2014-03-07 84 views

我想寫一個使用遞歸的迷宮求解器,它似乎會嘗試每個方向一次,然後停下來,我找不出原因。如果您發現問題,請告訴我。 關鍵 0是一個開放的空間 1是一堵牆 2是路徑 3的一部分迷宮Java遞歸迷宮求解器問題

public class Maze{ 
    public static void main(String[] args){ 
    int[][] maze = 
    boolean[][] posCheck = new boolean[maze.length][maze[0].length]; 
    int r = 0; 
    int c = 0; 
    for(int row = 0; row < maze.length; row++){ 
     for(int col = 0; col < maze[row].length; col++){ 
      r = row; 
      c = col; 
    maze[r][c] = 3; 
    mazeSolver(1, 0, 0, maze, posCheck); 

    public static boolean mazeSolver(int r, int c, int d, int[][]maze, boolean[][] posCheck){ 
    maze[r][c] = 2; 

    if(maze[r][c] == 3){ 
     return true; 

    if((c+1 < maze.length) && maze[r][c+1]==0 && d != 1 && !posCheck[r][c+1]){ 
     if(d != 3) 
     posCheck[r][c+1] = true; 
     if(mazeSolver(r, c + 1, 3, maze, posCheck)){ 
     maze[r][c] = 2; 
     return true; 

    if((r-1 >= 0) && maze[r-1][c]==0 && !posCheck[r-1][c] && d != 2){ 
     if(d != 4) 
     posCheck[r-1][c] = true; 
     if(mazeSolver(r - 1, c, 4, maze, posCheck)){ 
     maze[r][c] = 2; 
     return true; 

    if((c-1 >= 0) && maze[r][c-1]==0 && !posCheck[r][c-1] && d != 3){ 
     if(d != 1) 
     posCheck[r][c-1] = true; 
     if(mazeSolver(r, c - 1, 1, maze, posCheck)){ 
     maze[r][c] = 2; 
     return true; 

    if((r+1 < maze.length) && maze[r+1][c]==0 && !posCheck[r+1][c] && d != 4){ 
     if(d != 2) 
     posCheck[r+1][c] = true; 
     if(mazeSolver(r + 1, c, 4, maze, posCheck)){ 
     maze[r][c] = 2; 
     return true; 

    return false; 

    public static void print(int[][] maze){ 
    for(int row = 0; row<maze.length; row++){ 
     for(int col = 0; col<maze[row].length; col++) 

您是否嘗試過使用調試器來幫助您弄清楚您的程序可能會做錯什麼?如果這是我的任務,那就是我開始的地方。 –


看來,它經歷了每個方向一次,而十不重複 – user3390133


是的,但爲什麼?這是因爲你的程序邏輯有問題,你必須先確定問題出在哪裏。如果沒有首先進行調查,你有點過早來到這裏。 –






enum Direction { 
    UP(-1, 0), 
    DOWN(1, 0), 
    LEFT(0, -1), 
    RIGHT(0, 1); 

    private final int rowSteps; 
    private final int colSteps; 
    private Direction(int rowSteps, int colSteps) { 
     this.rowSteps = rowSteps; 
     this.colSteps = colSteps; 
    public int getNewRowIdx(int currentRowIdx) { 
     return (currentRowIdx + getRowSteps()); 
    public int getNewColIdx(int currentColIdx) { 
     return (currentColIdx + getColSteps()); 
    public int getRowSteps() { 
     return rowSteps; 
    public int getColSteps() { 
     return colSteps; 


private static final MazePosition MAZE_HOLDER = new MazePosition(MAZE_GRID); 



MazePosition pos = new MazePosition(0, 0); 


pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.RIGHT); 
pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.RIGHT); 
pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.DOWN); 

每個位置的值由pos.getValue()pos.isPath()檢索 - 我認爲1是「牆」,0是「路徑」。 (順便說一句:巨大的2d陣列應該包含一位booleans,而不是4字節的ints,但在陣列的代碼是合理的int s,並且不與布爾值...注意它至少應該改爲byte秒)



import java.util.Arrays; 
    import java.util.Objects; 
class MazePosition { 
    private static int[][] MAZE_GRID; 
    private final int rowIdx; 
    private final int colIdx; 
    private final int rowIdxMinus1; 
    private final int colIdxMinus1; 
    public MazePosition(int[][] MAZE_GRID) { 
     if(this.MAZE_GRID != null) { 
     throw new IllegalStateException("Maze double-array already set. Use x/y constructor."); 
     MazePosition.MAZE_GRID = MAZE_GRID; 

     //TODO: Crash if null or empty, or sub-arrays null or empty, or unequal lengths, or contain anything but 0 or -1. 

     rowIdx = -1; 
     colIdx = -1; 
     rowIdxMinus1 = -1; 
     colIdxMinus1 = -1; 
    public MazePosition(int rowIdx, int colIdx) { 
     if(MazePosition.MAZE_GRID == null) { 
     throw new IllegalStateException("Must set maze double-array with: new MazePosition(int[][])."); 

     if(rowIdx < 0 || rowIdx >= MazePosition.getRowCount()) { 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("rowIdx (" + rowIdx + ") is invalid."); 
     if(colIdx < 0 || colIdx >= MazePosition.getColumnCount()) { 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("colIdx (" + colIdx + ") is invalid."); 

     this.rowIdx = rowIdx; 
     this.colIdx = colIdx; 
     rowIdxMinus1 = (rowIdx - 1); 
     colIdxMinus1 = (colIdx - 1); 

    public boolean isPath() { 
     return (getValue() == 0); //1??? 
    public int getValue() { 
     return MazePosition.MAZE_GRID[getRowIdx()][getColumnIdx()]; 
    public int getRowIdx() { 
     return rowIdx; 
    public int getColumnIdx() { 
     return colIdx; 
    public MazePosition getNeighbor(Direction dir) { 
     Objects.requireNonNull(dir, "dir"); 
     return (new MazePosition(
    public MazePosition getNeighborNullIfEdge(Direction dir) { 
     if(isEdgeForDirection(dir)) { 
     return null; 
     return getNeighbor(dir); 
    public int getNeighborValueNeg1IfEdge(Direction dir) { 
     MazePosition pos = getNeighborNullIfEdge(dir); 
     return ((pos == null) ? -1 : pos.getValue()); 
    public static final int getRowCount() { 
     return MAZE_GRID.length; 
    public static final int getColumnCount() { 
     return MAZE_GRID[0].length; 
    public boolean isEdgeForDirection(Direction dir) { 
     switch(dir) { 
     case UP: return isTopEdge(); 
     case DOWN: return isBottomEdge(); 
     case LEFT: return isLeftEdge(); 
     case RIGHT: return isRightEdge(); 
     throw new IllegalStateException(toString() + ", dir=" + dir); 
    public boolean isLeftEdge() { 
     return (getColumnIdx() == 0); 
    public boolean isTopEdge() { 
     return (getRowIdx() == 0); 
    public boolean isBottomEdge() { 
     return (getRowIdx() == rowIdxMinus1); 
    public boolean isRightEdge() { 
     return (getColumnIdx() == colIdxMinus1); 
    public String toString() { 
     return "[" + getRowIdx() + "," + getColumnIdx() + "]=" + getValue(); 
    public String getNineByNine() { 
     int[][] nineByNine = new int[3][3]; 

     //Middle row 
     nineByNine[1][1] = getValue(); 
     nineByNine[1][0] = getNeighborValueNeg1IfEdge(Direction.LEFT); 
     nineByNine[1][2] = getNeighborValueNeg1IfEdge(Direction.RIGHT); 

     MazePosition posUp = getNeighborNullIfEdge(Direction.UP); 
     if(posUp != null) { 
      nineByNine[0][0] = posUp.getNeighborValueNeg1IfEdge(Direction.LEFT); 
      nineByNine[0][1] = posUp.getValue(); 
      nineByNine[0][2] = posUp.getNeighborValueNeg1IfEdge(Direction.RIGHT); 

     MazePosition posDown = getNeighborNullIfEdge(Direction.DOWN); 
     if(posDown != null) { 
      nineByNine[2][0] = posDown.getNeighborValueNeg1IfEdge(Direction.LEFT); 
      nineByNine[2][1] = posDown.getValue(); 
      nineByNine[2][2] = posDown.getNeighborValueNeg1IfEdge(Direction.RIGHT); 

     String sLS = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\r\n"); 
     return "Middle position in 9x9 grid is *this*: " + toString() + sLS + 
     Arrays.toString(nineByNine[0]) + sLS + 
     Arrays.toString(nineByNine[1]) + sLS + 


(事實上,這些類沒有太多的變化,可以用來遍歷任何二維數組,但我可能會添加對角方向,如UP_LEFT,以及移動多個步驟的能力,如getNeighbor(3, Direction.DOWN) )。


public class MazePosDemo { 
    private static final int[][] MAZE_GRID = new int[][] { 

    //mega maze grid goes here... 


    private static final MazePosition MAZE_HOLDER = new MazePosition(MAZE_GRID); 

    public static final void main(String[] ignored) { 
     MazePosition pos = new MazePosition(0, 0); 
     System.out.println("start: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.RIGHT); 
     System.out.println("right: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.RIGHT); 
     System.out.println("right: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.DOWN); 
     System.out.println("down: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.DOWN); 
     System.out.println("down: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.RIGHT); 
     System.out.println("right: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.DOWN); 
     System.out.println("down: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.LEFT); 
     System.out.println("left: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.UP); 
     System.out.println("up: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.UP); 
     System.out.println("up: " + pos); 




[C:\java_code\]java MazePosDemo 
start: [0,0]=1 
right: [0,1]=1 
right: [0,2]=1 
down: [1,2]=1 
down: [2,2]=1 
right: [2,3]=1 
down: [3,3]=0 
left: [3,2]=1 
up: [2,2]=1 
up: [1,2]=1 
Middle position in 9x9 grid is *this*: [1,2]=1 
[1, 1, 1] 
[0, 1, 0] 
[0, 1, 1] 


//Needed only by MazePosition 
    import java.util.Arrays; 
    import java.util.Objects; 

enum Direction { 
    UP(-1, 0), 
    DOWN(1, 0), 
    LEFT(0, -1), 
    RIGHT(0, 1); 
    private final int rowSteps; 
    private final int colSteps; 
    private Direction(int rowSteps, int colSteps) { 
     this.rowSteps = rowSteps; 
     this.colSteps = colSteps; 
    public int getNewRowIdx(int currentRowIdx) { 
     return (currentRowIdx + getRowSteps()); 
    public int getNewColIdx(int currentColIdx) { 
     return (currentColIdx + getColSteps()); 
    public int getRowSteps() { 
     return rowSteps; 
    public int getColSteps() { 
     return colSteps; 

class MazePosition { 
    private static int[][] MAZE_GRID; 
    private final int rowIdx; 
    private final int colIdx; 
    private final int rowIdxMinus1; 
    private final int colIdxMinus1; 
    public MazePosition(int[][] MAZE_GRID) { 
     if(this.MAZE_GRID != null) { 
     throw new IllegalStateException("Maze double-array already set. Use x/y constructor."); 
     MazePosition.MAZE_GRID = MAZE_GRID; 

     //TODO: Crash if null or empty, or sub-arrays null or empty, or unequal lengths, or contain anything but 0 or -1. 

     rowIdx = -1; 
     colIdx = -1; 
     rowIdxMinus1 = -1; 
     colIdxMinus1 = -1; 
    public MazePosition(int rowIdx, int colIdx) { 
     if(MazePosition.MAZE_GRID == null) { 
     throw new IllegalStateException("Must set maze double-array with: new MazePosition(int[][])."); 

     if(rowIdx < 0 || rowIdx >= MazePosition.getRowCount()) { 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("rowIdx (" + rowIdx + ") is invalid."); 
     if(colIdx < 0 || colIdx >= MazePosition.getColumnCount()) { 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("colIdx (" + colIdx + ") is invalid."); 

     this.rowIdx = rowIdx; 
     this.colIdx = colIdx; 
     rowIdxMinus1 = (rowIdx - 1); 
     colIdxMinus1 = (colIdx - 1); 

    public boolean isPath() { 
     return (getValue() == 0); //1??? 
    public int getValue() { 
     return MazePosition.MAZE_GRID[getRowIdx()][getColumnIdx()]; 
    public int getRowIdx() { 
     return rowIdx; 
    public int getColumnIdx() { 
     return colIdx; 
    public MazePosition getNeighbor(Direction dir) { 
     Objects.requireNonNull(dir, "dir"); 
     return (new MazePosition(
    public MazePosition getNeighborNullIfEdge(Direction dir) { 
     if(isEdgeForDirection(dir)) { 
     return null; 
     return getNeighbor(dir); 
    public int getNeighborValueNeg1IfEdge(Direction dir) { 
     MazePosition pos = getNeighborNullIfEdge(dir); 
     return ((pos == null) ? -1 : pos.getValue()); 
    public static final int getRowCount() { 
     return MAZE_GRID.length; 
    public static final int getColumnCount() { 
     return MAZE_GRID[0].length; 
    public boolean isEdgeForDirection(Direction dir) { 
     switch(dir) { 
     case UP: return isTopEdge(); 
     case DOWN: return isBottomEdge(); 
     case LEFT: return isLeftEdge(); 
     case RIGHT: return isRightEdge(); 
     throw new IllegalStateException(toString() + ", dir=" + dir); 
    public boolean isLeftEdge() { 
     return (getColumnIdx() == 0); 
    public boolean isTopEdge() { 
     return (getRowIdx() == 0); 
    public boolean isBottomEdge() { 
     return (getRowIdx() == rowIdxMinus1); 
    public boolean isRightEdge() { 
     return (getColumnIdx() == colIdxMinus1); 
    public String toString() { 
     return "[" + getRowIdx() + "," + getColumnIdx() + "]=" + getValue(); 
    public String getNineByNine() { 
     int[][] nineByNine = new int[3][3]; 

     //Middle row 
     nineByNine[1][1] = getValue(); 
     nineByNine[1][0] = getNeighborValueNeg1IfEdge(Direction.LEFT); 
     nineByNine[1][2] = getNeighborValueNeg1IfEdge(Direction.RIGHT); 

     MazePosition posUp = getNeighborNullIfEdge(Direction.UP); 
     if(posUp != null) { 
      nineByNine[0][0] = posUp.getNeighborValueNeg1IfEdge(Direction.LEFT); 
      nineByNine[0][1] = posUp.getValue(); 
      nineByNine[0][2] = posUp.getNeighborValueNeg1IfEdge(Direction.RIGHT); 

     MazePosition posDown = getNeighborNullIfEdge(Direction.DOWN); 
     if(posDown != null) { 
      nineByNine[2][0] = posDown.getNeighborValueNeg1IfEdge(Direction.LEFT); 
      nineByNine[2][1] = posDown.getValue(); 
      nineByNine[2][2] = posDown.getNeighborValueNeg1IfEdge(Direction.RIGHT); 

     String sLS = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\r\n"); 
     return "Middle position in 9x9 grid is *this*: " + toString() + sLS + 
     Arrays.toString(nineByNine[0]) + sLS + 
     Arrays.toString(nineByNine[1]) + sLS + 
public class MazePosDemo { 
    private static final int[][] MAZE_GRID = new int[][] { 
    private static final MazePosition MAZE_HOLDER = new MazePosition(MAZE_GRID); 

    public static final void main(String[] ignored) { 
     MazePosition pos = new MazePosition(0, 0); 
     System.out.println("start: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.RIGHT); 
     System.out.println("right: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.RIGHT); 
     System.out.println("right: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.DOWN); 
     System.out.println("down: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.DOWN); 
     System.out.println("down: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.RIGHT); 
     System.out.println("right: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.DOWN); 
     System.out.println("down: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.LEFT); 
     System.out.println("left: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.UP); 
     System.out.println("up: " + pos); 

     pos = pos.getNeighbor(Direction.UP); 
     System.out.println("up: " + pos); 



非常感謝您的洞察力,這個問題真的讓我煩惱。 :D – user3390133


不客氣。祝你好運。 – aliteralmind


http://aliteralmind.wordpress.com/2014/03/07/traverse_2d_array – aliteralmind







// global state 
    private static int[][] maze; 

    private static boolean solve(int r, int c) { 
    // return true if I'm at the exit, false otherwise 


public static void main(String[] args) { 
    if (solve(1, 0)) { 
    } else { 
     System.out.println("no solution found"); 


private static boolean solve(int r, int c) { 

    if (maze[r][c] == 3) { 
     // we've found the exit 
     return true; 

    // push the current position onto the path 
    maze[r][c] == 2; 

    // try up/down/left/right - if any of these return true then we're done 
    if (available(r - 1, c) && solve(r - 1, c)) { 
     return true; 
    if (available(r + 1, c) && solve(r + 1, c)) { 
     return true; 
    if (available(r, c - 1) && solve(r, c - 1)) { 
     return true; 
    if (available(r, c + 1) && solve(r, c + 1)) { 
     return true; 

    // no result found from the current position so return false 
    // ... but have to revert the temporary state before doing so 
    maze[r][c] = 0; 

    return false; 




private static boolean available(int r, int c) { 
    return r >= 0 && r < maze.length 
     && c >= 0 && c < maze[r].length 
     && (maze[r][c] == 0 || maze[r][c] == 3); 


public class Maze2 { 

    private static int[][] maze = 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
    if (solve(1, 0)) { 
    } else { 
     System.out.println("no solution found"); 

    private static boolean solve(int r, int c) { 

    // if we're at the goal then we've solved it 
    if (maze[r][c] == 3) { 
     return true; 

    // mark the current cell as on the path 
    maze[r][c] = 2; 

    // try all available neighbours - if any of these return true then we're solved 
    if (available(r - 1, c) && solve(r - 1, c)) { 
     return true; 
    if (available(r + 1, c) && solve(r + 1, c)) { 
     return true; 
    if (available(r, c - 1) && solve(r, c - 1)) { 
     return true; 
    if (available(r, c + 1) && solve(r, c + 1)) { 
     return true; 

    // nothing found so remove the current cell from the path and backtrack 
    maze[r][c] = 0; 

    return false; 

    // cell is available if it is in the maze and either a clear space or the 
    // goal - it is not available if it is a wall or already on the current path 
    private static boolean available(int r, int c) { 
    return r >= 0 && r < maze.length 
     && c >= 0 && c < maze[r].length 
     && (maze[r][c] == 0 || maze[r][c] == 3); 

    // use symbols to make reading the output easier... 
    private static final char[] SYMBOLS = {' ', '#', '.', '*' }; 

    private static void print(){ 
    for(int row = 0; row < maze.length; ++row) { 
     for(int col = 0; col < maze[row].length; ++col) { 


// if we're at the goal then print it but return false to continue searching 
if (maze[r][c] == 3) { 
    return false; 



這太好了。當我的大腦不被炸時再讀一遍。博客文章值得。 – aliteralmind


我把我的答案轉貼爲一個自我回答的問題,並給出了你的回答。 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22253140/how-to-freely-traverse-the-elements-in-a-two-dimensional-array-by-cardinal-direc/ – aliteralmind


謝謝 - 很高興它給了你另一種觀點遞歸。乾杯。 – Barney