2016-06-10 85 views






Grid.prototype.generate = function(){ 

    this.galaxyCircle = { 
     pos: { 
      x: this.pos.x , 
      y: this.pos.y, 
      z: this.pos.z , 
     r: (this.grid_size/2), 

    this.add_center_point(this.galaxyCircle.pos, 0x033d6ff); 

    this.AOS_settings = { //// Area of Sight //// 
     x: this.galaxyCircle.x, 
     y: this.galaxyCircle.z, 
     r: 64, //// radius //// 
     color: 0x33cccc 

    ////// fill the grid with square cells //////// 
    for (var row = 0; row < this.size.rows; row++){ 
     for (var col = 0; col < this.size.cols; col++){ 
      this.add_cell2grid(row, col); 

    this.position.set(this.pos.x , this.pos.y, this.pos.z); 
    ///// center the grid ///// 
    this.cells.position.set(this.pos.x - ((this.size.rows * this.sq_size)/2), this.pos.y, this.pos.z - ((this.size.cols * this.sq_size)/2)); 

    //// map borders ///// 
     r: (this.grid_size/2), 
     color: 0x00ff00 
    this.add_square_border(this.grid_size , 0xffff00); 
    //// map borders ///// 


var renderer, camera, scene, controls, n_grid; 



///////// [ Square ] //////////// 
var Square = function(options){ 
\t if(typeof options != "undefined"){ 
\t \t this.attr = { 
\t \t \t coords: options.coords || [], 
\t \t \t size : options.size, 
\t \t \t margin: options.margin || 0, 
\t \t \t pos: options.b_pos, 
\t \t \t opacity: options.opacity || 1, 
\t \t \t id: typeof(options.coords) == "undefined" ? -1 : options.coords[0]+""+options.coords[1], 
\t \t }; 
\t \t 
\t \t var cell_size = (this.attr.size + (this.attr.margin * 2)); 
\t \t 
\t \t this.colors = { 
\t \t \t selected : 0x40ff00, 
\t \t \t hover: 0x00ff00, 
\t \t \t path: 0x3399ff, 
\t \t \t ship: { 
\t \t \t \t selected: 0xff8000, 
\t \t \t \t hover: 0xff5c33 
\t \t \t }, 
\t \t \t base : parseInt(options.color) 
\t \t }; 
\t \t 
\t \t this.states = { 
\t \t \t selected : false, 
\t \t \t hovered: false, 
\t \t \t isPath: false, 
\t \t \t isPlayer: false 
\t \t }; 
\t \t 
\t \t var rectGeom = this.generate_lines(); 
\t \t var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ side: THREE.DoubleSide, color: options.color , transparent: true, opacity: this.attr.opacity }); ///// color not being changed!!!???/ /// 
\t \t 
\t \t THREE.Line.call(this, rectGeom, material); 
\t \t 
\t \t this.scale.set(1, 1, 1); 
\t \t if(this.attr.coords.length == 0){ 
\t \t \t this.position.set(this.attr.pos.x , this.attr.pos.y, this.attr.pos.z); 
\t \t }else{ 
\t \t \t this.position.set(this.attr.pos.x + (this.attr.coords[0] * cell_size) + this.attr.margin + (cell_size/2), this.attr.pos.y, this.attr.pos.z + (this.attr.coords[1] * cell_size) + this.attr.margin + (cell_size/2)); 
\t \t } 
\t \t 
\t \t /*this.center_pos = { ///// pos of center point /// 
\t \t \t x: (this.position.x + (cell_size/2)) + 0.5, 
\t \t \t y: (this.position.z + (cell_size/2)) + 0.5 
\t \t };*/ 
\t \t 
\t \t this.rotation.set((Math.PI/2) , 0 , 0); 
\t \t 
\t }else{ 
\t \t console.error("[Square] no parameters defined. ]"); 
\t } 

Square.prototype = Object.create(THREE.Line.prototype); 
Square.prototype.constructor = Square; 

///// State handlers //// 
Square.prototype.toggleState = function(state){ 
\t this.states[ state ] = !this.states[ state ]; 

Square.prototype.checkState = function(state){ 
\t return this.states[ state ]; 
/////// Mouse events //// 
Square.prototype.mouseOver = function(){ 
\t if(! this.checkState("hovered")){ 
\t \t if(! this.checkState("selected")){ 
\t \t \t this.toggleState("hovered"); 
\t \t \t this.change_color(this.colors.hover, 0.8); 
\t \t } 
\t } 
Square.prototype.mouseOut = function(){ 
\t if(this.checkState("hovered")){ 
\t \t if(! this.checkState("selected")){ 
\t \t \t this.change_color(this.colors.base); 
\t \t \t this.toggleState("hovered"); 
\t \t } 
\t } 
Square.prototype.select = function(){ 
\t if(! this.checkState("selected")){ 
\t \t this.toggleState("selected"); 
\t \t this.change_color(this.colors.selected , 1); 
\t } 
Square.prototype.unselect = function(){ 
\t if(this.checkState("selected")){ 
\t \t this.toggleState("selected"); 
\t \t this.change_color(this.colors.base); 
\t } 
/////// Mouse events //// 

Square.prototype.change_color = function(color, opacity){ 
\t \t this.material.color.setHex(color); 
\t \t this.material.opacity = opacity || this.attr.opacity; 

Square.prototype.generate_lines = function(){ 
\t var rectShape = new THREE.Shape(); 
\t var half_size = (this.attr.size/2); 
\t rectShape.autoClose = true; 
\t rectShape.moveTo(-half_size,-half_size); 
\t rectShape.lineTo(half_size,-half_size); 
\t rectShape.lineTo(half_size, half_size); 
\t rectShape.lineTo(-half_size, half_size); 
\t return rectShape.createPointsGeometry(); 
///////// [ Square ] //////////// 


/////// [ Circle ] //////////////// 
var Circle = function(options){ 
\t if(typeof options != "undefined"){ 
\t \t //console.log("[Circle] Initializing"); 
\t \t this.attr = { 
\t \t \t segments: options.segments, 
\t \t \t radius : options.radius, 
\t \t \t color: options.color, 
\t \t \t pos: options.pos 
\t \t } 
\t \t 
\t \t var segments = this.generate_segments(); 
\t \t var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: options.color , transparent: true, opacity: options.opacity}); 
\t \t THREE.Line.call(this , segments , material); 
\t \t \t 
\t \t this.scale.set(1, 1, 1); 
\t \t this.position.set(options.pos.x, options.pos.y, options.pos.z); //// x,y,z //// 
\t \t this.rotation.set((Math.PI/2) , 0 , 0); 
\t }else{ 
\t \t console.error("[Circle] no parameters defined. ]"); 
\t } 

Circle.prototype = Object.create(THREE.Line.prototype); 
Circle.prototype.constructor = Circle; 

Circle.prototype.generate_segments = function(){ 
\t var geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); 
\t for(var s= 0; s <= this.attr.segments; s++) { 
\t \t var theta = (s/this.attr.segments) * Math.PI * 2; 
\t \t geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(Math.cos(theta) * this.attr.radius, Math.sin(theta) * this.attr.radius, 0));   
\t } 
\t return geometry; 
/////// [ Circle ] //////////////// 


///////////// [ Grid ] //////////////// 
var Grid = function(options){ 
\t if(typeof options !== "undefined"){ 
\t \t //console.log("[Grid] Initializing"); 
\t \t this.cell_settings = options.cell; 
\t \t this.grid_size = options.size; 
\t \t 
\t \t THREE.Object3D.call(this); 
\t \t 
\t \t this.pos = { 
\t \t \t x: options.pos.x, 
\t \t \t y: options.pos.y, 
\t \t \t z: options.pos.z 
\t \t }; 
\t \t 
\t \t var sq_margin = (this.cell_settings.margin * 2); 
\t \t this.sq_size = this.cell_settings.size + sq_margin; 
\t \t this.size = { 
\t \t \t w: this.grid_size[0] * this.sq_size, 
\t \t \t h: this.grid_size[1] * this.sq_size 
\t \t }; 
\t \t console.log(this.grid_size) 

\t \t this.cells = new THREE.Object3D(); 
\t \t 
\t \t this.cells_in_AOS = []; //// cells in Area of Sight //// 
\t \t 
\t \t this.galaxyCircle = { 
\t \t \t pos: { 
\t \t \t \t x: this.pos.x + (this.size.w/2), 
\t \t \t \t y: this.pos.y, 
\t \t \t \t z: this.pos.z + (this.size.w/2), 
\t \t \t }, 
\t \t \t r: (this.size.w/2), 
\t \t }; 
\t \t 
\t \t var c = (this.galaxyCircle.r - options.AOS.r); 

\t \t 
\t \t this.AOS_circle = { //// Area of Sight //// 
\t \t \t pos: { 
\t \t \t \t x: this.galaxyCircle.pos.x, 
\t \t \t \t y: this.galaxyCircle.pos.y, 
\t \t \t \t z: this.galaxyCircle.pos.z 
\t \t \t }, 
\t \t \t r: options.AOS.r, //// radius //// 
\t \t \t color: 0x33cccc 
\t \t }; 
\t \t 
\t \t console.log(this.AOS_circle) 
\t \t 
\t \t this.generate(); 
\t }else{ 
\t \t console.error("[Grid] no parameters defined. ]"); 
\t } 

Grid.prototype = Object.create(THREE.Object3D.prototype); 
Grid.prototype.constructor = Grid; 

Grid.prototype.generate = function(){ 
\t //////////////// Galaxy center point ////// 
\t this.add_center_point(this.galaxyCircle.pos, 0x033d6ff); 
\t ////// AOS circle border //// 
\t this.add_circle_border(this.AOS_circle); 

\t ////// fill the grid with square cells //////// 
\t for (var row = 0; row < this.grid_size[0]; row++){ 
\t \t for (var col = 0; col < this.grid_size[1]; col++){ 
\t \t \t this.add_cell2grid(row, col); 
\t \t } 
\t } 

\t this.position.set(this.pos.x , this.pos.y, this.pos.z); 
\t ///// center the grid ///// 
\t this.cells.position.set(this.pos.x - ((this.grid_size[0] * this.sq_size)/2), this.pos.y, this.pos.z - ((this.grid_size[1]* this.sq_size)/2)); 
\t this.add(this.cells); 
\t //// map borders ///// 
\t this.add_circle_border({ 
\t \t r: (this.size.w/2), 
\t \t color: 0x00ff00 
\t }); 
\t this.add_square_border(this.size.w , 0xffff00); 
\t this.add_center_point(); 
\t //// map borders ///// 
Grid.prototype.add_center_point = function(pos, color){ 
\t var geometry =new THREE.BoxGeometry(0.5, 5.5, 0.5) 
\t if(typeof pos === "object"){ 
\t \t geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(0.5, 10.5, 0.5); 
\t } 
\t var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: color || 0xcc33ff}); 
\t var cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); 
\t if(typeof pos !== "object"){ 
\t \t cube.position.set(0,0,0); 
\t }else{ 
\t \t cube.position.set(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); 
\t } 
\t this.add(cube) 


Grid.prototype.add_cell2grid = function(row, col){ 
\t var cell = new Square({ 
\t \t coords: [row, col], 
\t \t size: this.cell_settings.size, 
\t \t margin: this.cell_settings.margin, 
\t \t opacity: this.cell_settings.opacity, 
\t \t color: 0xFFFFFF, 
\t \t b_pos: { 
\t \t \t x: this.pos.x , 
\t \t \t y: this.pos.y, 
\t \t \t z: this.pos.z 
\t \t } //// base position /// 
\t }); 
\t if(this.isColidingWith(this.galaxyCircle, cell)){ 
\t \t if(! this.is_in_AOS(cell)){ 
\t \t \t cell.visible = false; 
\t \t }else{ 
\t \t \t this.cells_in_AOS.push(cell); 
\t \t } 
\t \t 
\t \t if(this instanceof THREE.Object3D){ 
\t \t \t this.cells.add(cell); 
\t \t }else{ 
\t \t \t console.error("[Grid] is not THREE.Object3D type. "); 
\t \t } 
\t } 

Grid.prototype.is_in_AOS = function(cell){ //// Circle colision //// 
\t return this.isColidingWith(this.AOS_circle, cell) 
Grid.prototype.isColidingWith = function(cA, cell){ //// Circle colision //// 
\t var d_x = cA.pos.x - cell.position.x; 
\t var d_y = cA.pos.z - cell.position.z; 
\t var dist = Math.sqrt(d_x * d_x + d_y * d_y); 
\t if(dist < (cA.r - (cell.attr.size/2) )){ 
\t \t return true; 
\t } 
\t return false; 

Grid.prototype.getCellAt = function(p){ 
\t this.wColiisions.postMessage([ p.x , p.y ]); 

Grid.prototype.add_circle_border = function(options){ 
\t var circle = new Circle({ 
\t \t segments: 50, 
\t \t radius: options.r, 
\t \t color: options.color, 
\t \t opacity: 0.5, 
\t \t pos: { 
\t \t \t x: this.pos.x, 
\t \t \t y: 0.5, 
\t \t \t z: this.pos.z 
\t \t } 
\t }); 
\t this.add(circle); 

Grid.prototype.add_square_border = function(square_size, color){ 
\t var square = new Square({ 
\t \t size: square_size, 
\t \t color: color, 
\t \t b_pos: { //// base position /// 
\t \t \t x: this.pos.x, 
\t \t \t y: this.pos.y, 
\t \t \t z: this.pos.z 
\t \t } 
\t }); 

\t this.add(square); 

///////////// [ Grid ] //////////////// 


////// Initializers //////////////////////// 
function initEvents(){ 
\t //console.log("- Events"); 
\t window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize, false); 
\t renderer.domElement.addEventListener('mousedown', onMouseDown, false); 
\t renderer.domElement.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove, false); 

function initRenderer(){ 
\t //console.log("- Renderer"); 
\t renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias:true}); 
\t renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); 
\t document.body.appendChild(renderer.domElement); 
\t renderer.setClearColor(0x264d73, 1); 

function initScene(){ 
\t //console.log("- Scene") 
\t scene = new THREE.Scene(); 

function initCamera(){ 
\t //console.log("- Camera"); 
\t camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(45, window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight, 1, 10000); 
\t camera.position.set(0, 390, 0); 
\t camera.lookAt(scene.position); 
\t scene.add(camera); 
\t //controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera , renderer.domElement); 

function initLights(){ 
\t console.log("- Lights"); 
\t var aLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xD0D0D0, 0.5); 
\t scene.add(aLight); 

function initGrid(){ 
\t n_grid = new Grid({ 
\t \t size: [20, 20], 
\t \t pos: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, 
\t \t cell: { 
\t \t \t size: 7, 
\t \t \t margin: 0, 
\t \t \t opacity: 0.4 
\t \t }, 
\t \t AOS: { 
\t \t \t r: 30 
\t \t } 
\t }); 
\t scene.add(n_grid); 
////// Initializers //////////////////////// 


///// Mouse events //////// 
function onMouseMove(e){ 
///// Mouse events //////// 

///// Main ///////// 
function main(){ 
\t //console.log(" Initializing: "); 
\t initRenderer(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); 
\t initScene(); 
\t initCamera(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); 
\t initLights(); 
\t initGrid(); 
\t //InitEvents(); 
\t animate(); 

function animate(){ 
\t window.requestAnimationFrame(animate); 
\t render_all(); 

function render_all(){ 
\t //controls.update(); 
\t renderer.render(scene, camera); 

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/r77/three.js"></script> 
\t <style> 
\t \t body canvas{ 
\t \t \t width: 100%, 
\t \t \t height: 100%; 
\t \t \t margin:0; 
\t \t \t padding:0; 
\t \t } 
\t </style> 





a = (0, 0); d-----c 
b = (10, 0); |  | 
c = (10,10); |  | 
d = (0,10); a-----b 


a = (-5,-5); d-----c 
b = (5,-5); |  | 
c = (5, 5); |  | 
d = (-5, 5); a-----b 



它不只是這個...但也是我錯誤地計算兩者'Galaxy_circle'和'AOS_circle'的中心點。它現在工作正常。 , 感謝您的輸入。我也修正了上面的示例。 – Alexus