2016-04-28 73 views

我正在創建一個Node.js Java後端。 Node.js中間件接收來自Android應用程序的HTTP請求,然後將其轉發給Java代碼。選擇這種技術的原因是從頭開始創建高度可擴展的後端。HTTP Node.js Java API

我希望Node.js API能夠接收HTTP請求,將它傳遞給後端的Java端,Java代碼執行它的計算,將結果發送回Node.js API,然後完成進程通過將結果發送回Android應用程序。


var BodyParser = require('body-parser'); 
var Express = require('express'); 
var JavaClient = require('./NodeJavaBridge.js'); 

var JavaClientInstance = new JavaClient(); 
var app = Express(); 

///// Receive message logic \\\\\ 

app.post('/', function (request, response) 
    var task = request.body; 

    response.writeHead(200, { 'content-type': 'text/plain' }); 
    var otherObject = { SomeData: 1234 }; 
    var json = JSON.stringify({ 
        data: otherObject 

console.log("START --> Java Client Instance"); 

app.listen(8080); //to port on which the express server listen 
console.log("Server listening on: " + 8080);


var Util = require('util'); 
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; 
var ChildProc = require('child_process'); 

var JavaClient = function() { 
    var _self = this; 
    // The child process object we get when we spawn the java process 
    var _javaSpawn = null; 
    // buffer for receiving messages in part and piecing them together later 
    var _receiveBuffer = null; 
    // The location of java and the - we're making these public because maybe 
    // we want to change them in the user of this module. 
    _self.javaPath = 'java'; 
    _self.jarPath = 'C:/Dev/Backend_Java.jar'; 
    _self.verbose = true; 
    // list of events emitted - for informational purposes 
    _self.events = [ 
     'spawn', 'message', 'exception', 'unknown', 'sent', 'java_error', 

     // Response messages that then become events themselves 
     'Error', 'Hello', 'Info' 
    * Attach our own event handler to reply to the hello message. 
    * This is just a convenience part of the protocol so that clients don't have to do it. 
    * Also connects if connection data was supplied. 
    _self.on('Hello', function() { 
    * Executes the java process to begin sending and receiving communication 
    _self.run = function() { 
     // Invoke the process 
     _javaSpawn = ChildProc.spawn(_self.javaPath, ['-jar', _self.jarPath]); 
     // Wire up events 
     _javaSpawn.stdout.on('data', onData); 
     _javaSpawn.stderr.on('data', onJavaError); 
     _javaSpawn.on('exit', function (code) { 
      console.log("The java program exited with code " + code + ".");    
     // Emit our own event to indicate to others that we have spawned 
     _self.emit('spawn', _javaSpawn); 
    // sends the hello request message 
    _self.sendHello = function() { 
       messageName : 'Hello', 
       version  : '1.1' 
    // sends a message that will be echoed back as an Info message 
    _self.sendEcho = function (message) { 
       messageName : "Echo", 
       message  : message 
    // sends a message telling the java app to exit 
    _self.sendGoodbye = function() { 
       "messageName" : "Goodbye" 
    * Sends a message object as a JSON encoded string to the java application for processing. 
    function sendMessage(aMsg) 
     // convert to json and prepare buffer 
     var aJsonString = JSON.stringify(aMsg); 
     var lByteLength = Buffer.byteLength(aJsonString); 
     var lMsgBuffer = new Buffer(4 + lByteLength); 
     // Write 4-byte length, followed by json, to buffer 
     lMsgBuffer.writeUInt32BE(lByteLength, 0); 
     lMsgBuffer.write(aJsonString, 4, aJsonString.length, 'utf8'); 
     // send buffer to standard input on the java application 
     _self.emit('sent', aMsg); 
    * Receive data over standard input 
    function onData(data) 
     // Attach or extend receive buffer 
     _receiveBuffer = (null == _receiveBuffer) ? data : Buffer.concat([_receiveBuffer, data]); 
     // Pop all messages until the buffer is exhausted 
     while (null != _receiveBuffer && _receiveBuffer.length > 3) 
      var size = _receiveBuffer.readInt32BE(0); 
      // Early exit processing if we don't have enough data yet 
      if ((size + 4) > _receiveBuffer.length) 
      // Pull out the message 
      var json = _receiveBuffer.toString('utf8', 4, (size + 4)); 
      // Resize the receive buffer 
      _receiveBuffer = ((size + 4) == _receiveBuffer.length) ? null : _receiveBuffer.slice((size + 4)); 
      // Parse the message as a JSON object 
       var msgObj = JSON.parse(json); 
       // emit the generic message received event 
       _self.emit('message', msgObj); 
       // emit an object-type specific event 
       if ((typeof msgObj.messageName) == 'undefined') 
        _self.emit('unknown', msgObj); 
        _self.emit(msgObj.messageName, msgObj); 
      catch (ex) 
       _self.emit('exception', ex); 
    * Receive error output from the java process 
    function onJavaError(data) 
     _self.emit('java_error', data.toString()); 

// Make our JavaClient class an EventEmitter 
Util.inherits(JavaClient, EventEmitter); 

// export our class 
module.exports = JavaClient;



var client = require('./JavaClient'); 

var instance = new client(); 

instance.on('message', function(msg) { 
    console.log('Received a message...'); 

instance.on('sent', function(msg) { 
    console.log('Sent a message...'); 

instance.on('Info', function(msg) { 
    console.log("Received info"); 

(function() { 
    // Start it up (Hello exchanges happen) 

    // Receive acknowledgement of hello 
    instance.once('Info', function() { 
    // Try echoing something 


如果我應該做的東西更清楚,請讓我知道(這真的晚了,我承擔我的寫作能力正在潛水)。我會很感激任何答案/建議/ thisisabadidea類型的評論。



是Java的一部分費時?如果其餘API已投入商用,則必須考慮網關超時。 –


@PhagunBaya是的,我可能會很費時間。如果這將是一個問題,你會有什麼建議? – Breeds


我建議跟蹤某些內存中緩存的進程。除此之外,您還需要用Track ID發回對此API的響應,並且客戶端將輪詢一些API以獲取該進程的狀態。或者,您可以使用socket.io使用套接字連接將最終響應發送回客戶端。 –



var Util = require('util'); 
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; 
var ChildProc = require('child_process'); 

var JavaClient = function() { 
    var _self = this; 
    // The child process object we get when we spawn the java process 
    var _javaSpawn = null; 
    // buffer for receiving messages in part and piecing them together later 
    var _receiveBuffer = null; 
    // The location of java and the - we're making these public because maybe 
    // we want to change them in the user of this module. 
    _self.javaPath = 'java'; 
    _self.jarPath = 'C:/Dev/Backend_Java.jar'; 
    _self.verbose = true; 
    // list of events emitted - for informational purposes 
    _self.events = [ 
     'spawn', 'message', 'exception', 'unknown', 'sent', 'java_error', 

     // Response messages that then become events themselves 
     'Error', 'Hello', 'Info' 
    * Attach our own event handler to reply to the hello message. 
    * This is just a convenience part of the protocol so that clients don't have to do it. 
    * Also connects if connection data was supplied. 
    _self.on('Hello', function() { 
    * Executes the java process to begin sending and receiving communication 
    _self.run = function() { 
     // Invoke the process 
     _javaSpawn = ChildProc.spawn(_self.javaPath, ['-jar', _self.jarPath]); 
     // Wire up events 
     _javaSpawn.stdout.on('data', onData); 
     _javaSpawn.stderr.on('data', onJavaError); 
     _javaSpawn.on('exit', function (code) { 
      console.log("The java program exited with code " + code + ".");    
     // Emit our own event to indicate to others that we have spawned 
     _self.emit('spawn', _javaSpawn); 
    // sends the hello request message 
    _self.sendHello = function() { 
       messageName : 'Hello', 
       version  : '1.1' 
    // sends a message that will be echoed back as an Info message 
    _self.sendEcho = function (message) { 
       messageName : "Echo", 
       message  : message 
    // sends a message telling the java app to exit 
    _self.sendGoodbye = function() { 
       "messageName" : "Goodbye" 
    * Sends a message object as a JSON encoded string to the java application for processing. 
    function sendMessage(aMsg) 
     // convert to json and prepare buffer 
     var aJsonString = JSON.stringify(aMsg); 
     var lByteLength = Buffer.byteLength(aJsonString); 
     var lMsgBuffer = new Buffer(4 + lByteLength); 
     // Write 4-byte length, followed by json, to buffer 
     lMsgBuffer.writeUInt32BE(lByteLength, 0); 
     lMsgBuffer.write(aJsonString, 4, aJsonString.length, 'utf8'); 
     // send buffer to standard input on the java application 
     _self.emit('sent', aMsg); 
    * Receive data over standard input 
    function onData(data) 
     // Attach or extend receive buffer 
     _receiveBuffer = (null == _receiveBuffer) ? data : Buffer.concat([_receiveBuffer, data]); 
     // Pop all messages until the buffer is exhausted 
     while (null != _receiveBuffer && _receiveBuffer.length > 3) 
      var size = _receiveBuffer.readInt32BE(0); 
      // Early exit processing if we don't have enough data yet 
      if ((size + 4) > _receiveBuffer.length) 
      // Pull out the message 
      var json = _receiveBuffer.toString('utf8', 4, (size + 4)); 
      // Resize the receive buffer 
      _receiveBuffer = ((size + 4) == _receiveBuffer.length) ? null : _receiveBuffer.slice((size + 4)); 
      // Parse the message as a JSON object 
       var msgObj = JSON.parse(json); 
       // emit the generic message received event 
       _self.emit('message', msgObj); 
       // emit an object-type specific event 
       if ((typeof msgObj.messageName) == 'undefined') 
        _self.emit('unknown', msgObj); 
        _self.emit(msgObj.messageName, msgObj); 
      catch (ex) 
       _self.emit('exception', ex); 
    * Receive error output from the java process 
    function onJavaError(data) 
     _self.emit('java_error', data.toString()); 

// Make our JavaClient class an EventEmitter 
Util.inherits(JavaClient, EventEmitter); 

// export our class 
module.exports = JavaClient;


var client = require('./JavaClient'); 

var instance = new client(); 

instance.on('message', function(msg) { 
    console.log('Received a message...'); 

instance.on('sent', function(msg) { 
    console.log('Sent a message...'); 

instance.on('Info', function(msg) { 
    console.log("Received info"); 

(function() { 
    // Start it up (Hello exchanges happen) 

    // Receive acknowledgement of hello 
    instance.once('Info', function() { 
    // Try echoing something 



代碼只是答案不鼓勵,因爲他們不提供太多的信息爲未來的讀者,請提供一些解釋,你寫什麼 – WhatsThePoint