2009-10-06 179 views



$VAR1 = [ 
     'IPAddress' => '', 
     'Boxname' => 'MPLRDFDSOAK1', 
     'CurrentStatusInfo' => { 
           'LineHandlersRunning' => [ 
                   'NumberOfGaps' => 0, 
                 'LineHandlerName' => 'DEFAULT', 
                 'NumberOfCommLinkDowns' => 0, 
                   'LineHandlerUpTime' => 0, 
                   'MemoryUsage' => 0 
     'PreviousStatusInfo' => { 
            'LineHandlersRunning' => 
     'IPAddress' => '', 
     'Boxname' => 'MPLRDFDSOAK2', 
     'CurrentStatusInfo' => { 
           'LineHandlersRunning' => 
     'PreviousStatusInfo' => { 
            'LineHandlersRunning' => 


# Version History                  # 
# example of the ini file 

use strict; 
use warnings; 

# include the library to allow easy access to command line arguments 
use Getopt::Long; 

# include the data dumper utility 
use Data::Dumper; 

my $usageInstructions = "Some instructions\n"; 
my $showMeTheInstructions = ""; 
my $iniFileToReadIn = ""; 
my @boxes; 

# read in the command line arguments 
GetOptions("ini=s" => \$iniFileToReadIn, 
    "H|h|?!" => \$showMeTheInstructions); 

if ($showMeTheInstructions) 
print $usageInstructions; 
exit 0; 

readInINIFileIn($iniFileToReadIn, \@boxes) if ($iniFileToReadIn ne ""); 

print Dumper(\@boxes); 
print "\n\#\n\# END OF DATA DUMP\n\#\n\n"; 
exit 0; 

# subroutine to read in the ini file and create the empty records for the boxes 
# specified 
sub readInINIFileIn 
my ($iniFile, $pointerToBoxes) = @_; 

my $noCRLFOnString = ""; 

# open the file 
open (ConfigFile, "<$iniFile") || die $!; 

# read in all the lines into an array 
my @configurationItems = <ConfigFile>; 

# close the file 
close (ConfigFile); 

# temporary record storage 
my %tempRecord; 

# create the defaults for all boxes 
my @LineHandlersRunning; 

my %tmpLineHandlerRunning = (LineHandlerName => "DEFAULT", 
    LineHandlerUpTime => 0, 
    NumberOfCommLinkDowns => 0, 
    NumberOfGaps => 0, 
    MemoryUsage => 0); 

push (@LineHandlersRunning, {%tmpLineHandlerRunning}); 

my %CurrentStatusInfo; 
my %PreviousStatusInfo; 

push @{ $CurrentStatusInfo{'LineHandlersRunning'} },   @LineHandlersRunning; 
push @{ $PreviousStatusInfo{'LineHandlersRunning'} },   @LineHandlersRunning; 

# loop through the config file and create the defaults for the database of boxes 
foreach my $configLine (@configurationItems) 
    my @TokenisedLineFromFileItems =(); 
    my @TokenisedLineFromFileNameValuePairs =(); 

    # store parameters 
    # each line will be ; separated then => separated, as in each one will have a number of items separated by ;'s and 
    # each item will be be a name & value pair separated by =>'s 
    @TokenisedLineFromFileItems = split(/;/,$configLine); 

    # remove quote marks around the outside of each element of the newly created array 
    s/^"|"$//g foreach @TokenisedLineFromFileItems; 

    # create information in database record to add to boxes 
    foreach my $NameValuePair (@TokenisedLineFromFileItems) 
    @TokenisedLineFromFileNameValuePairs = split(/=>/,$NameValuePair); 
    $noCRLFOnString = $TokenisedLineFromFileNameValuePairs[1]; 
    $noCRLFOnString =~ s/(\n|\r)//g; 

    $tempRecord{'Boxname'} = $noCRLFOnString if ($TokenisedLineFromFileNameValuePairs[0] eq "box"); 
    $tempRecord{'IPAddress'} = $noCRLFOnString if ($TokenisedLineFromFileNameValuePairs[0] eq "ip"); 

    # add all other defaults as blank 
    $tempRecord{'CurrentStatusInfo'} = {%CurrentStatusInfo}; 
    $tempRecord{'PreviousStatusInfo'} = {%PreviousStatusInfo}; 

    push(@$pointerToBoxes, {%tempRecord}); 

它看起來你忘了結束一句話: 「隨後的任何條目都會被奇怪的創建(...)」。 – vezult 2009-10-06 14:02:42


你知道,較長的變量名不一定是較好的變量名。 'TokenisedLineFromFileNameValuePairs',我的意思是,真的嗎?就目前而言,我的大腦無法理解代碼應該做什麼或者正在做什麼。您可以通過花點時間幫助您解決問題:確保Dumper輸出符合要求,確保有一個體面的輸入數據樣本,充分描述程序應該做什麼以及它實際上是什麼這樣做。 *怪異*不是一個好的描述,因爲它是在旁觀者的眼中。 – 2009-10-06 14:08:47


http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/CodeThatDocumentsItselfSoWellItDoesNotNeedComments.aspx – 2009-10-06 14:13:08



我猜這是因爲這兩行最終將相同的散列引用推送到兩個位置 - 所以如果你在一個位置改變hashref內容,另一個也會改變,這可能不是你想要的默認值值。




use strict; 
use warnings; 

use Getopt::Long; 
use Data::Dumper; 

my $cmd_help = "Some instructions\n"; 
my $show_help = ""; 
my $ini_file_path = ""; 

# read in the command line arguments 
GetOptions("ini=s" => \$ini_file_path, 
      "H|h|?!" => \$show_help); 

if ($show_help) { 
    print $cmd_help; 
    exit 0; 

if (! -f $ini_file_path) { 
    die "File '$ini_file_path' doesn't seem to exist."; 

my $boxes = read_ini_file($ini_file_path); 

print Dumper($boxes); 

exit 0; 

=head2 read_ini_file 

read in the ini file and create the empty records for the boxes 


sub read_ini_file { 
    my ($ini_file) = @_; 

    my @boxes; 

    my @config_lines; 
     # consider using File::Slurp 
     open (my $ini_fh, '<', $ini_file_path) || die $!; 

     @config_lines = <$ini_fh>; 
     chomp @config_lines; # remove \r\n 

     # file handle will close when $ini_fh goes out of scope 

    # create the defaults for all boxes 
    my %line_handlers_running_defaults = (LineHandlerName => "DEFAULT", 
              LineHandlerUpTime => 0, 
              NumberOfCommLinkDowns => 0, 
              NumberOfGaps => 0, 
              MemoryUsage => 0); 

    # loop through the config file and create the defaults for the database of boxes 
    foreach my $line (@config_lines) { 

     my %record; 

     my @token_pairs = map { s/^"//; s/^$//; $_ } split(/;/,$line); 

     # create information in database record to add to boxes 
     foreach my $pair (@token_pairs) { 
      my ($key, $val) = split(/=>/,$pair); 

      $record{Boxname} = $val if $key eq "box"; 
      $record{IPAddress} = $val if $key eq "ip"; 

     # add all other defaults as blank 
     $record{CurrentStatusInfo} = { LineHandlersRunning => [{%line_handlers_running_defaults}] }; 
     $record{PreviousStatusInfo} = { LineHandlersRunning => [{%line_handlers_running_defaults}] }; 

     push @boxes, \%record; 

    return \@boxes; 


$VAR1 = [ 
    'IPAddress' => '', 
    'CurrentStatusInfo' => { 
       'LineHandlersRunning' => [ 
            'NumberOfGaps' => 0, 
            'LineHandlerName' => 'DEFAULT', 
            'NumberOfCommLinkDowns' => 0, 
            'LineHandlerUpTime' => 0, 
            'MemoryUsage' => 0 
    'Boxname' => 'MPLRDFDSOAK1', 
    'PreviousStatusInfo' => { 
        'LineHandlersRunning' => [ 
            'NumberOfGaps' => 0, 
            'LineHandlerName' => 'DEFAULT', 
            'NumberOfCommLinkDowns' => 0, 
            'LineHandlerUpTime' => 0, 
            'MemoryUsage' => 0 
    'IPAddress' => '', 
    'CurrentStatusInfo' => { 
       'LineHandlersRunning' => [ 
            'NumberOfGaps' => 0, 
            'LineHandlerName' => 'DEFAULT', 
            'NumberOfCommLinkDowns' => 0, 
            'LineHandlerUpTime' => 0, 
            'MemoryUsage' => 0 
    'Boxname' => 'MPLRDFDSOAK2', 
    'PreviousStatusInfo' => { 
        'LineHandlersRunning' => [ 
            'NumberOfGaps' => 0, 
            'LineHandlerName' => 'DEFAULT', 
            'NumberOfCommLinkDowns' => 0, 
            'LineHandlerUpTime' => 0, 
            'MemoryUsage' => 0 

謝謝馬克 你的例子和幫助非常感謝,因爲它告訴我我哪裏出了錯,實際上給了一個指示如何糾正,甚至更有幫助的是,簡化我的代碼。再次感謝你,祝你有美好的一天。 親切的問候 格倫 – Glen 2009-10-12 11:44:23






$tempRecord{'CurrentStatusInfo'} = {%CurrentStatusInfo}; 
$tempRecord{'PreviousStatusInfo'} = {%PreviousStatusInfo}; 


