2017-09-23 200 views

在我的服務器端,我剛開始通過AngelEye PHP SDK接收自適應付款API的積極響應,以實現延遲鏈接付款,該付款持有基本資金接收機長達90天分散到二級接收機帳戶。PayPal自適應付款API - 延遲鏈接付款(PHP,JavaScript)




By default, payments to all receivers in a chained payment are immediate. 
However, you can choose to delay a payment to a secondary receiver. For 
example, as primary receiver, you may require secondary receivers to perform 
some action, such as shipping goods or waiting for expiration of a return 
period, before making payment. To complete the payment, you must explicitly 
execute a payment to secondary receivers after the sender pays you. The 
payment must occur within 90 days, after which you cannot complete the payment 
as part of the original chained payment. 

嗨!你應該發佈你的解決方案作爲答案並接受它,以便其他人可以看到你的問題已經解決,特別是如果你自己解決它:) – glennsl




Step 4: Make a Payment to One or More Secondary Receivers 

When the time comes to pay secondary receivers, call ExecutePayment, 
specifying the pay key from Step 1. For more information on this call, see 
the ExecutePayment API Operation. 

When the time comes to pay secondary receivers, all secondary receivers must 
be paid at once. 

PayKey + ExecutePayment =回答!