2016-10-16 28 views
  • 極品縮放頁面時用戶使用Ctrl +滾動,如何找到jQuery的小鼠滾動縮放因子

  • 如果我發現了變焦倍數的意思是我基​​於因子放大當前頁面。

  • 例如,當我得到縮放因子1.44。所以我將它轉換爲144%並進行縮放操作。

  • 我在許多方面都在尋找。但我沒有得到結果。

  • 請問如何從鼠標滾動查找變焦倍數?

  • 我的代碼在下面 - 我在這裏找到this.zoomval?


var zoomFactor = scaleFactor; 
      var pageViewerContainer = $('#id'); 
      var pagecontainer = $('#id'); 
      this._selectionNodes = window.getSelection(); 
      if (!(this._selectionNodes.anchorOffset == 0 && this._selectionNodes.focusOffset == 0)) { 
      if (isFactor) { 
       this._zoomVal = this._zoomVal + zoomFactor; 
      var w = pagecontainer.width(); 
      var h = pagecontainer.height(); 
      var zoomineventvalue = { currentZoomPercentage: 0, previousZoomPercentage: 0 }; 
      var vscrolBar = document.getElementById(this._id + '_viewerContainer'); 
      var vscrolValue = vscrolBar.scrollTop; 
      var scrollValue = (vscrolValue/this._previousZoom) * this._zoomVal; 
      var transform = "scale(" + this._zoomVal + "," + this._zoomVal + ")"; 
      for (var i = 1; i <= this._totalPages; i++) { 
       var leftpos = (this.element.width() - this._pageSize[i - 1].PageWidth * this._zoomVal)/2; 
       if (leftpos < 0 || this._fitType=="fitToWidth") 
        leftpos = 5; 
       var canvas = document.getElementById('pagecanvas_' + i); 
       var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); 
       canvas.height = this._pageSize[i - 1].PageHeight * this._zoomVal; 
       canvas.width = this._pageSize[i - 1].PageWidth * this._zoomVal; 
       canvas.style.height = this._pageSize[i - 1].PageHeight * this._zoomVal + 'px'; 
       canvas.style.width = this._pageSize[i - 1].PageWidth * this._zoomVal + 'px'; 
       var height = this._pageSize[i - 1].PageHeight * this._zoomVal; 
       var width = this._pageSize[i - 1].PageWidth * this._zoomVal; 
       canvas.style.width = width + "px"; 
       canvas.style.height = height + "px"; 
       context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.clientWidth, canvas.clientHeight); 
       var pagediv = $('#' + this._id + 'pageDiv_' + i); 
       pagediv[0].style.top = this._pageLocation[i] * this._zoomVal + "px"; 
       pagediv[0].style.left = leftpos + "px"; 

       //Hyperlink canvas 

       var hyperlinklayer = document.getElementById('selectioncanvas_' + i); 
       hyperlinklayer.style.height = canvas.height + 'px'; 
       hyperlinklayer.style.width = canvas.width + 'px'; 
       hyperlinklayer.style.position = 'absolute'; 
       hyperlinklayer.style.left = 0; 
       hyperlinklayer.style.top = 0; 
       hyperlinklayer.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent'; 
       hyperlinklayer.style.opacity = '0.2'; 
       hyperlinklayer.style.zIndex = '2'; 

       if (!this._isAutoZoom) { 
        //resizing the loding indicator of the page 
        $('#').css({ 'display': 'block', 'height': canvas.height + 'px', 'width': canvas.width + 'px','left':'0px','top':'0px' }); 
        var loadingindicator = document.getElementById(this._id + 'pageDiv_' + i + '_WaitingPopup'); 
        var spanDiv = loadingindicator.childNodes[0]; 
        spanDiv.style.top = (canvas.height - spanDiv.clientHeight)/2 + 'px'; 
      if (this._renderedCanvasList) 
       this._renderedCanvasList.length = 0; 

      if (this._zoomVal < 1) 
       pageViewerContainer.css({ '-ms-scroll-limit-y-max': (this._cummulativeHeight * this._zoomVal) - this.element.height() + 50 + "px" }); 
      else { 
       pageViewerContainer.css({ '-ms-scroll-limit-y-max': "" }); 
      vscrolBar.scrollTop = scrollValue; 
      this._eventpreviouszoomvalue = this._preZoomVal; 
      this._eventzoomvalue = this._zoomVal; 
      this._preZoomVal = this._zoomVal; 
      this._previousZoom = this._zoomVal; 
      zoomineventvalue.previousZoomPercentage = Math.round(this._eventpreviouszoomvalue * 100); 
      zoomineventvalue.currentZoomPercentage = Math.round(this._eventzoomvalue * 100); 
      this._raiseClientEvent("zoomChange", zoomineventvalue); 
      this.zoomPercentage = Math.round(this._zoomVal * 100); 





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      function updateZoom() { 
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