2013-04-20 56 views

我是JavaScript編程的新手,並且遇到了一些實現HighCharts圖表的麻煩。我使用的API是麥蓋提(https://github.com/markitondemand/DataApis/blob/master/MarkitTimeseriesServiceSample.js)產生圖表作爲中間的圖顯示了這個頁面http://dev.markitondemand.com/HighCharts - 讓圖表顯示 - 簡單的例子(markit API)




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    * Version 1.1, Jan 2012 
    var Markit = {}; 
    * Define the TimeseriesService. 
    * First argument is symbol (string) for the quote. Examples: AAPL, MSFT, JNJ, GOOG. 
    * Second argument is duration (int) for how many days of history to retrieve. 
    Markit.TimeseriesService = function(symbol,duration){ 
     this.symbol = symbol; 
     this.duration = duration; 

    Markit.TimeseriesService.prototype.PlotChart = function(){ 

     //Make JSON request for timeseries data 
       $("#chartDemoContainer").text("Loading chart..."); 
      data: { 
       symbol: this.symbol, 
       duration: this.duration 
      url: "http://dev.markitondemand.com/Api/Timeseries/jsonp", 
      dataType: "jsonp", 
      context: this, 
      success: function(json){ 
      //Catch errors 
    if (!json.Data || json.Message){ 
    console.error("Error: ", json.Message); 
      error: function(){ 
       alert("Couldn't generate chart."); 

    Markit.TimeseriesService.prototype.BuildDataAndChart = function(json){ 
     var dateDS = json.Data.SeriesDates, 
      closeDS = json.Data.Series.close.values, 
      openDS = json.Data.Series.open.values, 
      closeDSLen = closeDS.length, 
      irregularIntervalDS = []; 

    * Build array of arrays of date & price values 
    * Market data is inherently irregular and HighCharts doesn't 
    * really like irregularity (for axis intervals, anyway) 
     for (var i=0; i<closeDSLen;i++){ 
      var dat = new Date(dateDS[i]); 
      var dateIn = Date.UTC(dat.getFullYear(), dat.getMonth(), dat.getDate()); 
      var val = closeDS[i]; 

     //set dataset and chart label 
     this.oChartOptions.series[0].data = irregularIntervalDS; 
     this.oChartOptions.title.text = "Price History of " + json.Data.Name + " (1 year)"; 

     //init chart 
     new Highcharts.Chart(this.oChartOptions); 

    //Define the HighCharts options 
    Markit.TimeseriesService.prototype.oChartOptions = { 
    chart: { 
    renderTo: 'chartDemoContainer' 
    subtitle: { 
    text: 'Source: Thomson Reuters DataScope/Markit On Demand' 
    xAxis: { 
    type: 'datetime' 
    yAxis: [{ // left y axis 
    title: { 
    text: null 
    labels: { 
    align: 'left', 
    x: 3, 
    y: 16, 
    formatter: function() { 
    return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.value, 0); 
    showFirstLabel: false 
    }, { // right y axis 
    linkedTo: 0, 
    gridLineWidth: 0, 
    opposite: true, 
    title: { 
    text: null 
    labels: { 
    align: 'right', 
    x: -3, 
    y: 16, 
    formatter: function() { 
    return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.value, 0); 
    showFirstLabel: false 
    tooltip: { 
    shared: true, 
    crosshairs: true 
    plotOptions: { 
    series: { 
    marker: { 
    lineWidth: 1 
    series: [{ 
    name: "Close price", 
    lineWidth: 2, 
    marker: { 
    radius: 0 
    //,credits:{ enabled:false }, 

    new Markit.TimeseriesService("GOOG", 365); 

    * Need help? Visit the API documentation at: 
    * http://dev.markitondemand.com 


<div id="container" style="min-width: 400px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div> 




你收到任何錯誤? – 2013-04-22 09:03:59


@New_programmer你找到了解決方案嗎?讓我知道,好奇你的結果.... – Justin 2013-11-05 00:57:47


@Justin - 請參閱下面的答案。它似乎工作正常! – 2016-04-04 01:37:14





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    * Version 1.1, Jan 2012 
    var Markit = {}; 
    * Define the TimeseriesService. 
    * First argument is symbol (string) for the quote. Examples: AAPL, MSFT, JNJ, GOOG. 
    * Second argument is duration (int) for how many days of history to retrieve. 
    Markit.TimeseriesService = function(symbol,duration){ 
     this.symbol = symbol; 
     this.duration = duration; 

    Markit.TimeseriesService.prototype.PlotChart = function(){ 

     //Make JSON request for timeseries data 
       $("#chartDemoContainer").text("Loading chart..."); 
      data: { 
       symbol: this.symbol, 
       duration: this.duration 
      url: "http://dev.markitondemand.com/Api/Timeseries/jsonp", 
      dataType: "jsonp", 
      context: this, 
      success: function(json){ 
      //Catch errors 
    if (!json.Data || json.Message){ 
    console.error("Error: ", json.Message); 
      error: function(){ 
       alert("Couldn't generate chart."); 

    Markit.TimeseriesService.prototype.BuildDataAndChart = function(json){ 
     var dateDS = json.Data.SeriesDates, 
      closeDS = json.Data.Series.close.values, 
      openDS = json.Data.Series.open.values, 
      closeDSLen = closeDS.length, 
      irregularIntervalDS = []; 

    * Build array of arrays of date & price values 
    * Market data is inherently irregular and HighCharts doesn't 
    * really like irregularity (for axis intervals, anyway) 
     for (var i=0; i<closeDSLen;i++){ 
      var dat = new Date(dateDS[i]); 
      var dateIn = Date.UTC(dat.getFullYear(), dat.getMonth(), dat.getDate()); 
      var val = closeDS[i]; 

     //set dataset and chart label 
     this.oChartOptions.series[0].data = irregularIntervalDS; 
     this.oChartOptions.title.text = "Price History of " + json.Data.Name + " (1 year)"; 

     //init chart 
     new Highcharts.Chart(this.oChartOptions); 

    //Define the HighCharts options 
    Markit.TimeseriesService.prototype.oChartOptions = { 
    chart: { 
    renderTo: 'chartDemoContainer' 
    subtitle: { 
    text: 'Source: Thomson Reuters DataScope/Markit On Demand' 
    xAxis: { 
    type: 'datetime' 
    yAxis: [{ // left y axis 
    title: { 
    text: null 
    labels: { 
    align: 'left', 
    x: 3, 
    y: 16, 
    formatter: function() { 
    return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.value, 0); 
    showFirstLabel: false 
    }, { // right y axis 
    linkedTo: 0, 
    gridLineWidth: 0, 
    opposite: true, 
    title: { 
    text: null 
    labels: { 
    align: 'right', 
    x: -3, 
    y: 16, 
    formatter: function() { 
    return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.value, 0); 
    showFirstLabel: false 
    tooltip: { 
    shared: true, 
    crosshairs: true 
    plotOptions: { 
    series: { 
    marker: { 
    lineWidth: 1 
    series: [{ 
    name: "Close price", 
    lineWidth: 2, 
    marker: { 
    radius: 0 
    //,credits:{ enabled:false }, 

    new Markit.TimeseriesService("GOOG", 365); 

    * Need help? Visit the API documentation at: 
    * http://dev.markitondemand.com 


<div id="chartDemoContainer" style="min-width: 400px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div> 
