2013-02-19 72 views


public void query8times(){ 

    for(int i=0; i<15; i++){ 
     ProspectoRadarQueryBuilder prqb = new ProspectoRadarQueryBuilder("jardeu"); 
     List<Object[]> prospectosNotas = (List<Object[]>) genericFilterDao.executeSQL(prqb.buildQuery()); 
     System.out.println("------------------------------------- "+i); 


Hibernate: SELECT * FROM ( select   p.id,   comparestrings('jardeu', pc.valor) as nota from   com_prospecto p   inner join com_prospecto_campo pc ON (p.id = pc.id_prospecto)   inner join com_campo c ON (pc.id_campo = c.id AND c.flag_nome = true) ) as subQuery where   nota is not null   AND   nota > 0.35 order by   nota desc; 
------------------------------------- 0 
Hibernate: SELECT * FROM ( select   p.id,   comparestrings('jardeu', pc.valor) as nota from   com_prospecto p   inner join com_prospecto_campo pc ON (p.id = pc.id_prospecto)   inner join com_campo c ON (pc.id_campo = c.id AND c.flag_nome = true) ) as subQuery where   nota is not null   AND   nota > 0.35 order by   nota desc; 
------------------------------------- 1 
Hibernate: SELECT * FROM ( select   p.id,   comparestrings('jardeu', pc.valor) as nota from   com_prospecto p   inner join com_prospecto_campo pc ON (p.id = pc.id_prospecto)   inner join com_campo c ON (pc.id_campo = c.id AND c.flag_nome = true) ) as subQuery where   nota is not null   AND   nota > 0.35 order by   nota desc; 
------------------------------------- 2 
Hibernate: SELECT * FROM ( select   p.id,   comparestrings('jardeu', pc.valor) as nota from   com_prospecto p   inner join com_prospecto_campo pc ON (p.id = pc.id_prospecto)   inner join com_campo c ON (pc.id_campo = c.id AND c.flag_nome = true) ) as subQuery where   nota is not null   AND   nota > 0.35 order by   nota desc; 
------------------------------------- 3 
Hibernate: SELECT * FROM ( select   p.id,   comparestrings('jardeu', pc.valor) as nota from   com_prospecto p   inner join com_prospecto_campo pc ON (p.id = pc.id_prospecto)   inner join com_campo c ON (pc.id_campo = c.id AND c.flag_nome = true) ) as subQuery where   nota is not null   AND   nota > 0.35 order by   nota desc; 
------------------------------------- 4 
Hibernate: SELECT * FROM ( select   p.id,   comparestrings('jardeu', pc.valor) as nota from   com_prospecto p   inner join com_prospecto_campo pc ON (p.id = pc.id_prospecto)   inner join com_campo c ON (pc.id_campo = c.id AND c.flag_nome = true) ) as subQuery where   nota is not null   AND   nota > 0.35 order by   nota desc; 
------------------------------------- 5 
Hibernate: SELECT * FROM ( select   p.id,   comparestrings('jardeu', pc.valor) as nota from   com_prospecto p   inner join com_prospecto_campo pc ON (p.id = pc.id_prospecto)   inner join com_campo c ON (pc.id_campo = c.id AND c.flag_nome = true) ) as subQuery where   nota is not null   AND   nota > 0.35 order by   nota desc; 
------------------------------------- 6 
Hibernate: SELECT * FROM ( select   p.id,   comparestrings('jardeu', pc.valor) as nota from   com_prospecto p   inner join com_prospecto_campo pc ON (p.id = pc.id_prospecto)   inner join com_campo c ON (pc.id_campo = c.id AND c.flag_nome = true) ) as subQuery where   nota is not null   AND   nota > 0.35 order by   nota desc; 
------------------------------------- 7 


public List<?> executeSQL(String sql) { 
    EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager(); 

    Session hibernateSession = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class); 
    Query q = hibernateSession.createSQLQuery(sql); 

    return q.list(); 


public void anotherQuery(){ 

    for(int i=0; i<15; i++){ 
     List<Object[]> prospectosNotas = (List<Object[]>) genericFilterDao.executeSQL("select * from com_campo"); 
     System.out.println("------------------------------------- "+i); 


Hibernate: select * from com_campo 
------------------------------------- 0 
Hibernate: select * from com_campo 
------------------------------------- 1 
Hibernate: select * from com_campo 
------------------------------------- 2 
Hibernate: select * from com_campo 
------------------------------------- 3 
Hibernate: select * from com_campo 
------------------------------------- 4 
Hibernate: select * from com_campo 
------------------------------------- 5 
Hibernate: select * from com_campo 
------------------------------------- 6 
Hibernate: select * from com_campo 
------------------------------------- 7 



你是如何運行你的測試?我不能相信你原來的查詢被命名爲query8times是巧合。讓我相信你可能有一個測試類緩存在某個地方。 – Perception 2013-02-19 13:09:31


爲了確保,使它打印「Testing」+ n +「times」並在for循環中使用* n *。 – 2013-02-19 13:10:50


我懷疑你正在使用一個在更改'query8times'方法之前編譯的類文件。 – 2013-02-19 13:32:15




EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager(); 



是的,我只創建了一個entityManager,就像adarshr說的那樣。但那不是問題。 我忘了提交事務,關閉實體管理器...


public List<?> executeSQL(String sql) { 
    EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager(); 

    Session hibernateSession = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class); 
    Query q = hibernateSession.createSQLQuery(sql); 

    List<?> list = q.list(); 


    return list; 

您應該將其作爲評論或編輯原始問題發佈,因爲這不是答案。 – 2013-02-19 13:54:58