReDim r(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double 
    ReDim s(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double 
    ReDim c(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double 
    ReDim cc(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double 
    ReDim diff(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess)) As Double 
    ReDim simplex(LBound(guess) To UBound(guess) + 1) As Variant 

    Set simplex(LBound(simplex)) = f.Eval(guess) 

    'Generate the simplex 
    For i = LBound(guess) To UBound(guess) 
     origVal = guess(i) 
     If origVal = 0 Then 
      guess(i) = zeroPert 
      guess(i) = pertFact * origVal 
     End If 
     Set simplex(LBound(simplex) + i - LBound(guess) + 1) = f.Eval(guess) 
     guess(i) = origVal 
    Next i 

    'Sort the simplex by f(x) 
    For i = LBound(simplex) To UBound(simplex) - 1 
     For j = i + 1 To UBound(simplex) 
      If simplex(i).Result > simplex(j).Result Then 
       Set FE = simplex(i) 
       Set simplex(i) = simplex(j) 
       Set simplex(j) = FE 
      End If 
     Next j 
    Next i 


     Set newFE = Nothing 
     shrink = False 
     lowest = simplex(LBound(simplex)).Result 

     'Calculate m 
     For i = LBound(m) To UBound(m) 
      m(i) = 0 
      For j = LBound(simplex) To UBound(simplex) - 1 
       m(i) = m(i) + simplex(j).Vect(i) 
      Next j 
      m(i) = m(i)/n 
     Next i 

     'Calculate the reflected point 
     For i = LBound(r) To UBound(r) 
      r(i) = 2 * m(i) - simplex(UBound(simplex)).Vect(i) 
     Next i 
     Set FR = f.Eval(r) 

     'Check acceptance conditions 
     If (simplex(LBound(simplex)).Result <= FR.Result) And (FR.Result < simplex(UBound(simplex) - 1).Result) Then 
      'Accept r, replace the worst value and iterate 
      Set newFE = FR 
     ElseIf FR.Result < simplex(LBound(simplex)).Result Then 
      'Calculate the expansion point, s 
      For i = LBound(s) To UBound(s) 
       s(i) = m(i) + 2 * (m(i) - simplex(UBound(simplex)).Vect(i)) 
      Next i 
      Set FS = f.Eval(s) 
      If FS.Result < FR.Result Then 
       Set newFE = FS 
       Set newFE = FR 
      End If 
     ElseIf FR.Result >= simplex(UBound(simplex) - 1).Result Then 
      'Perform a contraction between m and the better of x(n+1) and r 
      If FR.Result < simplex(UBound(simplex)).Result Then 
       'Contract outside 
       For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c) 
        c(i) = m(i) + (r(i) - m(i))/2 
       Next i 
       Set FC = f.Eval(c) 
       If FC.Result < FR.Result Then 
        Set newFE = FC 
        shrink = True 
       End If 
       'Contract inside 
       For i = LBound(cc) To UBound(cc) 
        cc(i) = m(i) + (simplex(UBound(simplex)).Vect(i) - m(i))/2 
       Next i 
       Set FCC = f.Eval(cc) 
       If FCC.Result < simplex(UBound(simplex)).Result Then 
        Set newFE = FCC 
        shrink = True 
       End If 
      End If 
     End If 

     'Shrink if required 
     If shrink Then 
      For i = LBound(simplex) + 1 To UBound(simplex) 
       For j = LBound(simplex(i).VectArr) To UBound(simplex(i).VectArr) 
        diff(j) = simplex(LBound(simplex)).Vect(j) + (simplex(i).Vect(j) - simplex(LBound(simplex)).Vect(j))/2 
       Next j 
       Set simplex(i) = f.Eval(diff) 
      Next i 
     End If 

     'Insert the new element in place 
     If Not newFE Is Nothing Then 
      For i = LBound(simplex) To UBound(simplex) 
       If simplex(i).Result > newFE.Result Then 
        For j = UBound(simplex) To i + 1 Step -1 
         Set simplex(j) = simplex(j - 1) 
        Next j 
        Set simplex(i) = newFE 
        Exit For 
       End If 
      Next i 
     End If 

    Loop Until (simplex(UBound(simplex)).Result - simplex(LBound(simplex)).Result) < eps 

    NelderMead = simplex(LBound(simplex)).VectArr 

End Function 

Function test(cube, guess) As Double 

    Dim f As New Func 
    Dim guessVec(0 To 0) As Double 
    Dim Result() As Double 
    Dim i As Integer 
    Dim output As String 

    f.cube = cube 
    guessVec(0) = guess 

    Result = NelderMead(f, guessVec) 

    test = Result(0) 

End Function 

的Func鍵類包含你的剩餘功能。 NelderMead方法只需要Func類的Result方法,所以只要Eval方法處理一個與初始猜測長度相同的向量並返回一個FuncEval對象,您就可以隨意使用Func類。




Function NelderMead(f As Object, _ 
        ByRef guess() As Double) As Double() 



Function f(x() As Double) As Double 
    f = x(0) * x(0) 
End Function 

Sub Test() 
    Dim x(0 To 0) As Double 
    x(0) = 5 
    Debug.Print Application.Run("f", x) 
End Sub 


Function NelderMead(f As String, _ 
        ByRef guess() As Double) As Double() 



請注意,我並沒有過分重視效率(我會在開玩笑的人,它是VBA,而不是Haskell)還是收斂條件。我建議你至少回顧一下後者。 – mkingston 2012-07-18 06:19:43


哇,太棒了!我能夠減少pertFact並且還沒有任何收斂問題。我曾考慮編寫自己的最小化程序,但我不確定是否可以在VBA中解決這個問題。我想現在我只需要讓Func成爲一個接口,這樣我就可以使曼尼不同的功能最小化?通過閱讀VBA如何工作的代碼,我學到了很多東西。感謝所有的幫助 – VanDerWaals 2012-07-18 15:13:06


很高興你喜歡它:)。不幸的是,你需要爲每個你想要最小化的函數創建一個新的func對象(不只是一個實例,一個全新的類)。原因是除非你想解析函數字符串,否則我想不出在VBA中傳遞函數的方法。使用VBIDE庫可能會有其他選擇 - 或者您可以在此處發佈另一個關於它的問題 - 事實上,我想我可能會這麼做,出於興趣。 – mkingston 2012-07-18 20:43:23