2015-09-05 57 views


rem *************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 
rem * If the log file contains the 'copied' word log an event 
rem *************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 

find /c "copied" C:\Richards Folders\backup service\create events and logs\test backup log\backup.log 
if errorlevel 1 goto ONE 
if errorlevel 0 goto ZERO 

eventcreate /L Application /T Information /SO "BackUp Service" /ID 900 /D "Copied in backing up files to the back-up store. For more details look in C:\Richards Folders\backup service\create events and logs\test backup log." 
goto END 

eventcreate /L Application /T Error /SO "BackUp Service" /ID 901 /D "Error in backing up files to the back-up store. For more details look in C:\Richards Folders\backup service\create events and logs\test backup log." 






rem *************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 
rem * If the log file contains the 'copied' word log an event 
rem *************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 

%SystemRoot%\System32\find.exe /c "copied" "C:\Richards Folders\backup service\create events and logs\test backup log\backup.log" 
if errorlevel 1 goto NotFound 

%SystemRoot%\System32\eventcreate.exe /L Application /T Information /SO "BackUp Service" /ID 900 /D "Copied in backing up files to the back-up store. For more details look in C:\Richards Folders\backup service\create events and logs\test backup log." 
goto :EOF 

%SystemRoot%\System32\eventcreate.exe /L Application /T Error /SO "BackUp Service" /ID 901 /D "Error in backing up files to the back-up store. For more details look in C:\Richards Folders\backup service\create events and logs\test backup log." 


另請參見Microsoft支持文章Testing for a Specific Error Level in Batch Files

條件if errorlevel 0幾乎總是如此,因爲它意味着大於或等於0,並且幾乎沒有應用程序退出並返回負值。




find /c "copied" < "C:\Richards Folders\backup service\create events and logs\test backup log\backup.log" 

if not errorlevel 1 (
eventcreate /L Application /T Information /SO "BackUp Service" /ID 900 /D "Copied in backing up files to the back-up store. For more details look in C:\Richards Folders\backup service\create events and logs\test backup log." 
) else (
eventcreate /L Application /T Error /SO "BackUp Service" /ID 901 /D "Error in backing up files to the back-up store. For more details look in C:\Richards Folders\backup service\create events and logs\test backup log." 