2017-04-01 102 views

我想用SwiftMailer和SMTP發送電子郵件。 SMTP服務器是標準的Dreamhost設置。我只在使用未託管在Dreamhost上的電子郵件時遇到問題。例如,如果我使用[email protected]作爲發件人電子郵件地址,我將不會遇到任何問題,並且會發送電子郵件。但是,如果我用[email protected]我會得到以下錯誤:不允許使用SMTP Dreamhost的SwiftMailer發件人域名?

Expected response code 250 but got code "550", with message "550 5.7.1 Sender domain not allowed. Please read: http://dhurl.org/20b D157 "


* Sends an email 
* @param string $name Sender name 
* @param string $subject Sender subject 
* @param string $email Sender email 
* @param string $message Sender message 
* @return bool   True if sent, otherwise false 
public static function sendMessage($name, $subject, $email, $message) { 
    // Create and setup the transport 
    $transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance($GLOBALS['config']['smtp']['host'], $GLOBALS['config']['smtp']['port']) 

    // Create the mailer using your created Transport 
    $mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport); 

    // Create a message 
    $message = Swift_Message::newInstance($subject) 
     ->setFrom([$email => $name]) 
     ->setTo(['[email protected]' => 'Joe Scotto']) 

    // Try to send the message 
    if (!$mailer->send($message)) { 
     return false; 

    // Set email timeout cookie 
    setcookie("emailTimeout", true, time() + (60 * 5), '/'); 

    // Return true on sucessful send 
    return true; 



什麼是發件人地址? –


dreamhost我發送電子郵件與快速郵件使用「sendmail」運輸,更容易 –



嘗試不回覆@ whatever-server-you-are-on &使用回覆標題的發件人地址?