2015-10-06 66 views

我有這個VBA代碼需要兩個文檔(一個原始文檔和一個帶有藍色文本的修訂版文檔添加),並創建第三個文檔與修訂。它主要工作,但是當第三個副本被創建,撇號後有額外的空間。但它實際上並不是一個額外的空間。在Word中選擇「隱藏格式」按鈕後,它顯示根本沒有空間。該字符只是錯誤地顯示在顯示器上。我已經嘗試了一些東西,例如在創建文件時更改字體,並使用REPLACE函數無濟於事。這不是一個孤立的事件,I found this documentation on the problem, unfortunately it does not pertain to VBA。尋找如何解決問題的一些想法。顯示故障。 VBA

Sub WordReplaceSentence() 

MsgBox "Welcome to the word document automatic modifier", vbInformation + vbOKOnly 

MsgBox "Please open the revision file", vbInformation + vbOKOnly 

    Dim strfilename1 As String 
    Dim fd1 As Office.FileDialog 

    ''''''Browsing/Opening the change request''''''' 

    Set fd1 = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) 

    With fd1 

     .AllowMultiSelect = False 
     .Title = "Open the modified word document." 
     .Filters.Add "Word 2010", "*.docx" 
     .Filters.Add "All Files", "*.*" 

     If .Show = True Then 
     strfilename1 = .SelectedItems(1) 'replace txtFileName with your textbox 
     Exit Sub 
     End If 
    End With 

MsgBox "Open the orginal document", vbInformation + vbOKOnly 

Dim strfilename2 As String 

    Dim fd2 As Office.FileDialog 

    Set fd2 = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) 

    With fd2 

     .AllowMultiSelect = False 
     .Title = "Please select the original file." 
     .Filters.Add "Word 2010", "*.docx" 
     .Filters.Add "All Files", "*.*" 

     If .Show = True Then 
     strfilename2 = .SelectedItems(1) 'replace txtFileName with your textbox 
     Exit Sub 
     End If 
    End With 

MsgBox "Please enter the file name with which you want to store the new updated file", vbInformation + vbOKOnly 

''''''''''''''''''Asking user to input name to the new revised document''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 

    Dim strfilename3 As String 

    Dim fd3 As Office.FileDialog 

    Set fd3 = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs) 

    With fd3 
     .AllowMultiSelect = False 
     .Title = "Please select the name to be given to the new file." 
     If .Show = True Then 
     strfilename3 = .SelectedItems(1) 'replace txtFileName with your textbox 
     Exit Sub 
     End If 
    End With 

    FileCopy strfilename2, strfilename3 

    Set objWordChange = CreateObject("Word.Application") 
    Set objWordorig = CreateObject("Word.Application") 

    objWordChange.Visible = False 
    objWordorig.Visible = False 

    Set objDocChange = objWordChange.Documents.Open(strfilename1) 
    Set objSelectionChange = objWordChange.Selection 
    Set objDocOrig = objWordorig.Documents.Open(strfilename3) 
    Set objSelectionOrig = objWordorig.Selection 

    Dim rSearch As Range 
    Dim dict As Scripting.Dictionary 
    Dim i As Long 

    'We'll store the sentences here 
    Set dict = New Scripting.Dictionary 

    Set rSearch = objDocChange.Range 
    With rSearch 
     .Find.Forward = True 
     .Find.Format = True 
     .Find.Font.Color = wdColorBlue 

     Do While .Find.Found 
      'key = revised sentence, item = original sentence 
      'if the revised sentence already exists in the dictionary, replace the found word in the entry 
      If dict.Exists(.Sentences(1).Text) Then 
       dict.Item(.Sentences(1).Text) = Replace$(Replace$(dict.Item(.Sentences(1).Text), .Text, vbNullString), Space(2), Space(1)) 
       dict.Item(.Sentences(1).Text) = Replace$(Replace$(dict.Item(.Sentences(1).Text), .Text, vbNullString), " ,", ",") 
       dict.Item(.Sentences(1).Text) = Replace$(Replace$(dict.Item(.Sentences(1).Text), .Text, vbNullString), " .", ".") 
       dict.Item(.Sentences(1).Text) = Replace$(Replace$(dict.Item(.Sentences(1).Text), .Text, vbNullString), " '", "'") 
       For Each Key In dict 
         Debug.Print "KEY: " & Key 
         Debug.Print "Item: " & Item 

      'if the revised sentence isn't in the dict, then this is the first found word, so add it and replace the word 
       dict.Add .Sentences(1).Text, Replace$(Replace$(.Sentences(1).Text, .Text, vbNullString), Space(2), Space(1)) 
       dict.Item(.Sentences(1).Text) = Replace$(Replace$(dict.Item(.Sentences(1).Text), .Text, vbNullString), " ,", ",") 
       dict.Item(.Sentences(1).Text) = Replace$(Replace$(dict.Item(.Sentences(1).Text), .Text, vbNullString), " .", ".") 
       dict.Item(.Sentences(1).Text) = Replace$(Replace$(dict.Item(.Sentences(1).Text), .Text, vbNullString), " '", "'") 
      End If 
    End With 

    'Loop through all the dictionary entries and find the origial (item) and replace With 
    'the revised (key) 
    For i = 1 To dict.Count 
     Set rSearch = objDocOrig.Range 
     With rSearch.Find 
      .MatchWholeWord = False 
      .MatchCase = False 
      .MatchPhrase = True 
      .IgnoreSpace = True 
      .IgnorePunct = True 
      .Wrap = wdFindContinue 
      .Text = dict.Items(i - 1) 
      .Replacement.Text = dict.Keys(i - 1) 
      .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceOne 

     End With 
     With objDocOrig.Range 
      .Font.Name = "Calibri" 
     End With 
    Next i 



End Sub 

如果您需要/想要測試我的代碼,您將不得不創建兩個word文檔。每個文檔都需要一個包含撇號的普通句子(很明顯)。除了RGB 0,0,225中的原始語句之外,第二個文檔需要幾個藍色字。



找到了我自己的問題的答案。我必須禁用字體窗格中的「亞洲文字字體」。這可以通過進入Microsoft語言註冊並禁用各種語言來完成。 Source