2013-04-23 80 views





from pyparsing import * 

# use an Empty to define a null token that just records its 
# own location in the input string 
locnMarker = Empty().leaveWhitespace().setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: l) 

# define a example expression and save the start and end locations 
markedInteger = locnMarker + Word(nums)('value') + locnMarker 

# assign named results for the start and end values, 
# and pop them out of the actual list of tokens 
def markStartAndEnd(s,l,t): 
    t['start'],t['end'] = t.pop(0),t.pop(-1) 

# find all integers in the source string, and print 
# their value, start, and end locations; use dump() 
# to show the parsed tokens and any named results 
source = "ljsdlj2342 sadlsfj132 sldfj12321 sldkjfsldj 1232" 
for integer in markedInteger.searchString(source): 
    print integer.dump() 


- end: 11 
- start: 6 
- value: 2342 
- end: 22 
- start: 18 
- value: 132 
- end: 33 
- start: 27 
- value: 12321 
- end: 48 
- start: 44 
- value: 1232 

此功能已被納入pyparsing,作爲助手函數'locatedExpr'。在這個例子中,'markedInteger'將被替換爲'locatedExpr(Word(nums))',並且不需要添加任何分析動作。 – PaulMcG 2014-11-20 22:50:06


如果輸入文本包含個字符,還要格外小心。默認情況下,pyparsing在開始解析之前會在輸入字符串中調用'string.expandtabs()',這將改變輸入內字符串的預期位置。要抑制這種默認行爲,請在調用expr.parseString(inputStringContainingTabs)之前調用'expr.parseWithTabs()'。 – PaulMcG 2014-11-20 22:54:10