2010-10-25 173 views






這應該(IMO)是matplotlib已建成的東西在,但它沒有。郵件列表上有一些threads about it,但沒有找到自動文本換行的解決方案。

因此,首先,在matplotlib中繪製之前,無法確定呈現文本字符串的大小(以像素爲單位)。這不是太大的問題,因爲我們可以繪製它,獲取大小,然後重新繪製包裝的文本。 (價格昂貴,但不是太差)




import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

def main(): 
    fig = plt.figure() 
    plt.axis([0, 10, 0, 10]) 

    t = "This is a really long string that I'd rather have wrapped so that it"\ 
    " doesn't go outside of the figure, but if it's long enough it will go"\ 
    " off the top or bottom!" 
    plt.text(4, 1, t, ha='left', rotation=15) 
    plt.text(5, 3.5, t, ha='right', rotation=-15) 
    plt.text(5, 10, t, fontsize=18, ha='center', va='top') 
    plt.text(3, 0, t, family='serif', style='italic', ha='right') 
    plt.title("This is a really long title that I want to have wrapped so it"\ 
      " does not go outside the figure boundaries", ha='center') 

    # Now make the text auto-wrap... 
    fig.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', on_draw) 

def on_draw(event): 
    """Auto-wraps all text objects in a figure at draw-time""" 
    import matplotlib as mpl 
    fig = event.canvas.figure 

    # Cycle through all artists in all the axes in the figure 
    for ax in fig.axes: 
     for artist in ax.get_children(): 
      # If it's a text artist, wrap it... 
      if isinstance(artist, mpl.text.Text): 
       autowrap_text(artist, event.renderer) 

    # Temporarily disconnect any callbacks to the draw event... 
    # (To avoid recursion) 
    func_handles = fig.canvas.callbacks.callbacks[event.name] 
    fig.canvas.callbacks.callbacks[event.name] = {} 
    # Re-draw the figure.. 
    # Reset the draw event callbacks 
    fig.canvas.callbacks.callbacks[event.name] = func_handles 

def autowrap_text(textobj, renderer): 
    """Wraps the given matplotlib text object so that it exceed the boundaries 
    of the axis it is plotted in.""" 
    import textwrap 
    # Get the starting position of the text in pixels... 
    x0, y0 = textobj.get_transform().transform(textobj.get_position()) 
    # Get the extents of the current axis in pixels... 
    clip = textobj.get_axes().get_window_extent() 
    # Set the text to rotate about the left edge (doesn't make sense otherwise) 

    # Get the amount of space in the direction of rotation to the left and 
    # right of x0, y0 (left and right are relative to the rotation, as well) 
    rotation = textobj.get_rotation() 
    right_space = min_dist_inside((x0, y0), rotation, clip) 
    left_space = min_dist_inside((x0, y0), rotation - 180, clip) 

    # Use either the left or right distance depending on the horiz alignment. 
    alignment = textobj.get_horizontalalignment() 
    if alignment is 'left': 
     new_width = right_space 
    elif alignment is 'right': 
     new_width = left_space 
     new_width = 2 * min(left_space, right_space) 

    # Estimate the width of the new size in characters... 
    aspect_ratio = 0.5 # This varies with the font!! 
    fontsize = textobj.get_size() 
    pixels_per_char = aspect_ratio * renderer.points_to_pixels(fontsize) 

    # If wrap_width is < 1, just make it 1 character 
    wrap_width = max(1, new_width // pixels_per_char) 
     wrapped_text = textwrap.fill(textobj.get_text(), wrap_width) 
    except TypeError: 
     # This appears to be a single word 
     wrapped_text = textobj.get_text() 

def min_dist_inside(point, rotation, box): 
    """Gets the space in a given direction from "point" to the boundaries of 
    "box" (where box is an object with x0, y0, x1, & y1 attributes, point is a 
    tuple of x,y, and rotation is the angle in degrees)""" 
    from math import sin, cos, radians 
    x0, y0 = point 
    rotation = radians(rotation) 
    distances = [] 
    threshold = 0.0001 
    if cos(rotation) > threshold: 
     # Intersects the right axis 
     distances.append((box.x1 - x0)/cos(rotation)) 
    if cos(rotation) < -threshold: 
     # Intersects the left axis 
     distances.append((box.x0 - x0)/cos(rotation)) 
    if sin(rotation) > threshold: 
     # Intersects the top axis 
     distances.append((box.y1 - y0)/sin(rotation)) 
    if sin(rotation) < -threshold: 
     # Intersects the bottom axis 
     distances.append((box.y0 - y0)/sin(rotation)) 
    return min(distances) 

if __name__ == '__main__': 

Figure with wrapped text


+1。哇!令人印象深刻的Matplotlib掌握。 :)隨着你提供的代碼,當我改變窗口大小,寬度變得越來越小,但似乎再也不會變大(包括當窗口恢復到原始尺寸時達到原始大小)... – EOL 2010-10-30 10:22:34


@Joe:您指向的線程也很有趣:LaTeX包裝可能是一個有用的選項。 – EOL 2010-10-30 10:24:18


@EOL - 謝謝!我添加了一個修復調整大小問題的新版本(並且還正確處理了中心對齊的文本)。當數字變得越來越小時,文本現在應該重新流動。乳膠包裝是一個不錯的選擇(並且絕對簡單!),但我似乎無法找到一種方法使它自動適合軸的大小......也許我錯過了明顯的東西? – 2010-10-31 15:51:12



相反假設特定的字體的縱橫比或平均寬度的,我實際上每次繪製字符串一個字,一旦閾值被擊中插入換行。相比近似這是窘況緩慢,但仍覺得爲< 200字串的很快。

# Text Wrapping 
# Defines wrapText which will attach an event to a given mpl.text object, 
# wrapping it within the parent axes object. Also defines a the convenience 
# function textBox() which effectively converts an axes to a text box. 
def wrapText(text, margin=4): 
    """ Attaches an on-draw event to a given mpl.text object which will 
     automatically wrap its string wthin the parent axes object. 

     The margin argument controls the gap between the text and axes frame 
     in points. 
    ax = text.get_axes() 
    margin = margin/72 * ax.figure.get_dpi() 

    def _wrap(event): 
     """Wraps text within its parent axes.""" 
     def _width(s): 
      """Gets the length of a string in pixels.""" 
      return text.get_window_extent().width 

     # Find available space 
     clip = ax.get_window_extent() 
     x0, y0 = text.get_transform().transform(text.get_position()) 
     if text.get_horizontalalignment() == 'left': 
      width = clip.x1 - x0 - margin 
     elif text.get_horizontalalignment() == 'right': 
      width = x0 - clip.x0 - margin 
      width = (min(clip.x1 - x0, x0 - clip.x0) - margin) * 2 

     # Wrap the text string 
     words = [''] + _splitText(text.get_text())[::-1] 
     wrapped = [] 

     line = words.pop() 
     while words: 
      line = line if line else words.pop() 
      lastLine = line 

      while _width(line) <= width: 
       if words: 
        lastLine = line 
        line += words.pop() 
        # Add in any whitespace since it will not affect redraw width 
        while words and (words[-1].strip() == ''): 
         line += words.pop() 
        lastLine = line 

      line = line[len(lastLine):] 
      if not words and line: 


     # Draw wrapped string after disabling events to prevent recursion 
     handles = ax.figure.canvas.callbacks.callbacks[event.name] 
     ax.figure.canvas.callbacks.callbacks[event.name] = {} 
     ax.figure.canvas.callbacks.callbacks[event.name] = handles 

    ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', _wrap) 

def _splitText(text): 
    """ Splits a string into its underlying chucks for wordwrapping. This 
     mostly relies on the textwrap library but has some additional logic to 
     avoid splitting latex/mathtext segments. 
    import textwrap 
    import re 
    math_re = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)\$') 
    textWrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper() 

    if len(math_re.findall(text)) <= 1: 
     return textWrapper._split(text) 
     chunks = [] 
     for n, segment in enumerate(math_re.split(text)): 
      if segment and (n % 2): 
       # Mathtext 
       chunks += textWrapper._split(segment) 
     return chunks 

def textBox(text, axes, ha='left', fontsize=12, margin=None, frame=True, **kwargs): 
    """ Converts an axes to a text box by removing its ticks and creating a 
     wrapped annotation. 
    if margin is None: 
     margin = 6 if frame else 0 

    an = axes.annotate(text, fontsize=fontsize, xy=({'left':0, 'right':1, 'center':0.5}[ha], 1), ha=ha, va='top', 
         xytext=(margin, -margin), xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='offset points', **kwargs) 
    wrapText(an, margin=margin) 
    return an 


enter image description here

ax = plot.plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)).add_subplot(111) 
an = ax.annotate(t, fontsize=12, xy=(0.5, 1), ha='center', va='top', xytext=(0, -6), 
       xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='offset points') 

我放棄了這是不是對我很重要的幾個特點。調整大小將失敗,因爲每次調用_wrap()都會在字符串中插入額外的換行符,但無法刪除它們。這可以通過刪除_wrap函數中的所有\ n字符,或者將原始字符串存儲在某個地方以及在兩次換行之間「重置」文本實例來解決。