2012-07-18 76 views


    random1=arc4random() % 30; 
    if (random1 == 0) 
     labelpregunta.text = @"Las ovejas pueden nadar?"; 
    if (random1 == 1) 
     labelpregunta.text = @"Con que se tiñe la lana de negro?"; 
    if (random1 == 2) 
     labelpregunta.text = @"De que material es el mejor casco?"; 
    if (random1 == 3) 
     labelpregunta.text = @"Para fabricar lana necesitas 4 _____"; 




什麼「它不需要重複提問」是什麼意思?你的意思是它應該只提出一個問題,或者你的意思是它可以不止一次提出每個問題? – mydogisbox 2012-07-18 18:39:45


我不知道Objective-C,但也許你可以理解的原則:http://jsfiddle.net/tx2Bq/1/ – Mageek 2012-07-18 18:46:40


可能重複的[非重複隨機數字](http://stackoverflow.com/問題/ 1617630/non-repeating-random-numbers) – 2012-07-18 18:48:13




@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *previouslySelectedValues; 

    //I suppose this is an int, right? 
    //Supongo que esto es un número entero. 
    random1=arc4random() % 30; 
    //check if the array can find the object. It internally uses `-isEqual` in a loop for us 
    //estamos comprobando si la matriz se puede encontrar el objeto 
    if (![previouslySelectedValues indexOfObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:random1]]) { 
     if (random1 == 0) 
      labelpregunta.text = @"Las ovejas pueden nadar?"; 
     if (random1 == 1) 
      labelpregunta.text = @"Con que se tiñe la lana de negro?"; 
     if (random1 == 2) 
      labelpregunta.text = @"De que material es el mejor casco?"; 
     if (random1 == 3) 
      labelpregunta.text = @"Para fabricar lana necesitas 4 _____"; 

     //et cetera/ etcétera 

     //add the object because it doesn't exist and we don't want to select it again. 
     //Añadir el objeto a la matriz debido a que es nuevo 
     [previouslySelectedValues addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:random1]]; 
    else { 
     //do nothing, or use the below pick again if you want 
     //No hacer nada, o utilizar el método de abajo para elegir otro número 

     //[self randomear]; 

我把它寫成你寫的那樣,它不起作用。 (什麼是「// [self randomear];」 – 2012-07-18 23:35:54


如果取消註釋該行,那麼該方法將自行調用,直至找到有效的數字。 – CodaFi 2012-07-19 00:09:17


代替產生隨機數,並檢查是否該數字已被使用,我將創建的數字一個NSMutableArray 0至29(每個包裹在一個NSNumber),然後隨機洗牌數組使用由Gregory Goltsov在這個SO問題whats-the-best-way-to-shuffle-an-nsmutablearray中提供的類別。


#import "NSMutableArray_Shuffling.h // From Gregory Goltsov 
NSMutableArray* randomNumbers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; 
for(int i=0; i<30; i++) { 
    [randomNumbers addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i]]; 
[randomNumbers shuffle]; // From Gregory Goltsov 


int lastIndex = 0; 

    if (lastIndex<30) { 
     NSNumber* theRandomNumber = [randomNumbers objectAtIndex:lastIndex]; 
     int theQuestion = [theRandomNumber intValue]; 
     if (theQuestion == 0) { 
      labelpregunta.text = @"Las ovejas pueden nadar?"; 
     if (theQuestion == 1) { 
      labelpregunta.text = @"Con que se tiñe la lana de negro?"; 
     if (theQuestion == 2) { 
      labelpregunta.text = @"De que material es el mejor casco?"; 
     if (theQuestion == 3){ 
      labelpregunta.text = @"Para fabricar lana necesitas 4 _____"; 

     //et cetera/ etcétera  
    } else { 
     // No more questions 


@interface aQuestion : NSObject 
@property (nonatomic, string) NSString* question; 
@property (nonatomic, string) NSString* answer; 
-(void)initWithQuestion:(NSString)aQuestion and:(NSString) anAnswer; 
-(BOOL)isCorrectAnswer(NSString testAnswer); 

@implementation aQuestion 
-(void)initWithQuestion:(NSString*)aQuestion and:(NSString*) anAnswer 
    if(!(self=[super init])) return self; 

    question = aQuestion; 
    answer = anAnswer; 

    return self; 

-(BOOL)isCorrectAnswer(NSString testAnswer) 
    [answer isEqualToString:testAnswer]; 

#import "NSMutableArray_Shuffling.h // From Gregory Goltsov 
NSMutableArray* questions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; 

[questions addObject:[[aQuestion alloc] initWithQuestion:@"Question 1" and:@"Answer 1"]]; 
[questions addObject:[[aQuestion alloc] initWithQuestion:@"Question 2" and:@"Answer 2"]]; 
[questions addObject:[[aQuestion alloc] initWithQuestion:@"Question 3" and:@"Answer 3"]]; 
[questions addObject:[[aQuestion alloc] initWithQuestion:@"Question 4" and:@"Answer 4"]]; 
[questions shuffle]; // From Gregory Goltsov 

for(int i=0; i<[questions count]; i++) { 
    aQuestion* theQuestion = [questions objectAtIndex:i]; 

    // Ask theQuestion.question 
    labelpregunta.text = theQuestion.question; 


    // wait for theAnswer 


    NSString theAnswer = labelrespuesta.text; 

    if ([theQuestion isCorrectAnswer:theAnswer]) { 
     // You win!!!!!!! 

// No more questions 




// You store your strings here 
    static NSArray *myQuestions = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: 
              @"Las ovejas pueden nadar?", 
              @"Con que se tiñe la lana de negro?", 
              @"De que material es el mejor casco?", 
              @"Para fabricar lana necesitas 4 _____",nil]; 
    // Make a copy which is mutable 
    NSMutableArray *copy = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:myQuestions]; 


    // Now select one entry 
    random1=arc4random() % [copy count]; 
    labelpregunta.text = [copy objectAtIndex:random1]; 
    [copy removeObjectAtIndex:random1]; 
