我處理了幾天的問題。我有類似於在recyclerView中的秒錶(擁有秒錶的用戶列表)。問題是,我不知道如何在BindViewHolder上同步它,以及如何將每秒1秒添加到他們的時間。 編輯:我添加了秒錶類,並實施它。它運行良好,但是當我滾動時,一切都很混亂。任何想法如何改善?recyclerView中的秒錶


class DashboardAdapter(var context: Context?) : RecyclerView.Adapter<DashboardAdapter.MyViewHolder>() { 

    lateinit var dataSource: List<User> 

    class MyViewHolder(view: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view) { 

     var stopwatch: Stopwatch? = null 

     val name = view.findViewById(R.id.name) as TextView 
     val avatar = view.findViewById(R.id.profile_image) as ImageView 
     val project = view.findViewById(R.id.project) as TextView 
     val playImage = view.findViewById(R.id.play) as ImageView 
     val time = view.findViewById(R.id.time) as TextView 
     val placement = view.findViewById(R.id.placement) as TextView 

    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: MyViewHolder, position: Int) { 
      holder.stopwatch = Stopwatch(object : Stopwatch.StopWatchListener { 
      override fun onTick(time: String) { 
       holder.time.text = time 


    override fun getItemCount(): Int = dataSource.size 

    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup?, viewType: Int): MyViewHolder { 
     val itemView = LayoutInflater.from(parent?.context).inflate(R.layout.item_dashboard_workers, parent, false) 
     return MyViewHolder(itemView) 

    private fun getRealHolderPosition(viewHolder: MyViewHolder) : Int = viewHolder.adapterPosition + 1 

    fun setUsers(dataSource: List<User>) { 
     this.dataSource = dataSource 


class Stopwatch(listener: StopWatchListener) { 

    interface StopWatchListener { 
     fun onTick(time: String) 

    private val DELAY : Long = 1000 

    private var startTime: Long = 0 

    var isRunning = false 
     private set 

    private var currentTime: Long = 0 


    * Starts the stopwatch from an offset 
    * @param offset The offset in milli seconds 
    fun start(offset: Long) { 
     this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - offset 
     this.isRunning = true 
     val handler = Handler() 
     handler.post(object : Runnable { 
      override fun run() { 
       //lock to access running 
       synchronized([email protected]) { 
        if (isRunning) { 
         listener?.onTick([email protected]()) 
         handler.postDelayed(this, DELAY) 

    private fun stop() { 
     this.isRunning = false 

    private fun restart() { 

    private fun pause() { 

    private fun resume() { 



你可以在每次運行時使用一個Runnable與1000毫秒的Postdelay,呼叫增量秒錶/ S +調用Notifydatasetchanged();


我剛剛測試過coutdown,它工作得很好,不幸的是它的做法相反:D您能否製作一些片段? – Stepan