2017-06-23 52 views

我是一個初學者,我正在嘗試製作一個簡單的html網頁。我想要將navbar的顏色更改爲藏紅花(#FF9933)和頁腳爲綠色,但我面臨的問題是,每當我將導航欄顏色更改爲某種顏色時同樣的顏色適用於頁腳還有什麼想法?這裏是代碼: -固定頁腳顏色不變?

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      <h3>Psephological Consultancy:</h3> 
      We provide solutions at every level at your doorstep. Some of them are: 
      <table style="border-style: dotted;" class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12"> 
       <td>Political surveys</td> 
       <td>Constituency profiling</td> 
       <td>Candidate positioning</td> 
       <td>Political party position</td> 
       <td>Opinion polls</td> 
       <td>Pre -Poll</td> 
       <td>Exit Poll</td> 
       <td>Tracking Poll</td> 
       <td>Election campaign management</td> 
       <td>Increase voter awareness and support</td> 
       <td>Public opinion creation</td> 
       <td>Bring the voter to booth</td> 
       <td>Campaign support </td> 
       <td>Media and social media support</td> 

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      <h3>Market Research</h3> 
      The skills required for stakeholder research are easily transferable towards addressing client requirements such as market assessment, preparation of concept notes, demand quantification, customer feedback and brand image building. The services are not limited by geography or the industry type. Given our experience in various elections and ready access to top consultants within India and abroad. We will be glad to offer you customized solutions for your market research. 
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      <h3>Media Consultancy</h3> 
      From providing content outsourcing to training and set up of niche programming streams such as election programming to full fledged turnkey solutions tailored for print and electronic media. Netzach’s is your one stop shop for your consultancy needs. Not only have we successfully operated in diverse media environments such as News Agency, TV Channels, Newspapers, Magazines and Internet media, we have also delivered value to our clients cutting across borders. We are adept at providing localized and customized consultancy suited to the milieu in which our clients operate. 
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      <h3>Socio-Economic Research</h3> 
      Netzach’s is proud to have partnered with academic institutions, NGOs, Independent Researchers and various Industry bodies in production of socio-economic data and research reports. Furthering the frontiers of human well being was one of the founding motives of our organization and we are proud to have done justice to the same. We encourage individuals and bodies engaged in socio-economic research to work with us. our clients cutting across borders. We are adept at providing localized and customized consultancy suited to the milieu in which our clients operate. 
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      <h3>Qualitative Consultancy</h3> 
      Ever felt the need to talk to someone who understands the local polity and culture beyond what the numbers convey? Our team of highly trained analysts and consultants who have years of experience under their belt would be glad to offer you some advice. Not only do we have access to best political analysts in the business we also have a enviable network of consultants who are ready to provide niche consultancy services to our clients. 
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      <h3>Public Private Partnerships</h3> 
      Our experience with democratic processes and formidable skill set in determining policy direction empower us to be an active partner of the host government in public-private partnership projects. Sectors such as Education, Resource mapping, Governance Surveys, Independent Evaluation and Policy assessment are some of the streams that have witnessed active Netzach’s participation or demonstrated deploy-able capability to execute the projects satisfactorily. 
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     Netzach’s offers college and university students a snapshot of professional life that awaits them via a limited number of internships. The selection criteria for the internships are very 
     stringent and we advise the students to generate a very high quality cover letter and a CV that delineates their extra-curricular and curricular activities to better help us evaluate their merits. Email us to: [email protected] 
     Please write "Internship" in the subject line of the mail. 
     We offer Opportunities for professional growth and development 
     Platform to express freely and multi tasking 
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     <h3>Competitive package</h3> 
     Flexibility and learning while working experience. 
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我已經添加了新的類到頁腳和改變顏色檢查現在 –


您正在使用'.navbar'。這門課被添加到多個領域。這就是爲什麼你有相同的背景顏色。 – Huelfe


thanx很多工作 – Rikcy





.navbar逆{ 背景色:#222; border-color:#080808; }

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謝謝你幫助 – Rikcy


你的頁腳也有navbar類; 所以你必須將它定義這樣的:

footer .navbar { 
    background-color: green; 

謝謝你的幫助 – Rikcy