2012-10-07 39 views



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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 
<title>Tool Tips</title> 
<link href="css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> 
<script src="js.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 

<h1>Tool Tips 
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 

<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randy_Rhoads" class="tip">Randy Rhoads 
<span> Randy Rhoads blah blah blah</span></a> 
ut augue risus. 
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ty_Tabor" class="tip">Ty Tabor 
<span> Ty Tabor blah blah blah</span></a> 
cras pharetra. 
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Timmons" class="tip">Andy Timmons 
<span> Andy Timmons blah blah blah</span></a> proin mattis, s auctor. 
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Bonamassa" class="tip">Joe Bonamassa 
<span> Joe Bonamassa blah blah blah</span></a> Duis ac est quam.</p> 


/* styles the anchors that have tooltips*/ 
.tip { 
    font-weight: bold; 
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #333; 
    cursor: help; 
    position: relative; 
    color: #600; 

/* hides all tooltips by default on page load */ 
.tip span { 
    display: none; 
/* none of these matter now because the tooltips are hidden */ 
/* when JS unhides the tooltips, these will already be in place */ 
    position: absolute; 
    top: 1.5em; 
    left: 0; 
    background: #fff; 
    border: 1px solid #333; 
    width: 100px; 
    padding: 5px; 
    color: #333; 

/* applied by JS to show tips */ 
.tip span.showTip { 
    display: block; 

/* applied by JS to hide tips */ 
.tip span.hideTip { 
    display: none; 


// *** Use JavaScript best practices *** 
// *** This means that the HTML and the CSS are not to be edited at all *** 
// *** No <script> tags are to be added to the HTML *** 
// *** No inline JavaScript is to be added to the HTML *** 
// *** The CSS is to be left alone, no changes are allowed *** 

// Step 1: Create the ONLOAD event so that the function prepareTips() runs once the page has finished loading 
window.onload = prepareTips; 

// Step 2: Declare the prepareTips() function 
function prepareTips() { 

    // Step 3: Scan the document looking for all anchor tags 
    var arrAnchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); 

    // Step 4: Handle browsers that DON'T SUPPORT EITHER CSS OR JAVASCRIPT. 
    // *** If this is the case, the tooltips are hidden and the links open to the Wikipedia pages *** 
    if(!document.getElementsByTagName) return false; 

    //*** If the browser supports both CSS and JavaScript, the prepareTips() function does the following: *** 

    // Step 5: Loop thru all the anchor tags and assigning the events to be handled for all of the links/tooltips 
    for (var i=0; i<arrAnchors.length; i++) { 

     // Step 6: Bind the showTip() function to the <span> tags' MOUSEOVER event 
     arrAnchors.onmouseover = showTip; 

     // Step 7: Bind the hideTip() function to the <span> tags' MOUSEOUT event 
     arrAnchors.onmouseout = hideTip; 

     // Step 8: Bind the showTip() function to the onclick event 
     arrAnchors.onclick = showTip; 

// *** NOTE: Tooltip triggers are anchor tags and contain the class "tip" *** 
// *** NOTE: The .tip class is applied without the use of JavaScript *** 
// *** NOTE: The .tip span class formats the tooltip spans but hides them by default. This is applied without JavaScript *** 

// Step 9: Create a separate function called showtip() 
function showTip() { 

    // Step 10: When an onclick event for a link happens, cancel the default behavior of the link. 
    // *** The browser does not go to the URL value contained in the HREF *** 
    // *** So the links do nothing when clicked (i.e. return false) instead of going to the Wikipedia page of the guitar player *** 
     var arrLinks = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); 

      for (var i=0; i<arrLinks.length; i++) { 
      arrLinks[i].onlick = function() { 
      return false; 

    // Step 11: The showtip() function changes the anchor class to ".tip span.showTip" located in the CSS file 
    // *** The .tip span.showTip class in the CSS file simply overrides the display property, showing the tooltip span as a block element *** 
    // *** This is to be applied using JavaScript (no other properties of the .tip span.showTip will be changed) *** 
      arrLinks[i].className === 'showTip'; 

    // Step 12: Show the associated tooltip when an onmouseover event for a link occurs 
    // *** The tooltip that is displayed is the text between the <span>Tooltip text here</span> tags *** 
    // *** For example: The tooltip to be displayed when the mouse is hovered over the Randy Rhoads link is: "Randy Rhoads blah blah blah" *** 
    // *** The <span> is a child of the anchor (<a>) tags *** 
    // *** This means they can be accessed in CSS with a descendant selector .tip span *** 
      var tooltip = arrLinks[i].setAttribute('title', arrLinks[i].childName['span'].nodeValue); 

// Step 13: Create a separate function called hideTip() 
function hideTip() { 

    // Step 14: The showtip() function changes the anchor class to ".tip span.hideTip" located in the CSS file 
    // *** The .tip span.hideTip class in the CSS file sets the display property back to none, hiding the tooltip *** 
     var hideTips = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); 

    // Step 15: Hide the associated tooltip when the mouseout event for the links occurs. 
    // *** The <span> is a child of the anchor (<a>) tags *** 
    // *** This means they can be accessed in CSS with a descendant selector .tip span *** 
     hideTips[i].className === 'hideTip'; 

這是一個真正的JavaScript代碼?星號'*'使語法無效。另外,'==='是比較運算符,而不是賦值運算符。更重要的是,在運行代碼時發佈錯誤消息(查看瀏覽器JavaScript錯誤控制檯)。 – Zeta


對不起,當我使用文本編輯器將粗體應用於文本時,添加了額外的星星。我得到的唯一錯誤信息是:「TypeError:函數prepareTips並不總是返回值」我認爲這裏有很多錯誤的代碼,但我不知道如何去解決這些錯誤。 – HoppedUpDesigns


我不明白有人想重新發明輪子。當你在谷歌JavaScript的工具提示解決方案,你會發現你想要的。另外,嘗試使用jQuery,它會讓你的生活更輕鬆,並有足夠的插件可用。 – Codebeat



快速一瞥,就足以表明你的問題是,你return false時瀏覽器不能使用JS/CSS,但你不需要return true時它確實。這會導致你遇到的問題。我猜你應該做些什麼(而不僅僅是return false),當它無法處理JS/CSS,但你試圖返回作爲佔位符。

注意:如果瀏覽器不支持JS ...它應該如何執行JS來確定它是否支持它?


非常好的觀點:)我所知道的是,在課堂上,我的老師說如果(!document.getElementByID)或類似的東西,並返回false。這是我知道的唯一方法 – HoppedUpDesigns


@HoppedUpDesigns你的老師很有可能是一個無知的新手,只能做同樣業餘作者寫的書中所陳述的內容。你只需要做我在大學所做的事情:按照他們在課堂上展示給你的方式來做,然後在自己的項目上工作時以正確的方式做。 – Rhyono


我假設你正在討論從span文本中的工具提示帶來的文本,你沒有得到文本跨度顯示在錨標記的工具提示。 你沒有在標題欄中獲得跨文本,你甚至沒有在你的onload函數中正確提及函數。在下面的代碼中,你會更好地瞭解你的小錯誤和更正。評論你的js代碼並把這個js代碼。

// *** Use JavaScript best practices *** 
// *** This means that the HTML and the CSS are not to be edited at all *** 
// *** No <script> tags are to be added to the HTML *** 
// *** No inline JavaScript is to be added to the HTML *** 
// *** The CSS is to be left alone, no changes are allowed *** 

// Step 1: Create the ONLOAD event so that the function prepareTips() runs once the page has finished loading 
window.onload = prepareTips; 

// Step 2: Declare the prepareTips() function 
function prepareTips() { 

    // Step 3: Scan the document looking for all anchor tags 
    var arrAnchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); 

    // Step 4: Handle browsers that DON'T SUPPORT EITHER CSS OR JAVASCRIPT. 
    // *** If this is the case, the tooltips are hidden and the links open to the Wikipedia pages *** 
    if(!document.getElementsByTagName) return false; 

    //*** If the browser supports both CSS and JavaScript, the prepareTips() function does the following: *** 

    // Step 5: Loop thru all the anchor tags and assigning the events to be handled for all of the links/tooltips 
    for (var i=0; i<arrAnchors.length; i++) { 

     // Step 6: Bind the showTip() function to the <span> tags' MOUSEOVER event 
     arrAnchors.onmouseover = showTip(); 

     // Step 7: Bind the hideTip() function to the <span> tags' MOUSEOUT event 
     arrAnchors.onmouseout = hideTip(); 

     // Step 8: Bind the showTip() function to the onclick event 
     arrAnchors.onclick = showTip(); 

// *** NOTE: Tooltip triggers are anchor tags and contain the class "tip" *** 
// *** NOTE: The .tip class is applied without the use of JavaScript *** 
// *** NOTE: The .tip span class formats the tooltip spans but hides them by default. This is applied without JavaScript *** 

// Step 9: Create a separate function called showtip() 
function showTip() { 

    // Step 10: When an onclick event for a link happens, cancel the default behavior of the link. 
    // *** The browser does not go to the URL value contained in the HREF *** 
    // *** So the links do nothing when clicked (i.e. return false) instead of going to the Wikipedia page of the guitar player *** 
     var arrLinks = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); 

      for (var i=0; i<arrLinks.length; i++) { 
      arrLinks[i].onlick = function() { 
      return false; 

    // Step 11: The showtip() function changes the anchor class to ".tip span.showTip" located in the CSS file 
    // *** The .tip span.showTip class in the CSS file simply overrides the display property, showing the tooltip span as a block element *** 
    // *** This is to be applied using JavaScript (no other properties of the .tip span.showTip will be changed) *** 
      arrLinks[i].className === 'showTip'; 

    // Step 12: Show the associated tooltip when an onmouseover event for a link occurs 
    // *** The tooltip that is displayed is the text between the <span>Tooltip text here</span> tags *** 
    // *** For example: The tooltip to be displayed when the mouse is hovered over the Randy Rhoads link is: "Randy Rhoads blah blah blah" *** 
    // *** The <span> is a child of the anchor (<a>) tags *** 
    // *** This means they can be accessed in CSS with a descendant selector .tip span *** 
      arrLinks[i].setAttribute('title', arrLinks[i].childNodes[1].innerHTML); 

// Step 13: Create a separate function called hideTip() 
function hideTip() { 

    // Step 14: The showtip() function changes the anchor class to ".tip span.hideTip" located in the CSS file 
    // *** The .tip span.hideTip class in the CSS file sets the display property back to none, hiding the tooltip *** 
     var hideTips = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); 

    // Step 15: Hide the associated tooltip when the mouseout event for the links occurs. 
    // *** The <span> is a child of the anchor (<a>) tags *** 
    // *** This means they can be accessed in CSS with a descendant selector .tip span *** 
     hideTips[i].className === 'hideTip'; 


<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randy_Rhoads" title="go to randy rhoad wikipedia page">Randy Rhoads 
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ty_Tabor" title="go to Tv Tabor wikipedia page">Ty Tabor 
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Timmons" title="go to Andy Timmons wikipedia page">Andy Timmons 
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Bonamassa" title="go to Joe Bonamassa wikipedia page">Joe Bonamassa 

我無法更改HTML或CSS(請參閱Javascript代碼頂部的註釋)。一切都必須在一個外部的Javascript文件中完成。 – HoppedUpDesigns