2010-09-28 64 views


from dateutil import parser 

texts = ["Aug06", "Aug2006", "August 2 2008", "19th August 2006", "08-06", "01-08-06"] 
for text in texts: 
    print text, parser.parse(text) 

Aug06   2010-08-06 00:00:00 
Aug2006   2006-08-28 00:00:00 
August 2 2008 2008-08-02 00:00:00 
19th August 2006 2006-08-19 00:00:00 
08-06   2010-08-06 00:00:00 
01-08-06   2006-01-08 00:00:00 


months = ['January', 'February',...] 
months.extend([mon[:3] for mon in months]) 

# search for numeric dates: 
/[\d \-]+/ 

# search for dates: 
for word in sentence.split(): 
    if word in months: 

這不是一個通用的解決方案。 – 2010-09-28 06:01:07


人們希望有一種簡單的方法來關閉「用當前值填補空白」的跳躍......「Aug2008」 - >「2006-08-28」僅僅因爲今天是本月28日是一點點boggler – 2010-09-28 06:01:45


@anand:但他已經回答了問題的一部分 - 如何解析日期。 – 2010-09-28 06:17:35



for match in re.finditer(
    r"""(?ix)    # case-insensitive, verbose regex 
    \b     # match a word boundary 
    (?:     # match the following three times: 
    (?:     # either 
     \d+     # a number, 
     (?:\.|st|nd|rd|th)* # followed by a dot, st, nd, rd, or th (optional) 
     |     # or a month name 
    [\s./-]*    # followed by a date separator or whitespace (optional) 
    ){3}     # do this three times 
    \b     # and end at a word boundary.""", 
    # match start: match.start() 
    # match end (exclusive): match.end() 
    # matched text: match.group() 

這絕對不是完美的,容易錯過一些時間(特別是如果他們不是英語 - 21. Mai 2006會失敗,以及4ème décembre 1999),並匹配像August Augst Aug這樣的無稽之談,但由於在示例中幾乎所有內容都是可選的,因此在正則表達式級別上可以做的事情不多。


正則表達式無法正確解釋上下文。設想一個(愚蠢的)文字,如You'll find it in box 21. August 3rd will be the shipping date.它將匹配21. August 3rd這當然不能被解析。
