2012-03-03 55 views


def merge(name: String, source: JObject, update: JObject) : JField = { 
    JField(name, JObject(
    source.fields.map { x: JField => 
     // Do we have an updated value in our update 
     findValue(x.name, update) match { 
     // If so check what kind of value 
     case Some(updatedField) => updatedField match { 
      // If it's an object, merge it down 
      case updatedObject: JObject => { 
      x.value match { 
       case sourceObject: JObject => merge(x.name, sourceObject, updatedObject) 
       case other => JField(x.name, updatedObject) 
      case other => other 
     case None => x 

    // Concat with a list of fields that exist in the update and not in the source 
    ::: (update.fields.filter { x => 
     findValue(x.name, source) match { 
     case None => true 
     case Some() => false 
def findValue(name: String, obj: JObject) : Option[JField] = obj.fields.filter(_.name==name).headOption 
