2014-09-19 62 views


║ Properties ║  Names  ║ 
║ User.UserId ║ Id    ║ 
║ User.Name ║ IdUser   ║ 
║ User.Age ║ UserId <- MATCH ║ 
║ User.Email ║ Key    ║ 
║    ║ UserKey   ║ 
║    ║ KeyUser   ║ 

private const string IdAffix = "Id"; 
private const string KeyAffix = "Key"; 

private static readonly Func<Type, IEnumerable<string>> GetIdentityNamePatterns 
    = type => new [] { IdAffix, KeyAffix, type.Name + IdAffix, IdAffix + Type.Name,...} 

private Expression<Func<TEntity, TIdentity> KeySelector = entity => 
    var type = typeof(TEntity); 

     return ((IEntity<TIdentity>) entity).Id; 

    const BindingFlags bindingFlags 
     = BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Public; 

    var properties = type.GetProperties(bindingFlags); 

    var identityProperty = entityProperties.SingleOrDefault(x => 
     Attribute.IsDefined(x, typeof(IdentityAttribute)) && x.PropertyType == typeof (TIdentity)) 
     // this is where I'm stuck 
     // how to loopthe list of possible names while looping 
     // through the properties at the same time? 
     ?? entityProperties.SingleOrDefault(
      x => x.Name.Equals... // GetIdentityNamePatterns(type) 

[相交](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/bb460136(V = VS.100)的.aspx)可能對你 – DGibbs 2014-09-19 15:49:34


所以有用 - 基本上要返回某個對象的屬性 - 該屬性的名稱存在於其他列表中?這就是全部? – 2014-09-19 15:58:39


看起來像OP想從左邊選擇'User.UserId'時在右邊的列表中找到'UserId'我會查看.Contains()方法或IndexOf(「。」)以獲取所有內容「'。」'的權利將返回要在右列表中搜索的鍵值[列表 .Contains()](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bhkz42b3(v = vs.110).aspx) – MethodMan 2014-09-19 16:01:07



我不是100%肯定你的意思 - 基本上你想返回一些對象的屬性 - 在該屬性的名稱在其他一些列表中存在?

var namesToMatch = GetIdentityNamePatterns(type); 

var property = entityProperties 
    .FirstOrDefault(p => namesToMatch.Any(n => x => x.Name.Equals(n)));