2016-03-04 47 views

嗨,大家對不起,我是Java的新手,這是我的課程中的一個練習。 我應該要求用戶輸入5個數字,然後比較它們是否與之前輸入的數字相同。 這些是我的代碼到目前爲止,但我無法得到它的工作。 謝謝。如何比較數組中的用戶輸入?

import java.util.Scanner; 

public class Source { 
    private static int num = 0; 
    private static int[] enterednum = new int[5]; 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 

     for(int count = 0; count < enterednum.length; count++) { 
      System.out.println("Enter a number."); 
      num = input.nextInt(); 


     System.out.println("These are the number you have entered: "); 

    public static void compare(int[] enterednum) { 
     for(int count = 0; count < 6; count++) 
      if(num == enterednum[count]) 
       System.out.println("The number has been entered before."); 

具體是什麼問題?我的意思是,當你說我的工作無法完成時,你的意思是什麼_ – kaonashi


爲什麼你運行6次計數?使用相同的'.length'屬性? –


嘗試運行時出現錯誤。 @kaonashi –




import java.util.Scanner; 
public class Source 
    private static int enterednum[]=new int[5]; 
    public static void main(String args[]) 
     int num=0; // make this local variable since this need not be class property 
     Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 

     for(int count=0;count<enterednum.length;count++) 
      System.out.println("Enter a number."); 
      num = input.nextInt(); 
      compare(num, count); 
      enterednum[count] = num; // store the input 


     System.out.println("These are the number you have entered: "); 
     // print numbers in array instead the array 
     for(int count=0;count<enterednum.length;count++) 
    // change the method signature to let it get the number of input 
    public static void compare(int num, int inputcount) 
     for(int count=0;count<inputcount;count++) 
       System.out.println("The number has been entered before."); 

謝謝!數字重複時可能無法記錄下來嗎? –


是的,通過編寫正確的代碼。 – MikeCAT


謝謝!我會嘗試 ! –



import java.io.BufferedReader; 
import java.io.IOException; 
import java.io.InputStreamReader; 
import java.util.*; 

public class Source {  
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { 
     // I used buffered reader because I am familiar with it :) 
     BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); 

     // Create a Set to store numbers 
     Set<Integer> numbers = new HashSet<>(); 
     for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { 
      System.out.print("Enter a number: "); 
      String line = in.readLine(); 
      int intValue = Integer.parseInt(line); 

      // You can check you number is in the set or not 
      if (numbers.contains(intValue)) { 
       System.out.println("You have entered " + intValue + " before"); 
      } else { 

哇這是先進的東西...謝謝! –