2017-02-28 125 views


:user_counts user_count當天有超過80 000行。


// Number of days a user have not been login 
$dateCheck = array('14', '60', '120'); 

foreach ($dateCheck as $day) {   

    $userList = $wpdb->get_results(' 
    SELECT id, user_id 
    FROM user_counts 

    WHERE DATE(time) = "'.date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-".$day." day")).'" 
     AND time != (
      SELECT MAX(time) FROM user_counts 
      WHERE time < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL '.$day.' DAY) 
    GROUP BY user_id 


結果 我得到了所有的14,60及120天同一USER_ID。


是時間字段時間戳嗎? – Naincy


這個查詢現在返回什麼? – Akintunde007


在反饋之後更新 – user2673664


// Number of days a user have not been login 
$dateCheck = array('14', '60', '160'); 

$res = $wpdb->get_results(' 
    SELECT id, user_id, MAX(DATE(time)) as t 
    FROM user_counts  
    GROUP BY user_id 
    HAVING t <= "'.date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-".min($dateCheck)." day")).'" 
    ORDER BY t 

foreach ($res as $result) { 
    $date = date_create($res); 

    foreach ($dateCheck as $day) { 

     if ($result->t == date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-".$day." day"))) { 

      // Send for exempel a mail 
      // check witch email temple to use by using: $day 


是不是更快在Mysql中直接提出這個請求呢? – user2673664


@ user2673664您是否需要將這些結果傳遞給PHP?如果你在談論日期,那麼是的,這可能會更好。 – apokryfos


是的,我會發郵件給這個用戶說「很久..」 – user2673664