2017-06-24 30 views

我有這些JSON字符串:JSON字符串爲Java String

    "Results": { 
     "output1": { 
      "type": "table", 
      "value": { 
       "ColumnNames": ["userId", "documentId", "Scored Labels", "Scored Probabilities"], 
       "ColumnTypes": ["String", "String", "Boolean", "Double"], 
       "Values": [["100213199594809000000", "1Ktol-SWvAh8pnHG2O7HdPrfbEVZWX3Vf2YIPYXA_8gI", "False", "0.375048756599426"], ["103097844766994000000", "1jYsTPJH8gaIiATix9x34Ekcj31ifJMkPNb0RmxnuGxs", "True", "0.753859758377075"]] 


Map<String,Object> map = mapper.readValue(filename, Map.class); 
String CN = (String) map.get("ColumnNames"); 


Exception in thread "main" org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException: Unexpected character ('A' (code 65)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null') 
at [Source: [email protected]; line: 1, column: 2]` 



String uId = (String) attr.get("userId"); 




public class ClientPOJO { 

    private String userId; 
    private String documentId; 

    public String getuserId() { 
     return userId; 

    public void setuserId(String userId) { 
     this.userId = userId; 

    public String getdocumentId() { 
     return documentId; 

    public void setdocumentId(String documentId) { 
     this.documentId = documentId; 



ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); 
        ClientPOJO clientes= mapper.readValue(filename, ClientPOJO.class); 

String uid = clientes.getuserId(); 


Exception in thread "main" org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException: Unexpected character ('A' (code 65)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null') 
at [Source: [email protected]; line: 1, column: 2] 

您是否必須使用jackson或可以使用其他JSON庫? – Pshemo


其他庫文也適合我。重點在於,我必須以seperat形式獲取userId,documentID和得分標籤。我需要這個,因爲我以後會發送這個。 – Tim1234


在這種情況下,請看看其他問題,如https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11874919/parsing-json-string-in-java。所有你需要做的就是獲取由「結果」鍵保存的json對象,然後從該對象獲取由「值」鍵保存的對象。從那裏只需要獲取「ColumnNames」和「Values」的json數組。 – Pshemo




JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); 
JsonObject json = (JsonObject) parser.parse("your_json_string_here"); 
String column = json.get("Results").getAsJsonObject().get("output1").getAsJsonObject().get("value").getAsJsonObject().get("ColumnNames").getAsJsonArray().toString(); 
String value = json.get("Results").getAsJsonObject().get("output1").getAsJsonObject().get("value").getAsJsonObject().get("Values").getAsJsonArray().toString();  

如果你需要一些東西更通用的,那麼你可以分析你的JSON字符串轉換爲HashMap<String, Object>,然後使用遞歸讀取HashMap並獲取所需的值。 實施例(在我的代碼,地圖的類型將對應於一個JSON對象,列表的類型將對應於JSON字符串數組):

Type type = new TypeToken<HashMap<String, Object>>() {}.getType(); 
Gson gson = new Gson(); 
HashMap<String, Object> map = gson.fromJson("your_json_string_here", type); 
    for (String key : map.keySet()) { 
     Object obj = map.get(key); 
     if (obj instanceof List) { 
      for (Object o : (List) obj) { 
       if (o instanceof Map) { 
        loop((Map) o); 
       } else { 
        System.out.println(key + " : " + o); 
     } else if (obj instanceof Map) { 
      loop((Map) obj); 
     } else { 
      System.out.println(key + " : " + obj); 

private static void loop(Map<String, Object> map) { 
    for (String key : map.keySet()) { 
     Object obj = map.get(key); 
     if (obj instanceof List) { 
      for (Object o : (List) obj) { 
       if (o instanceof Map) { 
        loop((Map) o); 
       } else { 
        System.out.println(key + " : " + o); 
     } else if (obj instanceof Map) { 
      loop((Map) obj); 
     } else { 
      System.out.println(key + " : " + obj); 


final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); 
final JsonNode tree = mapper.readTree(json); 
final JsonNode values = tree.findValue("Values"); 

final List<ClientPOJO> clients = new ArrayList<>(); 
for (JsonNode node : values) { 
    final ClientPOJO client = new ClientPOJO(); 


由於您在選擇JSON解析庫時似乎很靈活,所以我建議從com.fasterxml中選擇Jackson 2而不是您嘗試的org.codehaus中的Jackson 1。




package com.stackoverflow; 

import java.util.Iterator; 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.Map; 

import org.junit.Test; 

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; 
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; 

// Junit class 
public class TableDeserExample { 
    // sample input 
    String inputJson = "{\n" + 
      " \"Results\": {\n" + 
      "  \"output1\": {\n" + 
      "   \"type\": \"table\",\n" + 
      "   \"value\": {\n" + 
      "    \"ColumnNames\": [\"userId\", \"documentId\", \"Scored Labels\", \"Scored Probabilities\"],\n" + 
      "    \"ColumnTypes\": [\"String\", \"String\", \"Boolean\", \"Double\"],\n" + 
      "    \"Values\": [[\"100213199594809000000\", \"1Ktol-SWvAh8pnHG2O7HdPrfbEVZWX3Vf2YIPYXA_8gI\", \"False\", \"0.375048756599426\"], [\"103097844766994000000\", \"1jYsTPJH8gaIiATix9x34Ekcj31ifJMkPNb0RmxnuGxs\", \"True\", \"0.753859758377075\"]]\n" 
      "   }\n" + 
      "  }\n" + 
      " }\n" + 

    // POJO to map the Json structure. You may want to make it generalize based 
    // on field "type" 
    // (https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-docs/wiki/JacksonPolymorphicDeserialization) 
    public static class Result { 
     private String type; 
     private TableResult value; 

     public String getType() { 
      return this.type; 

     public void setType(String type) { 
      this.type = type; 

     public void setValue(TableResult value) { 
      this.value = value; 

     public TableResult getValue() { 
      return this.value; 

    // Pojo for table result 
    public static class TableResult { 
     private List<String> columnNames; 
     private List<String> columnTypes; 
     private List<Object[]> values; 

     public List<String> getColumnNames() { 
      return this.columnNames; 

     public void setColumnNames(List<String> columnNames) { 
      this.columnNames = columnNames; 

     public List<String> getColumnTypes() { 
      return this.columnTypes; 

     public void setColumnTypes(List<String> columnTypes) { 
      this.columnTypes = columnTypes; 

     public List<Object[]> getValues() { 
      return this.values; 

     public void setValues(List<Object[]> values) { 
      this.values = values; 


    // Top level Json POJO 
    public static class ResultContainer { 
     private Map<String, Result> results; 

     public Map<String, Result> getResults() { 
      return this.results; 

     public void setResults(Map<String, Result> results) { 
      this.results = results; 

    // A contract to map the result "values" to the expected object 
    public static interface ResultMapper<T> { 
     T map(TableResult map, Object[] row); 

    // Basic implementation for mapping user object from json "values[i]" array 
    public static class UserTableResultMapper implements ResultMapper<User> { 

     public User map(TableResult result, Object[] row) { 
      User user = new User(); 
      // Here use any mapper logic based on column name 
      // Retrieved from result object. 
      // Below are for illustration only 
      return user; 


    // A result reader class 
    public static class ResultReader<T> implements Iterable<T> { 
     private TableResult result; 
     private ResultMapper<T> mapper; 

     public ResultReader(TableResult result, ResultMapper<T> mapper) { 
      this.result = result; 
      this.mapper = mapper; 

     public Iterator<T> iterator() { 
      final Iterator<Object[]> itr = result.getValues().iterator(); 
      return new Iterator<T>() { 

       public void remove() { 
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); 

       public T next() { 
        Object[] values = itr.next(); 
        return mapper.map(result, values); 

       public boolean hasNext() { 
        return itr.hasNext(); 

    public static class User { 
     private String id; 
     private String documentId; 
     // and others 

     public String getId() { 
      return this.id; 

     public void setDocumentId(String documentId) { 
      this.documentId = documentId; 

     public void setId(String id) { 
      this.id = id; 

     public String getDocumentId() { 
      return this.documentId; 


    public void simpleTest() throws Exception { 
     ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); 
     ResultContainer file = mapper.readValue(inputJson, ResultContainer.class); 
     Result result = file.getResults().get("output1"); 
     ResultReader<User> userResultReader = new ResultReader<>(result.getValue(), new UserTableResultMapper()); 
     for (User user : userResultReader) { 
      System.out.println(user.getId() + " : " + user.getDocumentId()); 