2012-04-09 117 views

我有一些形狀數據(熔合表和/或數據庫列中的一系列kml文件),我想將它與另一個包含緯度經度的表合併點。基本上我想要一些方法來確定一個給定的經緯度點是否包含在kml形狀的內部,如果是這樣,保存對該行的參考。 我雖然也許有一種方法可以在融合表內做到這一點,但如果沒有,也許有一種方法可以循環每個kml並測試是否包含經緯度點。我理解這並不是非常有效。 任何幫助,算法,服務等都會​​很棒。如何確定一個點是否位於kml或shape內



Fusion Tables SQL API具有ST_INTERSECTS運算符,但只能找到CIRCLE或RECTANGLE中的點。 GMap V3有一個幾何庫,它有一個poly.containsLocation()方法,我認爲它可以用於任意多邊形。參見:GoogleMap geometry/poly library



豔光四射,這是一個很好的開始 – user379468 2012-04-13 14:56:54







// replace with your fusion table's id (from File > About this table) 
var TABLE_ID = 'xxxxxxxxxx'; 

// first row that has data, as opposed to header information 
var FIRST_DATA_ROW = 2; 
var LAT_COLUMN = 1; 
var LNG_COLUMN = 2; 
var SA2_COLUMN = 6; 
var SA3_COLUMN = 7; 

* Uses a lat and lng data in google sheets to check if an address is within a kml polygon 
* in a list of KML polygons in fusion (in this case ABS/ASGC SA2 and SA3 regions, but could be any polygon) 
* the function then stores the ID/name of the relevant polygon in google sheets 
* I could check this data in realtime as I render maps, but as it doesn't changed, figure its better to just record 
* which polygon each address pertains to so its quicker and easier to search (in particular it mades it easier to write a query 
* which identifies all the address within multiple polygons) 
* in this case I had 3000 rows so it exceeded maximum execution times, so I just updated the first data row a couple of times 
* when the execution time exceeded. 
function updateSA2ID() { 
    var tasks = FusionTables.Task.list(TABLE_ID); 
    var sqlResponse = ''; 
    // Only run if there are no outstanding deletions or schema changes. 
    if (tasks.totalItems === 0) { 
    var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); 
    var latLngData = sheet.getRange(FIRST_DATA_ROW, FIRST_DATA_COLUMN, sheet.getLastRow(), sheet.getLastColumn()); 
     i = 1; 
    // Loop through the current current sheet 
    for (i = 1; i <= latLngData.getNumRows(); i++) {  
     // cross reference to Fusion table 
     lat = latLngData.getCell(i,LAT_COLUMN).getValue(); 
     lng = latLngData.getCell(i,LNG_COLUMN).getValue(); 
     sqlString = "SELECT 'SA2 Code', 'SA3 Code' FROM " + TABLE_ID + " WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(geometry, CIRCLE(LATLNG(" + lat + ", " + lng + "),1)) ";  
     //Browser.msgBox('Lat ' + lat + ' Lng ' + lng + '; ' + sqlString, Browser.Buttons.OK); 
     sqlResponse = FusionTables.Query.sql(sqlString); 
     //Browser.msgBox('SQL Response ' + sqlResponse, Browser.Buttons.OK); 

     latLngData.getCell(i,SA2_COLUMN).setValue(sqlResponse.rows[0][0]); // set SA2 
     latLngData.getCell(i,SA3_COLUMN).setValue(sqlResponse.rows[0][1]); // set SA3  

    else { 
    Logger.log('Skipping row replacement because of ' + tasks.totalItems + ' active background task(s)'); 
