2013-03-13 73 views


declare @time_from  datetime 
declare @time_to   datetime 
set @time_from ='2012-01-01' 
set @time_to = '2014-01-01' 
select a.a_id, c.c_id, c.c_chat_line_id, a.a_first_name, a.a_last_name 
    ,(select isnull(SUM(ac.ac_amount),0) from t_actress_credit ac join t_order o on o.o_id = ac.order_id where o.o_status = 1 and ac.actress_id = a.a_id and ac.ac_time>[email protected]_from and ac.ac_time<[email protected]_to) as credit 
    ,(select isnull(SUM(ac.ac_amount),0) from t_actress_credit ac join t_order o on o.o_id = ac.order_id where o.o_status = 1 and ac.ac_is_paid = 1 and ac.actress_id = a.a_id and ac.ac_time>[email protected]_from and ac.ac_time<[email protected]_to) as paid_credit 
    ,(select COUNT(1) from t_message pm join t_call_log l1 on pm.call_log_id = l1.c_id where pm.m_type = 2 and l1.caller_id = c.c_id and pm.m_time>[email protected]_from and pm.m_time<[email protected]_to) as pmsg_sent 
    ,(select COUNT(1) from t_message pm join t_call_log l2 on pm.m_to_call_log_id = l2.c_id where pm.m_type = 2 and l2.caller_id = c.c_id and pm.m_time>[email protected]_from and pm.m_time<[email protected]_to) as pmsg_received 
    ,(select COUNT(1) from t_message pm join t_call_log l3 on pm.call_log_id = l3.c_id where pm.m_type = 1 and l3.caller_id = c.c_id and pm.m_time>[email protected]_from and pm.m_time<[email protected]_to) as lcmsg_sent 
    ,(select COUNT(1) from t_message pm join t_call_log l4 on pm.m_to_call_log_id = l4.c_id where pm.m_type = 1 and l4.caller_id = c.c_id and pm.m_time>[email protected]_from and pm.m_time<[email protected]_to) as lcmsg_received 
    ,(select COUNT(1) from t_actress_live_minute where actress_id = a.a_id and alm_time>[email protected]_from and alm_time<[email protected]_to) as live_calls 
    ,(select isnull(SUM(alm_minutes),0) from t_actress_live_minute where actress_id = a.a_id and alm_time>[email protected]_from and alm_time<[email protected]_to) as live_call_minutes 
    ,(select isnull(count(1),0) from t_call_log l where l.caller_id = c.c_id and l.c_time_out is not null and c_time_in >[email protected]_from and c_time_in <= @time_to) as total_calls 
    ,(select isnull(SUM(DATEDIFF(minute, l.c_time_in, l.c_time_out)),0) from t_call_log l where c_time_in >[email protected]_from and c_time_in <= @time_to and l.caller_id = c.c_id and l.c_time_out is not null) as total_call_minutes 
from t_actress a 
join t_caller c on c.c_id = a.caller_id 
group by a.a_id,c.c_id, c.c_chat_line_id, a.a_first_name, a.a_last_name 





,我會做的第一件事是註釋掉所有的子查詢,看看外部查詢需要多長時間運行,假設它的快速一次添加一個子查詢,看看哪些是造成下跌的最慢。 – 2013-03-13 20:48:09


請向我們展示執行計劃。 – 2013-03-13 20:48:12


從你的表名中,我猜測消息的計數將是最慢的操作。 – grahamj42 2013-03-13 20:50:08





    ISNULL(cr.credit   , 0) AS credit 
    ISNULL(cr.paid_credit  , 0) AS paid_credit 
    ISNULL(m.pmsg_sent   , 0) AS pmsg_sent, 
    ISNULL(m.pmsg_received  , 0) AS pmsg_received, 
    ISNULL(m.lcmsg_sent   , 0) AS lcmsg_sent, 
    ISNULL(m.lcmsg_received  , 0) AS lcmsg_received, 
    ISNULL(alm.live_calls  , 0) AS live_calls, 
    ISNULL(alm.live_call_minutes, 0) AS live_call_minutes, 
    ISNULL(l.total_calls  , 0) AS total_calls, 
    ISNULL(l.total_call_minutes , 0) AS total_call_minutes, 

FROM t_actress AS a 

INNER JOIN t_caller AS c 
    ON c.c_id = a.caller_id 

    SUM(        ac.ac_amount ) AS credit, 
    SUM(CASE ac.ac_is_paid WHEN 1 THEN ac.ac_amount END) AS paid_credit 
    FROM t_actress_credit AS ac 
    JOIN t_order o ON o.o_id = ac.order_id 
    WHERE o.o_status = 1 
    AND ac.ac_time BETWEEN @time_from AND @time_to 
    GROUP BY ac.actress_id 
) AS ac 
    ON ac.actress_id = a.a_id 

    COUNT(CASE WHEN m.  call_log_id = l1.c_id AND m.m_type = 2 THEN 1 END) AS pmsg_sent, 
    COUNT(CASE WHEN m.m_to_call_log_id = l2.c_id AND m.m_type = 2 THEN 1 END) AS pmsg_received, 
    COUNT(CASE WHEN m.  call_log_id = l3.c_id AND m.m_type = 1 THEN 1 END) AS lcmsg_sent, 
    COUNT(CASE WHEN m.m_to_call_log_id = l4.c_id AND m.m_type = 1 THEN 1 END) AS lcmsg_received 
    FROM t_message AS m 
    JOIN t_call_log AS l ON l.c_id IN (m.call_log_id, m.m_to_call_log_id) 
    WHERE m.m_type IN (1, 2) 
    AND m.m_time BETWEEN @time_from AND @time_to 
    GROUP BY l.caller_id 
) AS m 
    ON m.caller_id = c.c_id 

    COUNT(*)   AS live_calls, 
    SUM(alm_minutes) AS live_call_minutes 
    FROM t_actress_live_minute 
    WHERE alm_time BETWEEN @time_from AND @time_to 
    GROUP BY actress_id 
) AS alm 
    ON alm.actress_id = a.a_id 

    COUNT(*)          AS total_calls, 
    SUM(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, c_time_in, c_time_out)) AS total_call_minutes 
    FROM t_call_log 
    WHERE c_time_out IS NOT NULL 
    AND c_time_in BETWEEN @time_from AND @time_to 
    GROUP BY caller_id 
) AS l 
    ON l.actress_id = a.a_id 

這可能有五個子查詢,如果你通過單獨連接上call_log_id分裂m子查詢了兩對m_to_call_log_id(從而可能給查詢規劃了優化空間) ,即代替

    COUNT(CASE WHEN m.  call_log_id = l1.c_id AND m.m_type = 2 THEN 1 END) AS pmsg_sent, 
    COUNT(CASE WHEN m.m_to_call_log_id = l2.c_id AND m.m_type = 2 THEN 1 END) AS pmsg_received, 
    COUNT(CASE WHEN m.  call_log_id = l3.c_id AND m.m_type = 1 THEN 1 END) AS lcmsg_sent, 
    COUNT(CASE WHEN m.m_to_call_log_id = l4.c_id AND m.m_type = 1 THEN 1 END) AS lcmsg_received 
    FROM t_message AS m 
    JOIN t_call_log AS l ON l.c_id IN (m.call_log_id, m.m_to_call_log_id) 
    WHERE m.m_type IN (1, 2) 
    AND m.m_time BETWEEN @time_from AND @time_to 
    GROUP BY l.caller_id 
) AS m 
    ON m.caller_id = c.c_id 


    COUNT(CASE WHEN m.call_log_id = l1.c_id AND m.m_type = 2 THEN 1 END) AS pmsg_sent, 
    COUNT(CASE WHEN m.call_log_id = l3.c_id AND m.m_type = 1 THEN 1 END) AS lcmsg_sent, 
    FROM t_message AS m 
    JOIN t_call_log AS l ON l.c_id = m.call_log_id 
    WHERE m.m_type IN (1, 2) 
    AND m.m_time BETWEEN @time_from AND @time_to 
    GROUP BY l.caller_id 
) AS mf 
    ON mf.caller_id = c.c_id 

    COUNT(CASE WHEN m.m_to_call_log_id = l2.c_id AND m.m_type = 2 THEN 1 END) AS pmsg_received, 
    COUNT(CASE WHEN m.m_to_call_log_id = l4.c_id AND m.m_type = 1 THEN 1 END) AS lcmsg_received 
    FROM t_message AS m 
    JOIN t_call_log AS l ON l.c_id = m.m_to_call_log_id 
    WHERE m.m_type IN (1, 2) 
    AND m.m_time BETWEEN @time_from AND @time_to 
    GROUP BY l.caller_id 
) AS mt 
    ON mt.caller_id = c.c_id 



請注意,我省略了主查詢的GROUP BY子句。在我的查詢和我的查詢中,似乎都沒有必要,因爲就我所知,它包括來自t_actresst_caller的主鍵,無論如何這些組合都是唯一的。我認爲GROUP BY是您以前嘗試使用連接重寫查詢時的剩餘部分。



-- total calls 
declare @t_call table(
    a_id bigint, 
    total_calls bigint, 
    total_call_minutes bigint 
insert into @t_call 
    SELECT a_id, COUNT(1) AS total_calls, isnull(SUM(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, c_time_in, c_time_out)),0) AS total_call_minutes 
     FROM t_actress aa 
      join t_call_log l on aa.caller_id = l.caller_id and c_time_in BETWEEN @time_from AND @time_to and c_time_out IS NOT NULL 
     GROUP BY a_id; 

-- total live minutes 
declare @t_live table(
    a_id bigint, 
    live_calls bigint, 
    live_call_minutes bigint 
insert into @t_live 
    SELECT a_id, COUNT(*) AS live_calls, isnull(SUM(alm_minutes),0) AS live_call_minutes 
     FROM t_actress a 
      join t_actress_live_minute alm on alm.actress_id = a.a_id and alm_time BETWEEN @time_from AND @time_to 
     GROUP BY a_id 

-- total message by caller 
declare @t_cm table(
    caller_id bigint, 
    pmsg_sent bigint, 
    pmsg_received bigint, 
    lcmsg_sent bigint, 
    lcmsg_received bigint 
insert into @t_cm 
    SELECT l.caller_id, 
      COUNT(CASE WHEN m.call_log_id  = l.c_id AND m.m_type = 2 THEN 1 END) AS _pmsg_sent, 
      COUNT(CASE WHEN m.m_to_call_log_id = l.c_id AND m.m_type = 2 THEN 1 END) AS _pmsg_received, 
      COUNT(CASE WHEN m.call_log_id  = l.c_id AND m.m_type = 1 THEN 1 END) AS _lcmsg_sent, 
      COUNT(CASE WHEN m.m_to_call_log_id = l.c_id AND m.m_type = 1 THEN 1 END) AS _lcmsg_received 
      FROM t_message m 
      join t_call_log l on l.c_id in (m.call_log_id, m.m_to_call_log_id) 
      where m.m_time BETWEEN @time_from AND @time_to 
     GROUP BY l.caller_id 

-- total message by actress 
declare @t_msg table(
    a_id bigint, 
    pmsg_sent bigint, 
    pmsg_received bigint, 
    lcmsg_sent bigint, 
    lcmsg_received bigint 
insert into @t_msg 
    select a_id, isnull(SUM(cm.pmsg_sent),0), isnull(SUM(cm.pmsg_received),0), isnull(SUM(cm.lcmsg_sent),0), isnull(SUM(cm.lcmsg_received),0) 
     from t_actress a 
      join @t_cm cm on a.caller_id = cm.caller_id 
    group by a_id 

-- total credit 
declare @t_credit table(
    a_id bigint, 
    credit money, 
    paid_credit money 
insert into @t_credit 
    SELECT a_id, isnull(SUM(ac.ac_amount),0) AS credit, isnull(SUM(CASE ac.ac_is_paid WHEN 1 THEN ac.ac_amount else 0 END),0) AS paid_credit 
     FROM t_actress a 
      join t_actress_credit ac on ac.actress_id = a.a_id AND ac.ac_time BETWEEN @time_from AND @time_to 
      JOIN t_order o ON o.o_id = ac.order_id and o_status = 1 
    GROUP BY a_id 

-- the report  
select a.a_id, cl.c_id, cl.c_chat_line_id, a.a_first_name, a.a_last_name, 
     isnull(ac.credit,0) credit, isnull(ac.paid_credit,0) paid_credit, 
     isnull(m.pmsg_sent,0) pmsg_sent, isnull(m.pmsg_received,0) pmsg_received, isnull(m.lcmsg_sent,0) lcmsg_sent, isnull(m.lcmsg_received,0) lcmsg_received, 
     isnull(l.live_calls,0) live_calls, isnull(l.live_call_minutes,0) live_call_minutes, 
     isnull(c.total_calls,0) total_calls, isnull(c.total_call_minutes,0) total_call_minutes 
from t_actress a 
    join t_caller cl on cl.c_id = a.caller_id 
    left outer join @t_call c on c.a_id = a.a_id 
    left outer join @t_live l on l.a_id = a.a_id     
    left outer join @t_msg m on m.a_id = a.a_id 
    left outer join @t_credit ac on ac.a_id = a.a_id 
order by a_id 

它更快,因爲相關的子查詢逐行運行(因此在我的意見中絕不應該用於生產代碼中)並且聯接在集合上運行。如果這些表中的任何一個有很多記錄,您可以進一步加快索引臨時表的速度。 – HLGEM 2013-03-14 19:12:09