2015-06-20 108 views


var x = view.center.x 
    for var i = x; i > 17; i-- 
     var origin: CGPoint = self.view.center 
     var move = CABasicAnimation(keyPath:"position.x") 
     move.speed = 0.13 
     move.fromValue = NSValue(nonretainedObject: view.center.x) 
     move.toValue = NSValue(nonretainedObject: i) 
     view.layer.addAnimation(move, forKey: "position") 
     view.center.x = i 



你只是修改x軸,也是我沒有看到你在哪裏刷卡確定的方向,你剛纔似乎是從X迭代到17,並朝着那個方向只,而不是相反的方向。此外,你是否可以不移動5格,並使速度5 * 0.13朝你需要移動的方向移動?可能不需要在那裏循環。關於您對動畫繼續執行的評論,您可以從視圖的CALayer中刪除動畫,然後以不同的方向執行新動畫。 – cjnevin


感謝您的回覆,就像我說我只發佈其中一個方向(向左滑動)我只修改x軸,因爲我滑動到左側大小,所以y不應該被修改,我完成循環只是爲了節省視圖的x位置,但我看到它沒有幫助,我怎樣才能保存沒有循環的x位置?謝謝。 – Basil


您可以使用CGRectIntersection確定您當前最接近哪個方格,然後根據旅行方向選擇您正在旅行的方向。然後,在排隊滑動的新方向之前,允許完成此動畫(或替換動畫)。而且,Pacman在他的運動中是遞歸的,他應該總是朝着旅行的方向前進,這只是一個響應手勢而改變方向的問題。你夜晚以錯誤的方式接近這一點。 – cjnevin





class GameScene: SKScene { 
    enum Direction { 
     case Left 
     case Right 
     case Up 
     case Down 
    lazy var openDirectionPaths = [Direction: UIBezierPath]() 
    lazy var closedDirectionPaths = [Direction: UIBezierPath]() 
    lazy var wasClosedPath = false 
    lazy var needsToUpdateDirection = false 
    lazy var direction = Direction.Right 
    lazy var lastChange: NSTimeInterval = NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970 

    var touchBeganPoint: CGPoint? 
    let pacmanSprite = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: 15) 

    override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) { 
     let radius: CGFloat = 15, diameter: CGFloat = 30, center = CGPoint(x:radius, y:radius) 
     func createPaths(startDegrees: CGFloat, endDegrees: CGFloat, inout dictionary dic: [Direction: UIBezierPath]) { 
      var path = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: center, radius: radius, startAngle: startDegrees.toRadians(), endAngle: endDegrees.toRadians(), clockwise: true) 
      dic[.Right] = path 
      for d: Direction in [.Up, .Left, .Down] { 
       path = path.pathByRotating(90) 
       dic[d] = path 
     createPaths(35, 315, dictionary: &openDirectionPaths) 
     createPaths(1, 359, dictionary: &closedDirectionPaths) 
     pacmanSprite.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame)) 
     pacmanSprite.fillColor = UIColor.yellowColor() 
     pacmanSprite.lineWidth = 2 
     if let path = openDirectionPaths[.Right] { 
      pacmanSprite.path = path.CGPath 
     pacmanSprite.strokeColor = UIColor.blackColor() 

     // Blocks to stop 'Pacman' changing direction outside of a defined path? 
     //375/25 = 15 width 
     //666/37 = 18 height 

    override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<NSObject>, withEvent event: UIEvent) { 
     touchBeganPoint = positionOfTouch(inTouches: touches) 

    override func touchesEnded(touches: Set<NSObject>, withEvent event: UIEvent) { 
     if let touchStartPoint = touchBeganPoint, 
      touchEndPoint = positionOfTouch(inTouches: touches) { 
       if touchStartPoint == touchEndPoint { 
       let degrees = atan2(touchStartPoint.x - touchEndPoint.x, 
        touchStartPoint.y - touchEndPoint.y).toDegrees() 
       var oldDirection = direction 
       switch Int(degrees) { 
       case -135...(-45): direction = .Right 
       case -45...45:  direction = .Down 
       case 45...135:  direction = .Left 
       default:   direction = .Up 
       if (oldDirection != direction) { 
        needsToUpdateDirection = true 

    override func touchesCancelled(touches: Set<NSObject>!, withEvent event: UIEvent!) { 
     touchBeganPoint = nil 

    override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) { 
     /* Called before each frame is rendered */ 
     if let nodes = self.children as? [SKShapeNode] { 
      for node in nodes { 
       let p = node.position 
       let s = node.frame.size 
       //let s = node.size 
       if p.x - s.width > self.size.width { 
        node.position.x = -s.width 
       if p.y - s.height > self.size.height { 
        node.position.y = -s.height 
       if p.x < -s.width { 
        node.position.x = self.size.width + (s.width/2) 
       if p.y < -s.height { 
        node.position.y = self.size.height + (s.height/2) 
       if needsToUpdateDirection || NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970 - lastChange > 0.25 { 
        if let path = wasClosedPath ? openDirectionPaths[direction]?.CGPath : closedDirectionPaths[direction]?.CGPath { 
         node.path = path 
        wasClosedPath = !wasClosedPath 
        lastChange = NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970 

    // MARK:- Helpers 

    func positionOfTouch(inTouches touches: Set<NSObject>) -> CGPoint? { 
     for touch in (touches as! Set<UITouch>) { 
      let location = touch.locationInNode(self) 
      return location 
     return nil 

    func updateDirection() { 
     if !needsToUpdateDirection { 
     func actionForDirection() -> SKAction { 
      let Delta: CGFloat = 25 
      switch (direction) { 
      case .Up: 
       return SKAction.moveByX(0.0, y: Delta, duration: 0.1) 
      case .Down: 
       return SKAction.moveByX(0.0, y: -Delta, duration: 0.1) 
      case .Right: 
       return SKAction.moveByX(Delta, y: 0.0, duration: 0.1) 
       return SKAction.moveByX(-Delta, y: 0.0, duration: 0.1) 
     let action = SKAction.repeatActionForever(actionForDirection()) 
     pacmanSprite.runAction(action, withKey: "Move") 
     needsToUpdateDirection = false 

存儲庫可以是found here
