2012-02-03 63 views



#region Assembly System.Xml.dll, v4.0.30319 
// C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\Profile\Client\System.Xml.dll 

using System; 

namespace System.Xml.XPath 
    // Summary: 
    //  Specifies the return type of the XPath expression. 
    public enum XPathResultType 
     // Summary: 
     //  A numeric value. 
     Number = 0, 
     // Summary: 
     //  A System.String value. 
     String = 1, 
     // Summary: 
     //  A tree fragment. 
     Navigator = 1, 
     // Summary: 
     //  A System.Booleantrue or false value. 
     Boolean = 2, 
     // Summary: 
     //  A node collection. 
     NodeSet = 3, 
     // Summary: 
     //  Any of the XPath node types. 
     Any = 5, 
     // Summary: 
     //  The expression does not evaluate to the correct XPath type. 
     Error = 6, 
