2012-03-28 23 views

我正在開發一個在網格中顯示一些產品的網站。所有產品都在#Container div中封鎖。我想以隨機順序(混洗)顯示每個頁面刷新塊。jQuery將糟糕的順序排列的div塊


<div id="Container"> 
     <div id="product1" class="product_wrap"> 
      <div class="image"> 
       <a class="fancybox-effects-a" title="" href="products/shirts/pictures/image1.png"> 
        <img src="products/shirts/pictures/image1.png" alt="product" width="260" height="235" /> 
      <div class="details"> 
       <p class="Price">$ 150.00</p> 
       <h2 class="Title">T-Shirt Brand</h2> 
       <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text</p> 
      </div> <!-- // details --> 

      <div class="form"> 
       <p>Select size:</p> 
       <select name="sizeSelect"> 
       <button class="btnCart" type="button"></button> 
      </div> <!-- // form --> 
      <br clear="all" /> 
     </div> <!-- // product_wrap --> 

     <div id="product2" class="product_wrap"> 
      <div class="image"> 
       <a class="fancybox-effects-a" title="" href="products/shirts/pictures/image2.png"> 
        <img src="products/shirts/pictures/image2.png" alt="product" width="260" height="235" /> 
      <div class="details"> 
       <p class="Price">$ 150.00</p> 
       <h2 class="Title">T-Shirt Brand</h2> 
       <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text</p> 
      </div> <!-- // details --> 

      <div class="form"> 
       <p>Select size:</p> 
       <select name="sizeSelect"> 
       <button class="btnCart" type="button"></button> 
      </div> <!-- // form --> 
     </div> <!-- // product_wrap --> 

     <div id="product3" class="product_wrap"> 
      <div class="image"> 
       <a class="fancybox-effects-a" title="" href="products/shirts/pictures/image3.png"> 
        <img src="products/shirts/pictures/image3.png" alt="product" width="260" height="235" /> 

      <div class="details"> 
       <p class="Price">$ 150.00</p> 
       <h2 class="Title">T-Shirt Brand</h2> 
       <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text</p> 
      </div> <!-- // details --> 

      <div class="form"> 
       <p>Select size:</p> 
       <select name="sizeSelect"> 
       <button class="btnCart" type="button"></button> 
      </div> <!-- // form --> 
     </div> <!-- // product_wrap --> 

     <div id="product4" class="product_wrap"> 
      <div class="image"> 
       <a class="fancybox-effects-a" title="" href="products/shirts/pictures/image1.png"> 
        <img src="products/shirts/pictures/image1.png" alt="product" width="260" height="235" /> 
      <div class="details"> 
       <p class="Price">$ 150.00</p> 
       <h2 class="Title">T-Shirt Brand</h2> 
       <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text</p> 
      </div> <!-- // details --> 

      <div class="form"> 
       <p>Select size:</p> 
       <select name="sizeSelect"> 
       <button class="btnCart" type="button"></button> 
      </div> <!-- // form --> 
     </div> <!-- // product_wrap --> 

     <div id="product5" class="product_wrap"> 
      <div class="image"> 
       <a class="fancybox-effects-a" title="" href="products/shirts/pictures/image2.png"> 
        <img src="products/shirts/pictures/image2.png" alt="product" width="260" height="235" /> 
      <div class="details"> 
       <p class="Price">$ 150.00</p> 
       <h2 class="Title">T-Shirt Brand</h2> 
       <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text</p> 
      </div> <!-- // details --> 

      <div class="form"> 
       <p>Select size:</p> 
       <select name="sizeSelect"> 
       <button class="btnCart" type="button"></button> 
      </div> <!-- // form --> 
     </div> <!-- // product_wrap --> 

     <div id="product6" class="product_wrap"> 
      <div class="image"> 
       <a class="fancybox-effects-a" title="" href="products/shirts/pictures/image3.png"> 
        <img src="products/shirts/pictures/image3.png" alt="product" width="260" height="235" /> 

      <div class="details"> 
       <p class="Price">$ 150.00</p> 
       <h2 class="Title">T-Shirt Brand</h2> 
       <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text</p> 
      </div> <!-- // details --> 

      <div class="form"> 
       <p>Select size:</p> 
       <select name="sizeSelect"> 
       <button class="btnCart" type="button"></button> 
      </div> <!-- // form --> 
     </div> <!-- // product_wrap --> 

     <br clear="all" /> 
    </div> <!-- // Container --> 


$(document).ready(function() { 

jquery.shuffle功能工作正常,但是當我刷新頁面下面的問題發生: 1.產品塊的總數不可見。 (每次刷新都會顯示一些內容)。 2.產品塊應放置在網格中,例如系統,例如每個下一個塊應該在前一個塊的右側浮動,依此類推。 3.塊放置在網格的下一行時,容器高度不會增加。

您可以通過訪問此URL來查看此頁: http://www.designforce.us/files/index.html(嘗試刷新幾次,每次都可以看到奇怪而有趣的結果)。



'是 – 2012-03-28 01:34:21




$(document).ready(function() { 

    // remove all clears 

    // insert <br clear="all" /> after every 3th product 
    $('#Container').find('.product_wrap:nth-child(3n)').after('<br clear="all" />'); 

然而,在我看來,這是比較容易從服務器端,即洗牌做所產生的產品從數據庫中提取並按原樣顯示(不包括jquery混洗),您的選擇tho :)


我同意你的看法「在我看來,從服務器端這樣做更容易」,但是e項目要求是用javascript :) – 2012-03-28 10:42:36


@HafeezAnsari休息我的情況然後:) – 2012-03-28 17:56:53


非常感謝您在這個項目錯誤修復中的幫助。 – 2012-03-28 19:35:06