2014-09-27 108 views

就乾脆把它,我有以下問題:GLSL - 數組索引越界的


warning C1068: array index out of bounds. 
error C1068: array index out of bounds. 


// Utility 
uint PackColor(vec3 color) 
    uint value = 0 << 24;     // Alpha 
    value = value + uint(color.r) << 16; // Red 
    value = value + uint(color.g) << 8;  // Green 
    value = value + uint(color.b);   // Blue 
    return value; 

// Stack.glsl ~ Contains a Stack and StackEntry structure for holding multiple rays to be   evaluated. 
// Date: 11-09-2014 
// Authors: Christian Veenman, Tom van Dijkhuizen 
// Type: Library 

#define MAX_STACK_SIZE 64 

struct StackEntry 
    uint depth; 
    float fraction; 
    Ray ray; 

struct Stack 
    int current; 
    StackEntry entries[MAX_STACK_SIZE]; 

// Pushes an element on the stack. 
void Push(Stack stack, StackEntry entry) 
    stack.entries[stack.current] = entry; 
    stack.current = stack.current + 1; 

// Pops an element from the stack. 
StackEntry Pop(Stack stack) 
    stack.current = stack.current - 1; 
    return stack.entries[stack.current]; 

// Checks if the stack is empty 
bool isEmpty(Stack stack) 
    if(stack.current == 0) 
     return true; 
     return false; 

Screen screen; 
Stack stack; 
void main() 
    // Init stack 
    stack.current = 0; 
    for(int i = 0; i < stack.entries.length; i++) 
     stack.entries[i] = StackEntry(0, 0, Ray(vec3(0,0,0),vec3(0,0,0))); 

    // Init screen 
    screen.width = 1280; 
    screen.height = 1024; 

    // Screen coordinates 
    uint x = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; 
    uint y = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y; 

    Push(stack, StackEntry(0, 1.0f, Ray(vec3(1,0,0),vec3(1,0,0)))); 
    StackEntry entry = Pop(stack); 
    entry.ray.direction *= 255; 

    uint RGBA = PackColor(entry.ray.direction); 
    pixels[(screen.height - y - 1)*screen.width + x] = RGBA; 





您粘貼的代碼到目前爲止有一些嚴重的isseus。你甚至沒有一個堆棧可以使用。 – derhass 2014-09-27 16:43:18


當然,還有一個全局堆棧變量,那麼我也會添加其餘的代碼。 (我省略了它,因爲否則它會變得無關緊要) – 2014-09-27 17:19:20


@derhass btw!屏幕是隻有一個寬度和高度的結構,但我認爲這是明顯的權利? – 2014-09-27 17:21:26


